Jack de Belin drops fight over stand down,but RLPA could pick up the fight

Jack de Belin may have dropped his Federal Court appeal,but his lawyers could yet be called upon for a fresh challenge of the NRL's"no fault"stand-down policy.

The much-anticipated appeal,which had been set for Thursday morning,proved anticlimactic,with the matter lasting just three minutes in courtroom 18D before the matter was discontinued. Given that even a successful challenge wouldn't have expedited a return to the football field,de Belin had little to gain from proceeding with the appeal.

Jack de Belin has dropped his fight against the NRL's'no-fault'stand-down rule.

Jack de Belin has dropped his fight against the NRL's 'no-fault' stand-down rule.Sylvia Liber

His criminal case is scheduled to begin on March 2 next year,two weeks before the start of the 2020 NRL season,while the Federal Court judgement wouldn't have come soon enough for him to play in any of the Dragons'last three games of the season had he been successful.

Moreover,after dropping the appeal the parties agreed to pay their own costs,a move that will save de Belin an estimated $300,000.

However,it isn't necessarily the end of the matter. The Rugby League Players'Association signalled its intention to scrap the rule due to a lack of consultation,prompting a series of mediation talks with the NRL. If they break down,theHerald can reveal the union will consider engaging the services of de Belin's lawyers should the matter head to arbitration.

De Belin assembled a formidable legal team comprising Law Council of Australia president Arthur Moses and barristers Yaseen Shariff and Timothy Kane to further scrutinise the game's new"no-fault"stand-down policy. Given their familiarity with the case and expertise in restraint-of-trade matters,they may yet advise the union in their own fight with the NRL.

The NRL's barrister,Alan Sullivan QC,said he understood de Belin's decision to drop the matter given the timing of his criminal case,but was always confident of his side's position.

"Confident people don't discontinue appeals when there is a matter of principle involved. But we can understand the reasons,"Sullivan said."We were obviously confident we had a very good case. The rule is in place,it's valid and held to be valid by the court and Mr de Belin won't be playing until his criminal charges are determined.

"That was the aim of the league so we're pleased that's happened. Obviously we make no comment whatsoever on the criminal proceedings."

The RLPA issued a dispute regarding the rule in May and hasn't changed its position following the de Belin development.

"The RLPA remains of the view that the NRL's stand down rule has been introduced in breach of the Collective Bargaining Agreement,"the union said in a statement."The RLPA also remains of view that the stand down rule operates as an invalid and unreasonable restraint of trade,and will continue to address this with the NRL together with other issues through the CBA dispute process."

The Federal court outcome is a victory for Peter Beattie. The outgoing ARLC chairman staked his position on the new behavioural policy and it withstood a challenge from one of the key marquee players affected.

"This is an important legacy for rugby league,more than anything personal,"Beattie said."I'm proud that rugby league now has a set of clear standards."

The most experienced coach in the game,South Sydney mentor Wayne Bennett,said the rule was required to curb poor player behaviour.

"We were in a pretty bad place and we had a lot of bad behaviour,"Bennett said."I was pleased they brought it in,it sets a very good guideline now when players can play and can't play and sets a new standard they have to live by."

Adrian Proszenko is the Chief Rugby League Reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald.

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