Keep black cash out of Australia's casinos

Because casinos are a potential way for criminals to launder cash,Australia’s state and federal governments are supposed to regulate them tightly. Employees that handle money or chips must have a special licence,casinos must report international funds transfers to financial crime watchdog AUSTRAC and owners must undergo probity checks before they are allowed to operate.

Yet revelations in an investigation by theHerald,The Ageand60 Minutesraise serious questions about how those rules are being enforced in relation to Crown Resorts,the operator of casinos in Melbourne,Perth,and soon,Sydney.

Junket representative Roy Moo reveals laundering money through Crown Casino was “easier than using a bank".

The revelations are based on court documents,internal company emails and interviews with company sources and show that some of the so-called “junket” operators Crown works with to lure Chinese high rollers to our shores have links to organised crime.

Crown’s marketing practices in mainland China first came under scrutiny in 2016 when 19 of its staff were arrested by Chinese police for breaking a law that bans the promotion of gambling in China.

Crown denies breaking the law and the company itself was not sanctioned (the staff were charged and sentenced) butone of those arrested has now told the Herald/Age that some Crown executives breached the rules. Moreover,our investigation has uncovered other examples of dubious risk taking by Crown’s marketing arm. These include doing deals with junkets which in turn are backed by organised crime.

Crown says it rigorously enforces anti-money laundering controls. Yet some of its arrangements appear to involve payments flowing between Crown,the junket operators and their clients which are then gambled on Crown’s tables. This could make it hard to trace who is paying for what and increase the risk of someone abusing the system.

This certainly appears to be the case with one junket operator who signed deals with Crown linked to a separate offshore criminal syndicate known as “The Company”. Elsewhere,Crown signed a deal with Tom Zhou,an Australian passport holder,who was on an Interpol “red notice” watch list and faces serious fraud charges in China.

Crown’s complicated relationships with junket operators operators clearly deserves greater scrutiny.

Trust in a company or industry rests on what governance experts describe as a “social licence to operate”. Without an informal social licence built on a foundation of ethical behaviour,corporations risk losing the community support needed to remain in business. To run a casino,of course,you also need an actual gaming licence from the relevant state commission.

In order for Crown to maintain both licences it must demonstrate the highest levels of accountability in dealing with the damaging revelations of the past few days.

At the same time our regulators must also demonstrate they are up to the job of holding these massive businesses to account.

The job is made difficult by the fact that state governments face an obvious conflict of interest regulating casinos because they themselves are partners in the profits. Victoria earned $220 million last year from Crown,and WA $70 million. NSW will earn at least $1 billion in the first 15 years once Crown’s Barangaroo project is up and running.

A well-run casino industry employees thousands of people,contributes to the economy and helps attract Chinese tourists in what is a very competitive global market. Tough action could drive some big-spending gamblers to casinos in other jurisdictions such as Macau and Singapore,crimping Crown’s profits and the state’s tax revenues.

But these considerations do not come before all else. Australia cannot develop a comparative advantage as a hub for money laundering,state governments have no business being in indirect partnerships with organised crime and our gaming companies must be above reproach. The “Crown Unmasked” investigation demonstrates we are falling short of these goals at present.

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