The crisis Berejiklian wants to fix with insecure,inadequate funding

Columnist and academic

Has someone ever come up with a rule of thumb for the amount of publicity generated by a political announcement in comparison with what really happens?

I ask because in February this year,NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian signed anagreement to halve the rough sleeping population in this state by 2025 as part of the Institute of Global Homelessness initiative. The social housing minister at the time Pru Goward said it was a very ambitious target particularly since the government would not be investing any more money.

More than 116,000 Australians are homeless,but only 7 percent of those people are rough sleepers.

"It's not just about the money. It's your sense of purpose,it's your ambition,it's how you spend that money,"Goward said at the time."It can be done and it will be done with intent,with purpose and with that great ambition."

Now,just eight months later,the true extent of the gap ambition will need to fill has been exposed with a letter to homeless service providers in NSW sent late last Friday afternoon.

In it services were told there was no new three-year homeless funding model to be rolled out. Instead,the existing model would be extended for another 12 months with additional reporting requirements. The most infuriating requirement asks services to demonstrate a capacity to deal with Aboriginal people. Which is a bit rich when you consider that the NSW government slashed the funding of Aboriginal-controlled community services – there are about 10 left in all of NSW - leaving these services to pick up the slack. (Those Aboriginal-controlled services who still get funding are frightened to speak out in case what little funding they still get is removed. They’ve provided advice to government,but it is barely acknowledged,let alone acted on.)

Another in this list of thoughtless demands is the insistence on asking services to detail how they deal with rough sleepers. It reveals a lack of insight into the problem of homelessness in NSW.

Clearly,the state government believes rough sleepers are picturesque. There’s the poor old homeless man who never quite got the hang of asking for social assistance. There’s his loyal pooch,sleeping by his side. Those pictures tell a story (easy for the media to digest) which might be part of the reason the Premier wanted to move them allaway from Martin Place a couple of years back. (By the way,Premier,they are back and I’d be keen to get your members to walk through instead of escaping Parliament House by means of chauffeurs and special exits.)

The bulk of homelessness in NSW is not made up of rough sleepers. It’s made up of women and children escaping family violence who have nowhere else to go. It’s made up of young people for whom living at home is not an option. Rough sleepers make up about 7 per cent of our homeless population. The 2016 census revealed 2,588 rough sleepers in NSW. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reported in 2017-2018 that 26,000 women and children escaping family violence sought support from homelessness services in NSW.

Since theNSW government’s "reforms" in 2014,which introduced competitive tendering for service contracts into the sector for the first time,including to areas of coverage and service coordination,there has been an increase in demand on homelessness services by nearly 40 per cent. The 71,000 people getting support from those services included 20,000 Aboriginal people and more than 13,000 young people aged between 15 and 24. What does the homelessness sector get? Funding for 58,000 instead. Forty per cent of clients who ask for crisis or other accommodation don’t get that help. Does anyone really need pictures to understand this is a crisis?

Images of the homeless sleeping rough tell a story - but not the whole story about homelessness in NSW.

Images of the homeless sleeping rough tell a story - but not the whole story about homelessness in NSW.Justin McManus

More troubling is the state government's decision to only fund these services for 12 months,an approach taken by the federal government when it decided to destabilise community legal centres. Year-long extension after extension meant centres struggled to keep talent,struggled to plan for uncertain funding. The Leader of the Opposition Jodi McKay says the one-year funding agreements show the hollowness of the current strategies. “If Gladys Berejiklian is at all serious about addressing homelessness then she should personally intervene and guarantee longer term funding for homelessness service providers.”

Apparently,this is a short-term action while the government decides which of the services will get the go-ahead for contracts of either three to five years. That in itself should strike fear into homelessness services across NSW. The Minister for Families,Communities and Disability Services Gareth Ward says having a stronger focus on driving and measuring client outcomes will enable services to better demonstrate the positive impact they’re making to people’s lives.

“These changes will set a benchmark for future commissioning of homelessness services and help drive us towards achieving the Premier’s priority of halving street sleeping by 2025.”

Rough sleeping is a tiny part of the problem. Addressing all aspects of homelessness would be impressive.

Jenna Price is an academic at the University of Technology Sydney.

Jenna Price is a visiting fellow at the Australian National University and a regular columnist for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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