Piccoli accuses Catholics of bullying over school funding

The former NSW education minister and ex-Nationals MP,Adrian Piccoli,has accused the Catholic Church of"hoodwinking and bullying"federal politicians into giving its schools more money,and warned his old party the deal left country schools short-changed.

In a letter to NSW Nationals leader John Barilaro,Professor Piccoli urged his one-time colleagues to resist church pressure to sign off on the federal government's $4.6 billion private school funding deal.

The former NSW education minister Adrian Piccoli is urging his former colleagues not to be fooled by the Catholic Church.

The former NSW education minister Adrian Piccoli is urging his former colleagues not to be fooled by the Catholic Church.Louie Douvis

NSW Catholic Schools rejected Dr Piccoli's comments as"offensive and unjustified"and offered to debate him on the issue in the Nationals'party room.

"While the Catholic Church has managed to hoodwink and bully the Commonwealth Government into offering this new deal,I urge you not to succumb to the same tactics,"Dr Piccoli said in the letter,sent last week.

"The church is not as influential as its operators claim. Countless Catholic parishioners have lost faith in the church in the face of various scandals and as a result they don't listen to or trust the church to the same extent as in the past."

Dr Piccoli,who is now the director of the Gonski Institute for Education at the University of NSW,warned the church would give more money to rich city schools than needier schools in country electorates.

Catholic authorities were not required to justify how they distributed government funds within their own system,which runs schools in both disadvantaged and wealthy areas. Wealthy schools often received more to keep fees down,Dr Piccoli wrote.

For example,St Gregory's in Queanbeyan received $2000 less per student than Prouille Catholic Primary in Wahroonga,and Cathedral Catholic primary in Bathurst got $4000 less per student than St Michael's in wealthier Stanmore.

St Joseph's in Condobolin,where 30 per cent of students were Indigenous,received the same amount as St Fiacre's in Leichhardt,where 2 per cent were Indigenous.

"There are many other examples in regional centres like Tamworth,Griffith and Wagga Wagga,"said Dr Piccoli.

"The fact that for years the Catholic school system has been overfunding advantaged Catholic schools at the expense of disadvantaged students is yet another moral and financial scandal the church wants to avoid.

"It is a situation the NSW government cannot and should not ignore."

NSW Catholic Schools accused Mr Piccoli of failing to understand how school funding worked. In a statement,it said it had published its funding methodology on its website. It would be subject to a new federal memorandum of understanding for how it used the money in the new package.

Many city schools charged higher fees than country schools,it said. For example,Prouille charged higher fees than St Gregory's. Funding for schools was largely determined by teaching requirements,which were higher at smaller schools because of economies of scale.

Catholic anger over school funding was one of the factors that drove worried backbenchers to move against former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull. The $4.6 billion package was announced by his successor,Scott Morrison.

NSW Education Minister Rob Stokes has said he would not sign anything that didn't include extra money for public schools as well. In response,Catholic Schools NSW wrote to MPs directly,urging them to back the deal.

Jordan Baker is Chief Reporter of The Sydney Morning Herald. She was previously Education Editor.

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