US economic policies strain relations with free trade allies

The Albanese government has won praise for an early rebuilding of relations with China but it is about to take on a perhaps even harder challenge in relations with the United States.

Both former prime minister Kevin Rudd,who will start his new job as ambassador to Washington in a few months,and Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong have recently raised publicly the problem of the US’s failure to match its economic policies to its global security strategy.

Rudd,who is still a private citizen,said in an interview with Bloomberg news that on the economy the US was happy to “throw its allies under the bus”. He criticised “overriding protectionist sentiment” on both sides of US politics.

Wong,on a trip to Washington last month,sent a similar message,though more diplomatically,saying Australia had a big job in supporting “enhanced American economic engagement in the Indo-Pacific” and warned that “we need to demonstrate that we have interests we want to nurture beyond security interests”.

The concern about US protectionism will surprise many but the US has resiled in recent years from its traditional post-war role as the global champion of free trade.

Former president Donald Trump’s economic plan openly made protectionism and isolationism the key planks of his campaign to “Make America Great Again”.

He slapped hundreds of billions of dollars of tariffs on Chinese imports,which some will say was fair enough. But he also blocked billions of dollars of steel and aluminium imports from many US allies including Japan,Canada,Germany and Mexico without any justification.

His most absurd decision was to withdraw the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership,a free trade deal negotiated by the Obama administration that would have created an economic bond between 12 key countries in the region.

The US refusal to sign a deal that opened its markets alienated many Asian countries and drove them deeper into China’s economic orbit.

While Trump has left the scene for now,the Democrats have a very strong protectionist wing and are sticking to most of his trade policies. There are no plans for the US to rejoin the rebadged 11-nation TPP.

The US is also showing little leadership in other key international economic policies. Wong said the US needed to do more on “development,connectivity,digital trade and the energy transition”.

President Joe Biden has rejoined the global consensus on climate change but he has alienated Asian and European allies by excluding them from bidding for tens of billions of dollars of green energy projects which Congress approved last year.

The US has cut back investment in development aid even as China pushed ahead with its One Belt One Road initiative.

It has provoked trade fights with its allies over issues such as data privacy.

If the ALP is bringing these issues into the open it will mark a break from the Coalition’s policy of backing the US right or wrong.

Opposition trade spokesman Simon Birmingham has already attacked Rudd for speaking out.

Australia must,of course,preserve its close relationship with the US,which has again shown its capacity for global leadership by its response to the invasion of Ukraine. Rudd should be more careful with his words once he becomes ambassador.

But as Wong said,Australia has a strategic interest in convincing the US to show leadership and live up to its principles on free trade and a rules-based world economy.

As a true friend of the US and one with its own interests,Australia should be able to offer constructive advice.

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