'Tough set of numbers':Housing sales slump to hit government coffers

The state government will lose up to 9 per cent of its stamp duty revenue,with Treasurer Tim Pallas conceding the economic impact of Victoria's coronavirus pandemic could be worse than expected.

The Victorian budget is highly dependent on stamp duty from property sales and house prices are now expected to tumble by 9 per cent. The government expects roughly the same percentage point decline in stamp duty revenue.

Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas is predicting a catastrophic loss of jobs in the state.

Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas is predicting a catastrophic loss of jobs in the state.AAP

Mr Pallas said both property values and the volume of sales were plummeting as the pandemic devastates the economy.

“I think you can reasonably assume it will be commensurate with the 9 per cent drop in price that we’re seeing,perhaps a little bit more,” he said.

“We’re already seeing considerable reduction in volumes at the moment in terms of the property market.”

Mr Pallas said the drop in property sales was partly due to social distancing measures banning physical auctions and home inspections.

“But perhaps more directly it’s a result of buyer resistance to entering into the market and seller reluctance to offer their properties.

“So,yes,we’ll see a considerable drop both in volume and in price going forward.”

Stamp duty is based on the purchase price or market value of a property when it is sold or transferred. It applies to residential,commercial and industrial properties.

The state government raised $6 billion in stamp duty in the 2018-19 financial year.

Thelatest modelling also shows unemployment in Victoria is set to double,with about 270,000 jobs set to disappear. Gross state product is forecast to be smashed from a forecast $226 billion over the June and September quarters to $194 billion.

Mr Pallas said the economic deterioration would reach its peak in the September quarter,as he conceded it was worse than he expected even just a few weeks ago.

“I’ll be honest,it’s worse than where I thought we’d land.”

Premier Daniel Andrews said the modelling indicated Victoria's economic recovery would take years.

“It just shows us all that we have a very,very long way to go,” he said.

Mr Andrews told reporters the state government would need to expand Victoria's infrastructure agenda as part of its recovery. “We’re going to need to do more in road and rail,hospitals and schools,” he said. “We’re going to need to do more in skills and training. So a strong TAFE system has never been more important.”

Property Council of Australia executive director Cressida Wall said the economic projections showed a"tough set of numbers".

"Housing security will play a vital role in the months ahead,"she said.

Mr Pallas confirmed he met with university vice-chancellors this week and was told they had lost an enormous amount of revenue from international students. He said the federal government should raise the cap on university admissions to increase the number of domestic students.

The state government will delay a 20 per cent increase to the landfill levy – which was planned for June – until January next year,with Mr Pallas saying now is not the time to be “hitting communities with these taxes”.

Opposition Leader Michael O’Brien dismissed the government's modelling as “worst-case-scenario” figures to justify its borrowing plan.

“They’re designed to try and scare Victorians. We don’t need that,” he said. “What we need from the government is honest numbers.”

He also rejected the job loss forecast.

“We’re not going to lose 270,000 jobs or anything like it,” he said.

Mr O’Brien urged the state government to ease the tax burden on businesses to get them through the crisis.

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Benjamin Preiss is The Age's regional editor. He was previously state rounds reporter and has also covered education for The Age.

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