ABC expose could have cost V'landys rugby league role,court hears

Racing NSW chief Peter V'landys was concerned for his job on the Australian Rugby League Commission and was told by a member of the public they wished his"kids got cancer"due to the ABC's expose into horse racing,a court has heard.

In defamation proceedings over 7.30's investigation,which uncovered the alleged acts of the cruelty against racehorses on a mass scale,V'landys'lawyer argued the"dishonest"program made his client out to be"unfit"to be chairman of the ARLC.

Hundreds of racehorses have been secretly sent to slaughter.

The program aired on October 17,just 13 days ahead of V'landys'official takeover as chair of the ARLC on October 30.

"The ABC program ... did its very best intentionally to strike at Mr V'landys in the very heart,to trash and destroy his reputation and they succeeded to a large extent,"Bruce McClintock SC said in his opening statement."The damage to his reputation was immense."

V'landysinitially launched defamation proceedings against the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in February,with the first day of the two-day hearing at the Federal Court on Wednesday.

McClintock outlined the"absolute firestorm of abuse"his client encountered in the days after the program went to air.

Racing NSW chief Peter V’landys is suing the ABC for defamation.

Racing NSW chief Peter V’landys is suing the ABC for defamation.Getty

"This one[email] was sent[to V'landys] at 8.17pm,[within] just two minutes of the program finishing,"McClintock said about the abusive email."'You should be lined up and shot,if you take a look at yourself in the mirror you should see an a--hole and should drop dead'."

Another email targeted V'landys'wife,with another stating"I hope your kids get cancer and die slowly".

"I hope Peter V'landys ends up in one of these facilities,"another read.

One called V'landys a"f---ing creep".

A slaughtered racehorse in the 7.30 expose.

A slaughtered racehorse in the 7.30 expose.ABC 7.30

"These people clearly thought he was responsible for the ill treatment of these horses,"McClintock argued.

The two-year investigation,titledThe Final Race,made allegations that hundreds of Australian racehorses were being sent to slaughterhouses.

McClintock argued his client was"deliberately"deceived by the ABC during an interview with journalist Caro Meldrum-Hanna,as V'landys was not made aware of the slaughterhouse footage at any stage.

McClintock also argued that the program implied V'landys knew about the cruelty,despite the main culprit,Meramist Abattoir,being based in Queensland. V'landys only has jurisdiction in NSW.

"We know right at the start the integrity of the racehorse industry is being challenged,"he said."Who is the one face,the one representative of the racing industry this dishonest journalism shows? It’s my client."

The court was played the entire unedited interview between Caro Meldrum-Hanna and Peter V'landys before showing the ABC program in its entirety. Until that point,V'landys had not seen it in full.

When asked in the witness box by his lawyer why he had chosen not to watch it,he said it was for his own"mental health".

After watching it in court on Wednesday,V'landys said he was feeling a"multitude of emotions".

"I feel deceived,I feel conned,I feel angry,"he said.

V'landys also told the court in the witness box the importance of his reputation in becoming the chairman of the ARLC.

"You can't be a regulator without having a solid reputation,"he said.

The hearing continues.

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Sarah Keoghan is a journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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