'They're all hurting':Langer's sympathy for old enemy as virus hits England head on

They are bitter rivals with Australia on the ground but Justin Langer says he feels great sympathy for English cricket as it faces the disastrous prospect of having its whole season wiped out by the shutdown of sport.

The England and Wales Cricket Board has announced a £61 million ($124m) relief package to"keep the lights on"and tackle what its chief executive,Tom Harrison,labels the biggest challenge it has faced in its history.

Australian cricket superstar Steve Smith told Sports Sunday that cricketers were 'lucky' to miss the brunt of coronavirus impacts.

Cricket Australia is also examining what impact coronavirus might have on its own season,including a potential postponement of the Twenty20 World Cup and the worst-case scenario of a home Test series against India being abandoned,but it at least has time on its side.

English cricket,by contrast,has been hit head on by the global health crisis,just like Australia's winter football codes,and faces enormous financial losses across the board,from its head office at Lord's to cash-strapped counties.

Langer had two stints in county cricket as a player,at Middlesex and then at Somerset,where he finished his career in 2009 as captain,and as a board member of the AFL's West Coast Eagles is intimately aware of the immediate pain being caused to sport by the COVID-19 outbreak.

"We're very competitive on the field but we're all in it for the same reason,for the game of cricket,"the Australia coach toldThe Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age.

Justin Langer says Cricket Australia is looking at every scenario.

Justin Langer says Cricket Australia is looking at every scenario.Getty

"English cricket ... I've got so many wonderful memories of playing county cricket and playing Ashes cricket in England. I've got great friends over there. I spoke to Andy Hurry last night,he's the director of cricket at Somerset. And they're all hurting,big time.

"Of course,I've got great sympathy for them and I hope there is a real sense of compassion for everyone involved in this."

CA executives are also mapping out contingency plans for next summer here and with uncertainty aheadmay offer its players percentage-based contracts rather than fixed amounts to better manage a major slide in revenue if international cricket was lost.

Reports out of the subcontinent indicate the T20 World Cup,to be hosted by Australia in October and November,could be put back to 2022,with India due to stage another edition of the event in 2021. But CA insists any decision by the International Cricket Council to postpone its tournament will be left to the last possible moment.

"We are certainly looking at all scenarios,no doubt,"Langer said."That's the reality,that's the world we live in.

"It would have a huge effect[if there was no international cricket in the summer]. It's the same as asking what's a winter like without footy. We're only one week in[with] no footy. Every day becomes very similar,doesn't it?

"But there is also some great opportunities that come out of it. It's good timing at the moment,short term for us,because it gives our guys a chance to refresh and recharge.

"Our guys were mentally and physically exhausted by South Africa. They've gone from a full summer[in 2018/19],to the IPL,to the World Cup,to the Ashes,to a full summer and they were just about to go to the IPL,Bangladesh,to England and back to a full summer again including the T20 World Cup and the India series and South Africa away[in 2021]. It's a great opportunity for our guys to start getting ready mentally and physically for the next opportunity."

Chris Barrett is an investigative reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. He is a former South-East Asia correspondent,and chief sports reporter.

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