Resentment for swimming's'arch-villain'Sun Yang goes beyond doping history

Gwangju,South Korea:The catchphrase for this year's FINA World Swimming Championships,proudly displayed on banners around the main venues and across the southern Korean city,is saturated with irony:"Dive into Peace".

Not withstanding the sound of fighter jets constantly roaring skywards to patrol the airspace for Russian and Chinese interlopers in this delicate part of the globe,the reality in the competition pool could hardly be more divorced from the uplifting marketing slogan.

There was a feeling at the Rio Olympic Games that the athlete revolt against doping had reached a tipping point. Swimmers Mack Horton and Lilly King,with their brash public rebukes of China's Sun Yang and Russia's Yulia Efimova,became the faces of a frustrated competing cohort that felt they must act when their governing body,in that case FINA,would not.

Three years later,that hostility has not only refused to subside but reached new levels of animosity at the World Championships. Sun,once again,has become a lightning rod of resentment but the reasons are more complex than a simple rebuke to his past doping infringement – he was banned for three months in 2014 – and the current one in which he finds himself immersed.

Sun finds himself at the apex of a suite of swirling,intersecting narratives and circumstances that all provide context to a swimming meet crackling with tension that has seen athletes like Horton,King,Adam Peaty and Duncan Scott in open revolt.

Much of the anger is directed towards FINA,a governing body which,as they say in the Australian football codes,has well and truly"lost the dressing room". Many of the sport's highest-profile athletes consider it to be inept,bloated by muddling bureaucrats,incapable of dealing with serious issues like doping and saddled with a stubborn unwillingness to evolve into a modern,dynamic sporting organisation.

"I win,you lose":Gold medalist China's Sun Yang,right,gestures to Britain's bronze medalist Duncan Scott.

"I win,you lose":Gold medalist China's Sun Yang,right,gestures to Britain's bronze medalist Duncan Scott.AP

None of FINA's leaders have been available for interview in Gwangju as the event catches fire around them,culminating in the protests from Horton and Scott. In waiting for it all to just go away,they have shown again they simply cannot read the room.

Adam Peaty,the British breaststroke star and one of the sport's real stars,made the startling admission before the event that he had met FINA's president Julio Maglione just once. That would be the same Maglione that lovingly embraced Sun in 2017 when he was receiving gold for his 400m triumph in the world titles in Kazan.

FINA's executive director Cornel Marculescu is another fond of throwing his arms around the towering Chinese great. Sun once referred to him as something akin to a grandfather and in Rio,thanked him for helping him through a turbulent Games that began with Horton's taunt that Sun was a"drug cheat".

"Marcu is a very good friend of[the] Chinese swim team and he actually watched me like a grandfather. So I was very happy to see him see me win the gold. I hope this friendship will last,"Sun said at the time.

It all adds to the perception among other swimmers that Sun remains a protected species within the sport and a teacher's pet among the FINA hierarchy,who endure his behaviour because he remains their real golden child;the most popular athlete in one of the most powerful and populous nations on the planet.

"I don't think it's personal at all,"Australian backstroker Mitch Larkin said of the protests against Sun in Gwangju."I race[Chinese backstroker] Xu[Jiayu] a lot and people speculate all sorts of things. If you were trying to pick which athletes were clean or not,you'd be there all day,or all year.

"The way I look at it is,everyone is clean until proven otherwise. For me,Mack and Duncan are standing up to FINA to show we do believe in clean sport and we want to to make sure every opportunity is taken to ensure it is clean. If we didn't want clean sport,we wouldn't be here every day racing."

Sun is competing in South Korea under the cloud of a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) appeal against a FINA doping panel ruling that cleared him of destroying a sample of blood with a hammer that was due to be taken for testing.

Mack Horton (left) made his point against Sun Yang (centre).

Mack Horton (left) made his point against Sun Yang (centre).EPA

He and his team had issues with some of the identification documents of the nurse that drew the blood. According to the 59-page report of the incident,she was registered to draw blood in China but not that particular province,a technicality that ended in a long standoff and eventually,a smashed sample.

WADA's appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) will he heard in September and his fate will be decided after lawyers pore over technical legal details that will centre around who had what documents and whether they were sufficient.

His interactions with FINA and WADA are central to his role as the sport's arch-villain but in so many other ways,Sun fails to endear himself to his fellow athletes or anyone outside his fanatical Chinese fan base,who travel in numbers to wherever he competes.

He tried to antagonise Horton in training in Rio and was in 2015 accused by Alberto Pinto da Silva,Brazil's head coach,of kicking and elbowing Larissa Oliveira and causing issues for other athletes in a crowded pool.

"The South African[coach] said he bothered the swimmers when they were swimming. Chile,Argentina,everyone came to tell me what do to. If he's doing that to everyone then he's a dangerous guy,he has no place in sport,"Pinto da Silva said at the time. A complaint was made to FINA but no action taken.

One leading international coach toldThe Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age that Sun exists in the"China bubble",a realm populated by enthusiastic enablers who regularly remind him he can do no wrong. A partisan Chinese media defends his every move and is quick to lambast those casting aspersions on his character.

In Gwangju,Sun has been up to his old tricks. After beating Horton in the 400m,he took an eternity to leave the pool,instead climbing a lane rope,thumping the water and soaking up what he no doubt considered the perfect retort to his many critics.

Then,after claiming the 200m freestyle when winner Danas Rapsys was disqualified for moving on the blocks,Sun showed little contrition,celebrating his own triumph while the shattered Lithuanian could barely comprehend his misfortune.

Scott then refused to be photographed with Sun after the medal presentation,nor shake his hand,before Sun unleashed a verbal barrage,branding him a"loser". To many of the athletes,it was a moment that revealed to the public what they have witnessed beyond the cameras for years;a temper tantrum from a swimmer that they believe is entitled and untouchable.

Both men were given warning letters from FINA,as were Horton and Swimming Australia earlier in the meet.

But for all of Sun's history and tendency towards boorish behaviour,he is not a man that can't evoke a degree of sympathy. Horton's protest put him under immense pressure in Gwangju,regardless of whether the Australian intended to steer his displeasure towards FINA,not Sun. Perhaps Sun just snapped when Scott did it again. He is human,after all.

And the language barrier remains significant. Sun speaks no English and cannot communicate with western media,let alone thrash out his differences with his rivals man-to-man. Instead,his words are filtered through a sycophantic Chinese press that churns out little more than propaganda.

Outside of his team,Sun has at least one friend on pool deck in Sangay Tenzin,a 100m freestyler from Bhutan."I heard it yesterday that Sun Yang had a doping case but I hope it is not true because he one of my favourite swimmers,"Tenzin said."He is one of my idols."

Revered or reviled,Sun never disappoints when it comes to providing the kind of theatre that elevates the sport beyond its niche audience. CAS will determine whether it ends for good in September or rolls into Tokyo next year.

Phil Lutton is a sports reporter.

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