Who's paying for our politics? Your complete guide to WA's political donations


Just who was behind more than half of the income of WA’s major political parties in 2018-19 remains a mystery.

WAtodayhas analysed the financial returns of the state’s four biggest political parties,and disclosures from donors and associated entities all lodged with the Australian Electoral Commission for the 2018-19 financial year.

WAtoday has analysed donations to WA political parties in 2018-19.

WAtoday has analysed donations to WA political parties in 2018-19.Marta Pascual Juanola

Under current AEC rules parties are only forced to declare payments if they are over a $13,800 threshold.

Confusingly though,WA Electoral Commission rules state gifts or donations of $2500 must be declared,but only those political parties registered under the WA commission are required to declare above that amount.

Most of WA's major parties are registered under the federal commission.

As the graphs below show,nearly $5 million of the Liberal Party’s $8.25 million 2018-19 income,and $2.83 million of WA Labor’s $5.16 million,was not disclosed. The source of more than $500,000 of the Nationals’ $625,000 also remains a mystery.

Outside of entitlements paid to parties by taxpayers after the 2019 federal election and donations from their federal counterparts,wealthy individuals,unions and the business world were more than willing to chip in financial support.

Perhaps unsurprisingly,WA Labor received the most payments from unions,which stumped up more than $1 million.

The biggest of those was the retail workers'union SDA WA which contributed $375,000,followed by United Voice at $206,000. The CFMEU and Transport Workers'Union coughed up $116,000 and $128,000,respectively.

Both the Liberal and Labor parties were showered with cash from the business sector,with big resources and property companies dumping in hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In 2018-19,the oil and gas sector had huge projects in front of various government agencies and lobbied hard for the WA government to tame the WA Environmental Protection Authority after its surprise zero-carbon emission guideline announcement.

The biggest of those companies,Chevron and Woodside,each spent tens of thousands of dollars on the Liberals,Labor and Nationals,which they said went to attending business forums held by each party.

Nationally,Woodside spent $283,000 across the political spectrum while Chevron spent $129,000.

WA-based Mineral Resources was the biggest donor from the mining sector,giving $85,000 to the WA Liberals,$50,000 to Labor and $20,000 to the Nationals.

Crown Perth was also a major donor to all WA parties,sending nearly $60,000 to the Nationals and Liberals and $29,000 to Labor. The property,development and construction sector spent a total of $316,000 on the three parties.

The ‘associated entities’ list detailed donations to holding companies,unions and fundraising machines for their aligned party.

The Labor Party’s Perth Trades Hall,which runs the'cash for access'Labor Business Roundtable,saw payments come in from groups including Scarborough developer 3 Oceans Property,Fortescue Metals Group,Satterley and Georgiou Group.

The Liberal Party of WA Pty Ltd took payments from Wesfarmers,Woolworths and the Commonwealth Bank.

The mystery surrounding donations and the size of corporate donations incensed WA Greens integrity of government spokeswoman Alison Xamon,who described donations as an outright attempt to influence politics.

“I think that it absolutely raises the question as to the degree to which decisions are being influenced by[donations],every single government will claim they’re not being influenced but I don’t think that passes the pub test,I think people would expect that corporations give money to political parties because they hope to benefit from that,” she said.

“I think it undermines democracy,it undermines good decision making and I think people should be very concerned about that.”

Ms Xamon called for an overhaul of the donations system,which included banning all corporate donations,drastically reducing the disclosure threshold to $1500,and removing discrepancies in state and federal laws.

She also has a bill before parliament that would effectively ban cash-for-access forums such as the Labor Business Roundtable.

“We don’t believe that entities that are simply in the business of trying to make a profit should be partaking in that democratic process in the same way that Australian citizens do,” she said.

The Greens have a self-imposed disclosure threshold of $1500 but $410,000 of the WA branch’s 2018-19 donations were anonymous.

Ms Xamon said because of the nature of the Greens'membership,many of those donations were small amounts that fell even under their reduced threshold.

When questioned about the payments,businesses defended their motives and stressed they donated lawfully and followed the Australian Electoral Commission disclosure rules.

A Mineral Resources spokesman said as an Australian-founded and focused company it valued the democratic process and believed it was important to support major political parties in a bipartisan way to “ensure that we retain a strong system of political parties and,in turn,a strong government”.

A Crown spokeswoman said political donations were a regular feature of Australia’s political landscape and Crown engaged with both sides of the political sphere to support the democratic process.

“Registered political parties in Australia rely heavily on donations in order to communicate their messages and policies to the Australian public,” she said.

A Woodside spokeswoman said the company did not donate to campaign funds for any political party,politician or candidate in any country,but did reveal it had renewed membership with both state and federal party business forums.

A Chevron spokeswoman also confirmed its money went into participating in political party business forums on a bipartisan basis in states where it operated.

WA Labor did not answer questions about its mystery $2.83 million pot of money,but acting secretary Ellie Whiteaker said the party accepted and disclosed all donations in accordance with requirements.

She said the party did not accept donations"with any conditions attached."

WA Liberal state director Sam Calabrese put his hefty undisclosed sum down to his party’s policies.

“Ahead of the federal election,the WA Liberal Party set a record for small-dollar donations through our website and social media,” he said.

“The Liberals'plan for jobs and lower taxes inspired a record number of small-dollar individual,small and medium business donors to support our campaign.

“The Liberal Party complies with all disclosure rules and legislation.”

The WA Electoral Commission said under current legislation,it was envisaged that the political finances 20218-19 report would be tabled in parliament later in 2020.

Hamish Hastie is WAtoday's state political reporter and the winner of five WA Media Awards,including the 2023 Beck Prize for best political journalism.

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