Hidden report sheds ‘concerning’ light on minister’s union relationship

A hidden report provided to Queensland’s corruption watchdog after a saga over private email use has shed fresh light on Mark Bailey’s relationship with the Electrical Trades Union while he was energy minister.

The LNP Opposition is set to seize on the report’s release with questions about government integrity during the final sitting day of the parliamentary week on Thursday.

Then energy minister Mark Bailey pictured with Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk during the 2017 election campaign.

Then energy minister Mark Bailey pictured with Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk during the 2017 election campaign.Darren England

Three members of a committee boycotted a morning meeting,citing a lack of transparency and accountability around separate matters.

The committee system is meant to be a bipartisan approach to the lack of Queensland’s upper house,abolished 100 years ago next week.

In mid-2017,Mr Bailey wasstood down from the frontbench as the Crime and Corruption Commission examined his use of a private email account for official business. He was referred to the State Archivist for further investigation.

Mr Bailey had used a Yahoo email account to conduct official business and back-channel correspondence and sought to deactivate it after a Right to Information (RTI) request.

Then-archivist Mike Summerell — who along with the CCC ultimately foundno basis to charge Mr Bailey for breaches of the Public Records Act,nor actions that amounted to criminal or corrupt conduct — handed his report to the watchdog in early September of that year.

Later that month,after the CCC publicly cleared Mr Bailey,the minister wasinitially returned to his portfolio,despite warnings in the report about his relationship with the ETU given his past membership and shareholding interest as minister in government-owned energy corporations.

Mr Bailey was then moved from the portfolio and into Transport by Premier Annastacia Palaszczukduring a post-election cabinet reshuffle two months later.

The State Archivist report,which was released only this week,found 660 of the emails – which Mr Bailey at one point tried to delete – were public records required to be kept for at least two years.

About half of these were correspondences with the ETU and its late state secretary Peter Simpson that were found to be “very different in nature and tone” to the others to and from the mangocube6@yahoo.co.uk account.

Some were “firmly connected” with the minister’s portfolio and the government-owned corporations,with others implying Mr Bailey be “on their[the union’s] side” or that he “owe[d] them” for being elected to parliament. Comment has been sought from Mr Bailey.

The report,released in a bundle of documents by the parliamentary crime and corruption committee late on Wednesday,noted that Mr Bailey often responded just to acknowledge the emails,but “on occasion” indicated he or others would follow up on matters raised by the union.

Other emails,some included in an appendix to the report,suggested the ETU “arguably direct[ed]” him how to act in cabinet or as shareholding minister.

Despite resigning from the union after taking on the energy portfolio,based on Integrity Commissioner advice to manage real or perceived conflicts of interest,the report found Mr Simpson arguably treated Mr Bailey as a member,with the relationship continuing unchanged and at times “significantly” escalating.

The relationship may have prompted a RTI request for the emails that led Mr Bailey to deactivate his account.

“The fact that they[the emails] were the subject of the 19 January 2017 RTI application is concerning,” the report stated.

“Whilst the ETU correspondence that was the subject of the 19 January RTI application is relatively mild,other correspondence certainly is not.”

A Palaszczuk government spokesman reiterated that the matter was fully investigated and dealt with in 2017."Minister Bailey was cleared of any wrongdoing,"he said.

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Matt Dennien is a state political reporter with Brisbane Times,where he has also covered city council and general news. He previously worked as a reporter for newspapers in Tasmania and Brisbane community radio station 4ZZZ.

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