It's the sporting world in union,and we can learn plenty from that

Journalist,author and columnist

When histories of the current crisis are written,Australians are already preparing to give themselves a provisional pass mark. In the professional sporting world,if the Australian codes survive,a lot of credit will be due to the deals achieved between governing bodies and player unions.

Illustration:Simon Letch

Illustration:Simon Letch

In the real world outside sport,the collapse in union membership in the last generation has resulted in a brutal arithmetic. When businesses’ cash flow goes,the casualised and contracted workforce is out the door,or,at best,sustained by a six-month taxpayer-funded backstop.

When it comes to union membership,sport has moved in the opposite direction to the rest of the country. Since the 1970s,while the density of unionisation in the Australian workforce has fallen from 51 per cent to 14 per cent,union membership in the professional sports workforce has risen from zero to more than 90 per cent. Players’ unions have helped secure a share in times of plenty. Now that Armageddon has hit,they have negotiated meaningful agreements with the sports so that,rather than receiving an income commensurate with their economic contribution at this moment – zero – players are still receiving what most people,outside sport’s gilded bubble,would regard as an extremely fair share.

Given that the income for all sports,globally,is equal – zero – the variations in player payments around the world are revealing. Indeed,the character of many sports has been stripped bare by the crisis.

At one end of the scale,some A-League clubs in Australia have stood down players and staff without pay. Without a consensus between an impoverished governing body and a weakened players’ association,with broadcaster Fox Sports withholding payment,clubs have gone one-out. Perth Glory was the first:when income fell to zero,so did payments. Owner Tony Sage said the club was attempting to remain solvent,like any other business. Other clubs followed.

At the other end of the scale,in the same sport but a vastly different universe,players in the English Premier League and other European football competitions have refused to take significant pay cuts. The EPL proposed a 30 per cent cut to a total wage bill of – this is no joke - more than $3 billion. Instead of thanking their gods that someone would still pay them $2 billion for doing nothing,the Professional Footballers’ Association refused. One of their reasons – again,this is not a wind-up – was that if footballers took a pay cut of that size,the British government would be losing around $400 million in taxes (making the rather fanciful assumption that all EPL players pay tax within the United Kingdom at the top rate).

Raelene Castle is still in negotiations with the Rugby Union Players Association.

Raelene Castle is still in negotiations with the Rugby Union Players Association.Getty

Understandably,in light of the catastrophic advance of coronavirus cases and fatalities in Britain,the players have been heavily criticised. Retired Liverpool striker Stan Collymore spoke for many when he said he was"disgusted". In response,former England captain Wayne Rooney complained that players were unfairly being scapegoated,and their pay deals should be judged on a"case-by-case basis". To which the millions of suddenly unemployed Britons said,here’s a case for you:your business has zero income,how about you earn zero? Instead,footballers in the EPL and other leagues are leaving claw marks on the carpet while being dragged to the table to contemplate a sacrifice that might mean they can’t go on their holiday to the moon this year. Maybe next year.

In this context,Australians can be relatively proud of their professional sportspeople. With everyone now a reborn socialist,the deals being thrashed out between sports and players have highlighted the strengths of unionisation and collective bargaining. Here and globally,the general rule has been that the stronger the unionisation of players,the more sensible and satisfactory have been the outcomes.

The highest profile examples are the NRL,AFL and Rugby Australia. The NRL and the Rugby League Players’ Association have agreed to an across-the-board cut of 70 per cent if the competition does not resume this year. Two months’ pay will be released to the players over a seven-month period. The heavily-criticised headquarters has stood down staff and those remaining have taken commensurate cuts. If the game restarts and income flows again,both sides will benefit. If it doesn’t,players won’t be on the streets. (It should be noted that all professional codes have registered for the JobKeeper program – so you and your taxes are kicking in for professional sportspeople too.)

Former England captain Wayne Rooney complained English Premier League players have been unfairly scapegoated.

Former England captain Wayne Rooney complained English Premier League players have been unfairly scapegoated.Getty Images

Each of the top Australian players’ associations has recognised the need to act collectively. The AFL Players’ Association accepted a 50 per cent cut for April and May,increasing to a 70 per cent cut if the 2020 season does not restart. The Rugby Union Players’ Association,engaged in what is an understandably fraught negotiation with a governing body in its own intensive care situation,has reportedly agreed to accept a 65 per cent cut.

The devil is in the detail of all these deals,with various trade-offs being thrashed out over the long term in exchange for short-term agreement. There are also variations in the treatment of individuals and some questionable virtue signalling. A player on a $1 million contract,who is now to receive $300,000,might claim to be making the biggest sacrifice of all,certainly far bigger than a player on $80,000 who might now receive less than $30,000. But who would really swallow that? The big-earning player might be worth more to the sport while performing,but when the competition is shut down,every player is making the same economic contribution to the sport’s income:zero. In that case,isn’t there an argument for averaging out the pool and paying everyone the same? Here,as elsewhere,the commitment to socialism has its limits.

Likewise,there is mixed reaction to senior executives’ pay cuts. On the one hand,Raelene Castle,Gillon McLachlan and Todd Greenberg are making the biggest monetary sacrifices in their codes – and unlike the players,they are still working full-time. On the other hand,players and spectators are asking whether anyone should be drawing $8000 a week in salary from businesses that are earning zilch. Whether it’s administrators or players,the uncomfortable truth is that if their organisations go bust,the prime reason will be that they paid their people too much. When it comes to ultimate responsibility,the people on facing sides of the table are all in the same position.

It’s all a matter of perspective. But when compared to international sporting leagues,where the balance of power between players,clubs and governing bodies has been distorted by years of rogue economic forces and a gold-fever mentality,Australia has been pretty well served. Unionisation,where it has real as well as symbolic strength,has come to the salvation of both employers and employees,enabling these sports to map out a path to survival in even the worst-case scenarios.

Where unions are weak or non-existent,we see either unilateral sackings by desperate clubs and associations,or unilateral greed by players who have lost all touch with reality and decency. When these sports emerge from the crisis,facing the challenge of their reduced circumstances,we can hope that they remember the lessons they have learnt;and maybe this will be one of the few fields where sports have set an example worth the notice of the real world.

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Malcolm Knox is a journalist,author and columnist for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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