Hard facts v soft skills:a new front in the education wars

A new front in the education wars is set to break out over whether schools should focus on skills such as problem solving over teaching facts and figures as the state government begins the biggest overhaul of the curriculum in a generation.

Advocates of so-called soft skills such as critical thinking argue they are more relevant in an age when facts can be easily found on the internet,but opponents say hard knowledge is an essential foundation of higher-order thinking.

The NSW curriculum review will look at how to prepare students for the workforce of the future.

The NSW curriculum review will look at how to prepare students for the workforce of the future.Jason South

A move towards soft skills in classrooms would have major implications for the Higher School Certificate and NAPLAN,as they assess facts,not general skills.

The NSW government will today release terms of reference for the first overhaul of the NSW curriculum in 30 years,which will be headed by Professor Geoff Masters,chief executive of the Australian Council for Educational Research.

Everything is on the table in a review that will look at the purpose of schooling in the 21st century;the knowledge,skills and attributes students should develop at school;how the curriculum could better support learning;and what else needs to change.

It will investigate whether the curriculum is too crowded,whether children should be grouped by age or by stage,and canvas new pathways to further education and work. It will also look at how all this might affect the HSC and NAPLAN.

Submissions will be accepted until November,and Professor Masters will hold public meetings across Sydney and the rest of the state. The final report will be handed down at the end of 2019.

NSW Education Minister Rob Stokes.

NSW Education Minister Rob Stokes.Simone Cottrell

“Education today is a lifelong pursuit,"said NSW Education Minister Rob Stokes."That is why it is essential that we search out the best ways to educate,inform and inspire the young minds who are the future of our state."

The review will look at similar overhauls overseas,where debate over soft skills versus hard knowledge is raging as education systems grapple with how much emphasis to give so-called general capabilities,and how to define,teach and assess them.

There are opposing views. The recent Gonski 2.0 report found students graduating into the 21st century job market would need skills"not easily replicated by machines",such as social skills,and critical and creative thinking.

But chief scientist Alan Finkel says students must still learn concepts,facts and principles.

Too often a conversation about preparing children for the workforce was misinterpreted as"we need to teach generic skills like collaboration,instead of content knowledge like chemistry",he said in a recent speech.

Professor Masters said the review would look at evidence about what the balance should be.

"People can access[facts and figures] on devices,"he said."Do we need to place more attention on the understanding of principles and big ideas in science and the ability to apply what they are learning,rather than knowing what the facts are?"

A move towards soft skills would impact assessments such as the HSC,Professor Masters said.

Chris Presland from the NSW Secondary Principals’ Council wants more focus on soft skills and less on content."We would like to see a more flexible curriculum,one that has more explicit focus on things like how to assess and teach capabilities,"he said.

He admits the debate may get heated."There are people that want to polarise the whole dispute. We would hope that the review is going to operate at a higher level than that."

Jennifer Buckingham,a schools policy expert at the Centre for Independent Studies,warned against focusing too much on skills at the expense of content."The whole purpose of schooling is not to learn how to learn,"she said.

"Cognitive science has shown that in order to learn you need to know things,it's not sufficient to say you can Google it. In order to think critically and be creative,and have those sorts of general capabilities,you need content."

Opposition education spokesman Jihad Dib said he had not yet seen the terms of reference but Labor would honour the review if it won government in March.

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Jordan Baker is Chief Reporter of The Sydney Morning Herald. She was previously Education Editor.

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