Warning over public safety in national parks as popularity soars

Record numbers of people are visiting NSW national parks but there are fewer permanent rangers and managers to meet conservation goals and ensure public safety.

NSW Environment Minister Gabrielle Upton said there were 54 million visitors to NSW national parks in 2018,up from 24 million in 2010.

“It’s gratifying the big numbers are domestic tourists,” Ms Upton said.

The Blue Mountains National Park is the most popular in NSW.

The Blue Mountains National Park is the most popular in NSW.Chee-Onn Leong/ iStock

Ms Upton said the five most popular national parks in NSW were the Blue Mountains National Park,Royal National Park,Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park,Lane Cove National Park and Sydney Harbour National Park.

But Labor environment spokeswoman Penny Sharpe said there were fewer permanent rangers to do the work as a result of restructuring,redundancies,budget cuts and efficiency dividends over the past few years.

"When we speak to people in national parks,they're struggling to do basic jobs,manage volunteer jobs for endangered species like the rock wallaby,fire fighting and fire management in a difficult climate position,the service has been pushed to be more commercial and if you talk to landowners they'll tell you weeds and pest management is barely being done,"Ms Sharpe said.

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The way parks are used has shifted with increasing numbers of Sydneysiders making day trips with large family groups to picnic spots such as Wattamolla in Royal National Park or Bobbin Head in Ku-ring-gai Chase.

“In the old days it used to just be about camping and walking but people are looking for other experiences now,” Ms Upton said.

Part of the $150 million in upgrades announced last week would go to enhancing the picnic and barbecue facilities at Audley Weir in Royal National Park. The government announced the funding package alongsideplans for a new national park in the Goulburn electorate bordering Wollondilly.

People canoeing at Audley Weir.

People canoeing at Audley Weir.Fiona Morris

But it comes amid a broader fight over national park funding and staff restructuring.

The Public Service Association,which represents park rangers,and Ms Upton's office agree there are now 250 fully funded park ranger positions in the structure,with 216 filled.

Kim de Govrik,a union organiser for the Public Service Association and a former ranger and area manager for the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS),said there were 315 park ranger positions five years ago and it had been cut progressively.

Retrenched park rangers have been partly replaced on the ground by 119 lowly paid field officers. The number of area managers and pest management officers has also been cut drastically,he said.

“Some people call it a streamlining of agency,others say it’s cutting as many public servants as possible and dumbing down the service because it’s cutting people with degrees because they don’t want to pay them,” Mr de Govrik said.

TheOffice of the Environment and Heritage website describes rangers as degree-qualified,with the role including conservation work,fire management and long-term planning and the enforcement of regulations. Meanwhile,field officers perform general maintenance labour and requirements include a driver licence,a chainsaw licence and the ability to operate a two-way radio.

A spokesman for Ms Upton disputed the cuts to ranger roles but agreed the number of area managers had been reduced from 50 to 37 as part of a restructure.

Ms Upton said the field managers did “important hands-on work” and she was pleased to be creating job opportunities for young people.

“It’s about like any organisation getting the balance right between senior people and those who energetic,enthusiastic,new and are going to build their careers inside the National Parks and Wildlife Service,” Ms Upton said. “I believe we’ve got that balance right with those extra 119 positions coming on board.”

But Mr de Govrik said public safety was being compromised,pointing to incidents in the Royal National Park such as the recent drowning at Wattamolla or injuries from sudden waves at Figure Eight Pools,a natural beauty spot that has become an Instagram phenomenon.

Tourists pose for photographs at the Figure Eight Pools in the Royal National Park.

Tourists pose for photographs at the Figure Eight Pools in the Royal National Park.Wolter Peeters

“If you don’t have rangers on the weekend that’s when things go wrong,both for public safety and for the environment,” Mr de Govrik said. “I’m not saying they should be crawling all over the landscape,but you need rangers to regulate use and behaviour and assist public safety. This government seems to be asleep at the wheel.”

Ms Upton said the government haddeveloped an online tool that gives park visitors real-time information about the risk at Figure Eight Pools.

Meanwhile,there are reports that hunting is rife in national parks,with one family with a dog and another with a spear gun near a freshwater pool known to have abalone seen in Royal National Park on Australia Day weekend.

Ms Upton said there were always people who don’t follow the rules and it was part of the role of a field officer to ensure compliance.

Ms Sharpe said NPWS had its funding reduced by $118.7 million over 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 due to budget cuts,underspending and efficiency dividends.

The government no longer breaks out funding for separate agencies,including NPWS,for the current financial year,as it has moved to an “outcome-based model” of reporting.

But the overall Office of Environment and Heritage budget was cut by $66 million in 2018-19,in addition to a large underspend of $165 million from 2017-18,Ms Sharpe said.

However,a spokesman for Ms Upton says this was a “misunderstanding” because corporate services were now reported separately in the Department of Planning and Environment budget.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is the environment reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald. She has previously worked for BRW and The Australian Financial Review.

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