Eight crowded minutes show rugby the way ... but where's the will?

Journalist,author and columnist

The lead-up to the second Bledisloe Cup rugby match in Auckland highlights the interesting times we live in.

It is set up by the responses to the first match in Wellington,which provide a kind of inkblot test for different perspectives. Among the Australian true believers,bless their cotton-acrylic socks,there was an understandable outpouring of relief,joy,vindication,even jubilation,all the wild stages of disaster averted. The draw was actually a Wallabies win,the game is back,the ‘doomers’ were wrong,and the patriots and the sales force are behaving like your dog when it’s so happy to see you it runs around in circles and can’t sit down,making no sense but still fetchingly cute. The TV ratings,while still a fraction of the AFL’s and NRL’s,were solid for a Sunday and the code can now surge into a radiant future.

Ra ra.

In New Zealand,there was a more rueful assessment of Wellington,which might not have reflected an Australian renaissance so much as a continuation of the long All Blacks slide that started in 2018 and went on graphic display in last year’s World Cup. The All Blacks’ complacency showed up in the players’ pre-game smirks and found its apotheosis in Rieko Ioane’s showboating embarrassment before half-time. These ABs are not as good as they think they are,is the message,and have been coasting along in their predecessors’ wake. They must take the Wallabies more seriously.

But whatever happens in Auckland,the long-term trend is that Australia are getting a bit better,the All Blacks are getting a bit worse,and that’s good for the iso Bledisloe if they are the only participants,but it probably leaves both teams lagging even further behind the world leaders such as England,who easily accounted for both in the World Cup,and South Africa,who won the tournament.

The Australian players seemed to have the most realistic reaction to Wellington,acknowledging the severity of the conditions:a howling wind that turned to squalling rain.

Illustration:Simon Letch

The Wallabiesknew they let a big chance blow away. The ball was in play for 17 minutes in the first half,when the All Blacks had the wind. For the second half,when conditions intensified and fatigue set in,and Australia’s advantage increased,the ball was in play for 27 minutes,including the fabled post-siren eight. With their celebration in inverse proportion to their pre-game crisis of self-esteem,the true believers cheer the Wallabies for being dissatisfied with the draw.

But the Wallabies felt more like they’d lost than won;they were better than the All Blacks and had conditions in their favour.A few centimetres to the left and Reece Hodge would have become the modern-day John Eales. Then,with their foot on the New Zealand throat,they were too timid to risk passing wide or chancing a field goal with the slippery ball. Instead they tried to bash and barge,they spilt it,and their mistake-prone conservatism set off that exhilarating last stanza.

It’s not the vested interests who will determine rugby’s viability as a professional code in Australia. It’s the swing voters. As a going commercial concern,top-level rugby needs the swingers’ eyeballs and,via broadcasters,their potential dollars. What did the independent mind make of Wellington?
Firstly,you would need a heart of stone to resist the emotional pull of those uninterrupted eight minutes after full-time.

Michael Hooper is tackled during last week's Bledisloe epic in Wellington.

Michael Hooper is tackled during last week's Bledisloe epic in Wellington.Getty

Yes,for the other codes eight minutes of flow is no big deal. Yes,the other codes might offer more polish than the mayhem of dropped ball that the Wellington match turned into. Yes,there were only two occasions,both from the All Blacks,where an attacking team synchronised the kind of dazzling shapes NRL fans are spoilt to see dozens of times a week. But the errors,the loss of structure,and the adventure of the All Blacks in repeatedly trying to win the match against the wind and rain when they could have kicked the ball out and settled for a draw – Australia eventually throwing in the towel - were what made it so exciting and memorable. The stakes felt excruciatingly intense. Nation versus nation,an underdog fighting a 19-year curse,the unpredictability of what would happen next … for a few minutes,the game felt like life and death,or,in Bill Shankly’s immortal words,even more important than that.

What allowed that final passage to happen? The referee,Paul Williams,appreciated the stakes and kept his whistle in his pocket. His contribution,by absenting himself from the action,was critical. Can it happen again? Can rugby realise it has its greatest appeal to the swing voter – and its best hope of survival - when the officials get out of the way?

In the preceding 80 minutes,Williams had been neither more nor less dreadful than the usual referee in a big match. He blew a penalty every 120 seconds,usually for ruck infringements so obscure as to elude the understanding of coaches,players,commentators,and the TV graphics person who,tasked with explaining why a penalty had been given,paused for long seconds before giving up and typing ‘Not releasing the ball’,which seemed as good a guess as any.

The referee’s interpretations dictated the momentum of play,gave or denied opportunities for kicks at goal,and generally led to a lot of standing around. And then,after every claimed try,came the interminable video trips down memory lane. Typical rugby,in other words,and here is where it aggravates the swing voter. Where the competing codes have done everything they can to get the referee/umpire out of the picture,rugby is still stuck. Rugby people have grown used to it,and use those extended pauses for the other business of watching a rugby match – visiting the bar or the toilet,finding someone to network with - but for the swing voter,for whom referees are an annoyance at best and unwelcome influencers at worst,the first 80 minutes of that Wellington game were a case of sport struggling against an impediment of its own making.

By erasing himself and liberating the spectacle for those enchanted eight minutes,did Williams leave a lesson for the future? The swing voter asks:why can’t all rugby be more like that last bit? Without the life-and-death stakes of those last minutes,players would presumably go back to their cynical ways and referees back to blowing the pea out of their whistle. Stoppages become humdrum again. Many rugby reformers argue that the price of a penalty goal,three points,is too high.

But what if the stakes were constantly raised – what if sanctions for infringements were increased,rather than lessened? What if not releasing the ball resulted in a five-minute exclusion for the player,or an equivalent of AFL’s 50-metre penalty? What if you upped the stakes on infringements to the point where players would really,really try not to commit them and referees would really,really try not to blow their whistle? Then you might approach the conditions to replicate that marvellous last part of the Wellington match.

Rugby’s survival in Australia,as a mass spectator sport,is challenged by the fact that the other codes are wrestling with these issues every week and constantly updating. They’re not always successful,but their dream is to get officials out of the picture. Their fans are addicted to action. If rugby could be so responsive,it could match its rival codes for flow and intensity. It already beats them for pageantry. For those last eight minutes in Wellington,the players and not the referee held centre stage;it showed that there is a way,if only there is a will.

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Malcolm Knox is a journalist,author and columnist for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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