Twiggy,Clive,Gina:Which political parties did the mining billionaires favour in 2020?

Every year the Australian Electoral Commission releases a trove of financial declarations detailing some of the millions in political donations being made to the nation’s political parties.

A deep dive byWAtoday into the latest data highlights where the state’s billionaires and resources companies directed funds in 2019-20,as well as the historic trends from several industries over the past two decades.

Companies run by Andrew Forrest,Clive Palmer,and Gina Rinehart all featured in the 2019-20 political donations and receipts release by the Australian Electoral Commission.

Companies run by Andrew Forrest,Clive Palmer,and Gina Rinehart all featured in the 2019-20 political donations and receipts release by the Australian Electoral Commission.Supplied

Australia’s richest woman back on the donations list

Gina Rinehart,who is quite often found on the top of the Australian rich-list depending on the iron ore spot price,made her return to the database of donors through Hancock Prospecting.

Ms Rinehart is the executive chair of the company which holds land leases containing rich iron ore deposits,covering vast swathes of the Pilbara.

Hancock gave $37,000 to the federal and Victorian divisions of the Liberal Party in 2019-20 which was the first time it had donated since gifting $55,000 to the National Party in 2015-16.

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Getting Twiggy with it

Billionaire Andrew Forrest’s mining company Fortescue did not list any donations for 2019-20 but was recorded by political party divisions and an associated entity as providing ‘other receipts’ worth a combined $70,000.

Mining billionaire Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest.

Mining billionaire Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest.David Mariuz

Other receipts refer to any payment receipt that doesn’t meet the definition of donation according to the AEC. Other receipts may include loan proceeds,trust distributions,proceeds from the sale of assets,interest,membership fees,subscriptions and GST refunds.

The federal division of Labor received $27,500 of other receipts in 2019-20,Perth Trades Hall got $27,500,and the federal Liberals $15,000.

There has been $320,550 worth of other receipts and donations from Fortescue declared by political entities since 2004-05.

Labor has benefited the most over this time,getting the lion’s share of $270,550 while the Liberal Party has picked up $50,000.

The Forrest family’s charity arm – Minderoo Foundation – noted it had received $212,246,712 of discretionary benefits from the federal Department of Health and $5,178,856 from the WA equivalent in 2019-20.

The money was to reimburse the Forrests for medical equipment obtained from China during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic,when demand was high for several products in short supply globally.

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Forrest Cattle Fund Inc,which is listed as an associated entity to the Liberal Party,received an other receipt from Harvey Beef for $18,017.

The fund only lodged receipts worth $30,409 for 2019-20,$33,776 of debts and only $4194 of payments.

Clive’s millions pumped into United Australia Party

Political,poetry,and mining maverick Clive Palmer came out on top as the biggest donor for 2019-20.

Mr Palmer’s company Mineralogy,which benefits from regular payments from magnetite miner Citic Pacific,dumped $5,901,341 into his United Australia Party,which contested the 2019 federal election without gaining a seat.

The UAP received other receipts from Seven worth $100,860,News Corp to the tune of $59,756,The West Australianfor $86,687,and Southern Cross Austereo for $266,924.

A media representative for Mr Palmer was contacted to ask if the receipts were in relation to political advertising he purchased related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As for actual donations declared by media organisations,Nine Entertainment — the owner of this masthead — declared $90,406 worth of donations in 2019-20,which consisted of $62,906 to the Liberals and $27,500 for Labor.

The combined figure was $20,000 more than any other donation period declared by the network in the past 20 years.

The big four — Rio Tinto,BHP,Woodside and Chevron

Australia’s biggest independent oil and gas company Woodside was one of the top three donors across the country,after Mr Palmer and Pratt Holdings,with $335,415 given to political parties across the nation.

Close to $54,000 found its way to the WA divisions of the political parties in 2019-20.

The bulk of the donations — $280,000 — was split between the federal divisions of the Liberal,National and Labor parties.

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Chevron,which didn’t pay any income tax for a few years in a row in Australia as major projects came online,mustered up $92,100 worth of donations,including $44,500 that went to WA parties.

Iron ore giant Rio Tinto had $541,302 of other receipts,related to dividends,recorded against its name with the Cormack Foundation,an investment company associated with the Liberal Party.

The Cormack Foundation has provided about $51 million of donations and other receipts to Liberal Party divisions since 1998 but only handed out $160,000 worth in the past financial year.

BHP put up $426,212 of other receipts for the foundation in 2019-20.

Rio and BHP also had other receipts for the Minerals Council of Australia worth a combined $6.3 million.

The MCA made donations of $145,709 to parties around Australia and $10,000 in WA.

Woodside,Chevron,Rio,BHP,and Fortescue all paid a $93,500 subscription to the Business Council of Australia.

WA the apple of Crown’s eye

Casino giant Crown Resorts has been a regular donor across the major parties for more than a decade.

WA divisions have received about half of the donations made over that period,given Perth is home to one of its two long-running casinos,with the other in Melbourne.

Labor,the Liberals and the Nationals in WA received $88,416 of donations from Crown in 2019-20.

WA Liberals and Nationals have collected $650,738 from Crown in the past 13 years,while WA Labor has got $384,010.

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Findings from an inquiry into the fitness of Crown to run a Sydney operation were handed to the Independent Liquor and Gambling Commission of New South Wales on Monday and a final report will be released publicly within the next two weeks.

During the inquiry it was found money laundering had occurred at the Melbourne casino.

NSW has been run by a Liberal government since March 2011,but since 2012 donations to state divisions of both major parties have favoured Labor.

The company has sent $43,500 to NSW Labor and $25,500 to the NSW Liberals in the past eight years.

Tabcorp keeps up the donations,but no deal yet on WA privatisation

Tabcorp Holdings has been in hot pursuit of the WA TAB for several years but has been unable to finalise a deal with the state government.

Talk about privatising the TAB started in 2014,which happens to coincide with a run of publicly recorded donations by Tabcorp to WA political parties.

Tabcorp donated $14,660 to the Liberal and National parties in WA from 2014-15 to 2015-16 before splitting its money to also include Labor,which took office in 2017.

In the past four years,Labor has received $58,300 of donations from Tabcorp out of the $787,868 spent by the betting group around the nation.

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WA Treasurer Ben Wyatt said last year the TAB might not be sold until 2021 after a deal with Tabcorp was impacted by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tabcorp posted an $870 million annual loss for the 2019-20 financial year and is under pressure to split its racing interests from the more profitable lotteries arm.

Two sides to the story

Political donations are in the eye of the beholder – and the donor,for that matter.

The unwieldy donations system currently utilised by the AEC requires candidates,political parties,political campaigners,associated entities,third parties,and donors to lodge election and annual financial disclosure returns.

Parties must declare how much money came in and how much came out but only have to declare where a donation or ‘other receipt’ came from to the AEC if it was more than $14,000.

Donors who make smaller donations under the threshold,but which go over the limit when combined together,must also publicly declare what they have donated.

The interpretation as to what is a donation or gift compared to an ‘other receipt’,however,is left up to the donors and recipients themselves.

This means there is an obvious disparity between what is reported by the parties and the donors.

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WA Labor and the Perth Trades Hall — which is run by the party and pockets the subscriptions to its business roundtable with ministers — declared where $314,826 worth of donations and other receipts came from,not including the unions,compared to the $220,157 recorded by donors.

The WA Liberals declared $293,916 while its donors put their hands up for $223,346.

There were only four out of the 44 combined declarations by the donors and the two parties in WA,however,where both sides of the coin had indicated a gift or other receipt had been lodged.

A recent report from the Centre for Public Integrity estimated about a third of the $3.1 billion received by parties around Australia — between 1999 and 2019 — was ‘dark’ or ‘hidden money’ which could not be accounted for in publicly available documents.

Mass Hesperia

Property developers Adrian Fini and Ben Lisle’s joint venture Hesperia Projects got active in its first year of operation with $50,067 of donations,which all went to WA Labor.

The Perth Trades Hall only declared $16,721 as an other receipt from Hesperia while the WA Labor Party did not disclose any money from the developers.

Hesperia founding directors Ben Lisle and Adrian Fini.

Hesperia founding directors Ben Lisle and Adrian Fini.Supplied

The two groups behind the Hesperia merger put together some of the most memorable WA developments in recent history,including the state buildings,COMO The Treasury in the Perth CBD,and the Swan Brewery Industrial Park.

Hesperia has more than $1 billion worth of developments under way including the Roe Highway Logistics Park and the Murdoch Health and Knowledge Precinct.

Donations diminish at The 500 Club

The 500 Club started in 1986 when 150 people,including high-flyers in Perth’s business community,came together to support conservative parties in WA.

The total receipts to the organisation have taken a dip in 2019-20,with $306,060 received,to its lowest levels in more than 20 years.

There has been a steady decline of receipts for the club since 2016-17 when Labor came to power in WA.

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At the same time there has been a massive corresponding spike in the receipts coming through the Perth Trades Hall.

Long-time Liberal supporters such asproperty developer Nigel Satterly have switched to supporting Labor in recent years.

Mr Satterly raised eyebrows in 2016 when he endorsed then-opposition leader Mark McGowan for the job of premier and made a $25,000 donation to Labor.

The developer had been planning a massive fundraiser with Perth’s upper echelon prior to the sudden lockdown in WA on Sunday.

Peter de Kruijff was a reporter at WAtoday focused on environment,politics and business.

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