Mark McGowan makes himself Treasurer in sweeping cabinet changes

West Australian Premier Mark McGowan will take on the second biggest job in cabinet,making himself Treasurer as part of a broad reshuffle of the government’s front bench.

Deputy Premier Roger Cook has been set up as a successor for treasury after the pandemic as he has been handed the state development and jobs and trade portfolios usually held by the Premier.

Mark McGowan made himself Treasurer,Roger Cook,Sue Ellery and Rita Saffioti kept their portfolios while Paul Papalia is now Police Minister.

Mark McGowan made himself Treasurer,Roger Cook,Sue Ellery and Rita Saffioti kept their portfolios while Paul Papalia is now Police Minister.supplied

Mr McGowan said it made sense for himself to take on the finances given stability in the health portfolio was needed in a pandemic and because he needed to fight off attempts by the eastern states to reverse the GST deal which saw WA get a greater share of the pool.

“I have a natural interest in treasury matters and making sure we manage the state’s finances well,” he said.

“I do know the other states are jointly mobilising against it and that’s obviously a threat to Western Australia.

“It was wise to elevate treasury to the Premier’s role to fight off those efforts.”

Colin Barnett was the last WA premier to hold both roles,which he did briefly in 2010.

Prior to 2001 the treasury portfolio was generally held by the premier.

Mr McGowan said he did not want to make any changes in health when the COVID-19 crisis was still unfolding around the world.

“In the case of Roger Cook,who is obviously a very worthy person for that role[Treasurer] as well,we are still in the pandemic,” Mr McGowan said.

“There’s still the prospect of the virus coming in and changing the Health Minister in that environment I didn’t think was wise.”

Mr McGowan said if it felt right to reshuffle again in a year or two that is what he would do.

Acting Liberal leader Libby Mettam said she was concerned the Premier would not be able to devote the necessary time to the post-pandemic economic recovery by doing both roles.

“The treasury portfolio is a full time job at the best of times,but right now we’re staring down the barrel of economic uncertainty with the end to JobKeeper and JobSeeker,the end of the evictions moratorium and with rent increases already in the mail,” she said.

Acting Liberal Leader Libby Mettam.

Acting Liberal Leader Libby Mettam.Peter de Kruijff

“The Premier is effectively saying there is no one in his cabinet or in his caucus who is capable of taking on this role.”

Paul Papalia has taken up police,David Templeman gets tourism,Stephen Dawson handed mental health,and Bill Johnston adds corrective services to his portfolio in the new-look cabinet.

Rita Saffioti,another aspiring treasurer,keeps planning and transport but adds ports as she continues to take responsibility for the government’s massive roads and rail construction schedule.

“Rita is an expert in getting money out of the Commonwealth for transport those skills are important in that area,” Mr McGowan said.

New minister Tony Buti has finance,lands,sport and recreation,and citizenship and multicultural issues.

Fellow newcomer John Carey has been given housing and local government.

WA Premier Mark McGowan with the first Labor caucus following the 2021 landslide election.

WA Premier Mark McGowan with the first Labor caucus following the 2021 landslide election.WA Labor

The refreshed cabinet will feature some new portfolios,which show a distinctive slant toward greener policies.

A climate action portfolio has been created which will be taken on by a rising star in Labor’s Left,Amber-Jade Sanderson,who will also take on the environment and commerce roles.

Alannah MacTiernan will also take on the wordy role of Minister Assisting the Minister for State Development for Hydrogen.

Bunbury MP Don Punch has disability services,fisheries,innovation and ICT,seniors and ageing.

Mr McGowan’s captain’s pick for cabinet Reece Whitby was given emergency services,racing and gaming,small business,and volunteering.

Mr Papalia had held both tourism and racing and gaming but the two portfolios have been split apart and given to other ministers.

The Premier said he was happy to see new people get an opportunity.

“The focus of course will continue to be managing the economy,creating jobs,making sure the pandemic is managed extremely well because we are still in a world that is rife with COVID and we still need to continue to manage that situation,” Mr McGowan said.

Peter Tinley was dumped from the cabinet despite the minister he took fisheries from in the last shuffle – Dave Kelly – remaining in cabinet.

Mr McGowan said Mr Kelly had a long service to the party and had taken on difficult jobs over time.

Labor is on track to win 53 of the 59 lower house seats after taking the indicative lead in Churchlands by 214 votes.

The government is also well ahead in the blue-ribbon seat of Nedlands,which has never turned red before,and former Nationals leader Terry Redman’s electorate of Warren-Blackwood.

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Peter de Kruijff was a reporter at WAtoday focused on environment,politics and business.

Hamish Hastie is WAtoday's state political reporter and the winner of five WA Media Awards,including the 2023 Beck Prize for best political journalism.

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