'Shame on us':US anti-doping chief says system failed Horton

One of the world's leading anti-doping figures says those responsible for the system that drove Mack Horton to stage his dramatic podium protest at swimming's World Championships should be ashamed.

The dust has settled for the moment on Horton's inflammatory move in Korea last month,where herefused to share a podium with Chinese star Sun Yang,who had just beaten him into second in the 400m freestyle.

Mack Horton (left) made his point against Sun Yang (centre).

Mack Horton (left) made his point against Sun Yang (centre).EPA

But the issue of athletes being frustrated by the lack of transparency in certain doping cases and the system in general will hardly subside as the sporting world gears up towards the Olympic Games in Tokyo next year.

Travis Tygart,the head of the American anti-doping agency USADA,said he felt great sympathy for athletes like Horton and Scotsman Duncan Scott,who followed suit just a few nights later when he refused to have his photo taken - or shake hands with - Sun.

Both Horton and Scott were accused of poor sportsmanship and a degree of sour grapes but Tygart said he understood the frustrations of the athletes and that a clunky,slow-moving system was to blame for the entire mess.

"Shame on the system... and we’re part of the system,"Tygart said."It’s a part that we don’t have control over but it does reflect on all of us trying to fight for clean sport. Shame on us for putting athletes in a position where they had to protest and not join the podium.

"That’s not their fault... that’s our fault and we should take responsibility for putting them in that position. Good on them for standing up when the system has let them down."

Lost in the intense historical personal rivarly between Horton and Sun,which dates back to the infamous'drug cheat'jibe at the Rio Olympic Games,was the reality that Horton and Scott were protesting against the glacial handling of a case that was still hanging over Sun's head while he was swimming and winning in South Korea.

He was cleared by a FINA doping panel after a member of his entourage smashed a blood vial that was due to be taken away for testing. Sun claimed that a tester had incorrect identification documents and he refused to allow his blood to be taken off the premises.

The World Anti-Doping Agency appealed the decision to the Court of Arbitration for Sport but it is not due to be heard until September,which allowed Sun to compete in July. Tygart said he was baffled as to why the case had not been finalised before the start of the meet.

FINA has sent Mack Horton a warning letter after he protested the gold medal of China's Sun Yang at swimming's world championships.

"Where the World Championships was really unfortunate was the Sun Yang case appeal had not been complete. Everyone would have been totally satisfied if the process had been complete and it wasn’t just a FINA internal panel that made the decision and it had gone to CAS,"Tygart said.

"That’s the part where the frustration comes in and it’s a shame that the system didn’t work better to take the frustration away from all the athletes competing. You can understand why all the athletes would be frustrated having to compete with someone that has a pending case hanging over them.

"They certainly should have moved to have that case resolved. And I’m not judging the case,it’s on appeal and we will see how that plays out,but process-wise there was nothing that prevented that case being heard before the World Championships.

"If you look at the timing,the original violation was in early September,the hearing for the first case was in November,the decision came out in early January. The appeal had to happen within 30 days... there was plenty of time to have that completed before the World Championships and you avoid that conflict."

Tygart's words should be heeded by international anti-doping agencies and the various sporting federations because any similar protest at an Olympic Games would create a major international sporting incident not seen since the Black Power salute at the 1968 Games in Mexico City.

Under International Olympic Committee rules,athletes could even be forced to hand back their medals. The danger for the IOC is that some competitors may judge that worth the sacrifice if it meant calling out a system that was failing to adequately deal with those intent on cheating.

Phil Lutton is a sports reporter.

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