Brisbane rates could change in 2020 budget,LNP ahead in tight wards

Brisbane ratepayers will learn in mid-June how their rates and charges will change under the new Brisbane City Council.

Lord mayor-elect Adrian Schrinner made it clear last week he had no intention of delaying the Brisbane City Council budget,the largest local council budget in Australia.

Lord mayor Adrian Schrinner with his daughter Octavia.

Lord mayor Adrian Schrinner with his daughter Octavia.Tony Moore

He has already declared wage freezes for council staff to try to save $36 million in the coronavirus-interrupted budget preparations.

Cr Schrinner'sannouncement last week prompted criticism from unions,from Labor's council opposition leader Cr Jared Cassidy,while Greens councillor Jonathan Sri suggested councillors receive a pay cut.

"This is about making sure that even though there will be a hit to the state budget,a hit to the council budget from the economic situation we're in,that we can keep our people working,"he said.

The federal and state governments have both delayed their more complex budgets after announcing billion-dollar aid packages for businesses,the unemployed and families impacted by the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Brisbane City Council intends to push ahead with delivering its almost $2 billion budget in mid-June,as soon as the Electoral Commission of Queensland declares the Brisbane City Council election,a spokeswoman confirmed.

There is no indication of when the first time the new Brisbane City Council will meet at this point,but mid-to-late April is likely.

Council's budget could be handed down on Wednesday,June 10.

Although the Brisbane City Council result is unchanged,there are still two new Brisbane councillors in 2020.

With the retirement of Matthew Bourke,new councillor Sarah Hutton takes the Jamboree ward and the LNP’s decision to endorse former Suncorp Stadium manager Greg Adermann means he wins the blue-ribbon Pullenvale ward,instead of former LNP councillor Kate Richards.

The Electoral Commission of Queensland is waiting on the final postal votes to be returned by April 7.

After these votes are allocated and counted in each of Queensland’s 77 local government elections,results will be progressively declared.

The Electoral Commission of Queensland said it cannot declare an election until it is"mathematically impossible"for a candidate to be defeated.

In Brisbane’s Paddington Ward,LNP councillor Peter Matic has held off a strong challenge from Greens candidate Donna Burns.

With almost 70 per cent of votes counted,Cr Matic has increased his vote to 45.5 per cent (9726),while Ms Burns share of the vote has dropped to 38.1 per cent (8140 votes).

Paddington Ward councillor Peter Matic (left) with Normanby Hotel owner Jaz Cooney.

Paddington Ward councillor Peter Matic (left) with Normanby Hotel owner Jaz Cooney.Tony Moore

The ECQ says it will still not yet declare the Paddington Ward to the LNP.

"The election for Paddington is not yet mathematically certain,and the ECQ won’t declare a result until the formal count shows that it is mathematically impossible for another candidate to be successful,"a spokeswoman said.

Meanwhile in Ipswich,with 70 per cent of votes counted,the vote is clearer and the ECQ is expected to declare the Ipswich City Council election on Wednesday or Thursday.

Ipswich’s new mayor-elect is Teresa Harding,but again there is no sign when the new council will meet for the first time.

Two former councillors will be back;Paul Tully in Ipswich’s new division two and Sheila Ireland in the new division one.

Mr Tully has won with his Labor running mate,Nicole Jonic.

Each new division in Ipswich will have two councillors and results are beginning to lock in,but still not defined.

Tony Moore is a senior reporter at Brisbane Times and covers urban affairs and the changing city.

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