Why would a'sophisticated'foreign hacker bother with the very unsophisticated Australian politics?

It’s a digitalised brain-twister.

Why would a halfway"sophisticated state actor"use its best cyber minds to hack into the computers of the Liberal Party,the Nationals and the Australian Labor Party?

Does anyone,even those for whom Mandarin may be a first language,really need to crack the emails of Australia’s current leading politicians to figure out what’s occupying their thoughts?

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and Prime Minister Scott Morrison.Alex Ellinghausen

In the interests of international goodwill,may we offer the electronic sticky-noses a shorthand guide to the dominant topic consuming most of the members of each of Australia’s major parties. You need only substitute the name of the leader to suit the party:

The separate responses to these shared moments of burning anxiety are,however,somewhat different among the parties,though there is little call for particularly deep analysis:

There is,we concede,some level of refinement within the latest high-tech attack from the inscrutable north.

Whoever is behind it proved sophisticated enough at least to figure there was no point in hacking Pauline Hanson’s One Nation.

Very sensible. What is left of that party’s soiled linen,its unspeakable desires,a bloody hand-print on the leader’s door at midnight...all of it’s been on show to the world.

Besides,there is likely little in the way of One Nation to actually hack since Hanson’s pugilistic chief of staff,James Ashby,former texting champion,was expelled from the Parliament last week.

The cyber warriors also left aside Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party,undoubtedly because his eruption of paid advertisements warned them long ago they wouldn’t understand a word of his outpourings.

The Greens got left out,too. Perhaps the hackers felt the emails of a party with 10 separate factions,each with one member,would be altogether too complicated to analyse with any degree of accuracy.

Far easier to grab the raw data from the three traditional parties and interpret it,in quest,perhaps,of proof of the Confucian aphorism:"real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance".

Tony Wright is the associate editor and special writer for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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