FINA'open'to stripping Sun Yang of world championship medals

Swimming’s under-fire world governing body will entertain stripping Sun Yang of his gold medals from last year’s world championships,according to FINA vice-president Matt Dunn,but any decision would have to wait until after the disgraced Chinese superstar has a final appeal heard by the Swiss federal court.

Sun,28,was on Friday suspended for eight years by the Lausanne-based Court of Arbitration for Sport,which found the freestyler guilty of a second doping offence after the World Anti-Doping Agency appealed the original ruling of FINA’s doping panel.

Calls have been made for Chinese swimmer Sun Yang to lose his gold medals,after his eight-year doping ban.

That determination in January last year had cleared the three-time Olympic gold medallist and arch rival of Australian Mack Horton of a doping violation over an incident in which a vial of his blood was smashed during an out-of-competition drugs test in September 2018.

In its judgment on Friday,the CAS stopped short of stripping the medals Sun collected during his controversial appearance at last year’s world championships in South Korea including his gold in the 400m freestyle when he finished ahead ofHorton,who engaged in a silent protest by not participating in the medal ceremony.

That decision is now back in the court of FINA. The governing said in a statement on Friday night it had “noted CAS’s provisions with regard to the modification of competition results” but with swimmers such as South Africa’s Chad le Clos urging a review of the Chinese superstar’s medals dating back to his initial three-month ban for a positive test to a prohibited stimulant in 2014,FINA is under pressure to erase his results from Gwangju last year.

Dunn,the former Australian Olympian who is one of nine members of the FINA executive,said he believed removing Sun’s world championship medals would be considered,although not until he had appealed to the Swiss Federal Tribunal. Sun has said he will go down that path in a bid to compete at the Olympics in Tokyo this year and “to let more people know the truth”. He has always claimed the testers who turned up to his house were not carrying proper identification and he was worried his samples may be contaminated if they took them away.

Australia's Mack Horton refuses to share the podium with Yang Sun at the swimming world championships in South Korea last year.

Australia's Mack Horton refuses to share the podium with Yang Sun at the swimming world championships in South Korea last year.AP

“I’ll have to convene with the FINA executive but my personal opinion is we’ll likely have to wait until any avenue of appeal is completed,” Dunn toldThe Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age on Sunday.

“I think the option[of stripping Sun of his medals] will be open. We supported the judgment of the FINA doping panel,and consequently we support the decision of the CAS. Really we wean to ensure the WADA code is enforced as best we can in order to ensure a drug-free playing field for clean athletes.

“From FINA’s perspective the importance is to have a drug-free sport. As an ex-member of the WADA athlete committee I’m very committed to that. We have to ensure our procedures are as robust as possible to ensure our sport is clean and all athletes are protected.”

Dunn’s comments came as Sun’s Beijing lawyer,Zhang Qihuai,on the weekend slammed the CAS’s overturning of the decision by the FINA doping panel and indicated the swimmer would sue a doping tester who gave “false evidence”.

“February 28,2020 was a dark day. It shows the scene where evil defeats justice and power replaces self-evident truths,” Beijing-based lawyer Zhang Qihuai said in a statement.

“On this day,[the] CAS listened to prejudice,turned a blind eye to rules and procedures,turned a blind eye to facts and evidence,and accepted all lies and false evidence.”

FINA,whose executive director Cornel Marculescu has been described by Sun as “like a grandfather” to him,has come under renewed attack following the eight-year ban slapped on the swimmer by the CAS.

Prior to that suspension being announced on Friday,the Associated Press reported that FINA had backed Sun’s lawyers in attempting to have the WADA appeal to the CAS dismissed,claiming WADA’s lead counsel,Richard Young,had a conflict of interest because he’d previously been on FINA’s legal commission.

The decision to clear Sun last year was made by a FINA doping panel comprising of David Lech,the general counsel for the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport,Swiss lawyer Robert Fox and Farid Ben Belkacem of Algeria.

Chris Barrett is an investigative reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. He is a former South-East Asia correspondent,and chief sports reporter.

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