Suspended Labor boss Kaila Murnain's payout to top $700,000

Labor MPs have been told that a settlement with suspended party boss Kaila Murnain could be finalised as soon as Wednesday,with her final payout likely to be about $700,000.

MPs in the Left caucus were told on Tuesday that a severance package for Ms Murnain could be agreed to"within 24 hours",which will then see her resign from NSW Labor's top job.

Kaila Murnain leaves the Independent Commission Against Corruption in August.

Kaila Murnain leaves the Independent Commission Against Corruption in August.Dean Lewins

The package will include Ms Murnain's leave entitlements,which sources close to the negotiations say will be about $250,000,as well as her legal costs which will be more than $460,000.

An MP in the Left caucus said they were briefed by assistant general secretary George Simon. Mr Simon would not comment on the negotiations or the costings of Ms Murnain's package.

The party agreed to pay Ms Murnain's legal bill after she was called as a witness to an Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) inquiry into an illegal political donation.

ICAC has been investigating allegations that former party secretary Jamie Clements received the illegal donation of $100,000 in cash in an Aldi bag. Mr Clements has denied the allegation.

Chinese billionaire Huang Xiangmo was named as the source of the donation but the businessman,who now lives in Hong Kong after he was denied an Australian visa,has said he was not behind it.

Ms Murnain was suspended from her role after telling ICAC that she knew about the $100,000 cash donation in a shopping bag,at which point the Labor party stopped funding her representation.

Lawyers for Ms Murnain and NSW Labor have been negotiating a settlement since her suspension in August,but her resignation has taken longer than the party would have hoped.

One Labor insider said the situation was untenable and it needed to be resolved quickly,despite the protracted negotiations.

"We cannot wait until ICAC hands down its report,that could be months away,"the insider said.

But while negotiations have been ongoing,the troubled party has been left in a leadership vacuum with Pat Garcia,who has been acting in the role,quitting to take another job.

Nominations for Mr Garcia's position of assistant general secretary close on Friday and Bob Nanva,the national secretary of the Rail,Tram and Bus Union,is likely to be the only candidate.

A meeting on Monday night of the Right faction of the party endorsed Mr Nanva for the position and if successful,he will then serve as acting secretary of the party while it undergoes a review.

Former Keating government attorney general Michael Lavarch will lead the review,which will focus heavily on the role of the general secretary.

The review will also look at the structure of the powerful administrative committee,which is made up of 48 members including party president Mark Lennon,the general secretary and other party office holders,senior union officials,as well as rank-and-file members.

Alexandra Smith is the State Political Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

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