Barty knew Australian Open triumph was likely to be her grand farewell

With a pair of signature slice backhands and a whipping cross court forehand that soared past Danielle Collins and dipped savagely into the court,Ash Barty signed off her Australian Open triumph in irrepressible style.

The roar of delight that followed would become an iconic moment in Australian tennis. The prevailing commentary over following days,as a carefree Barty enjoyed the celebrations,centred around who on the WTA Tour could rise to her level and how long her era of dominance would stretch.

Ash Barty explains her decision to retire from tennis at the top of her game.

Only those in her closest circle knew Barty,who played the ultimate poker face,was on the verge of a decision that would stun the sport. That stroke,executed with typical grace and precision,was likely to be her final flourish in a Grand Slam and - quite possibly - competitive tennis altogether.

In truth,by the time Barty lifted the silverware at Melbourne Park,her future had been playing on her mind since her Wimbledon breakthrough the previous English summer. As she breathed in the ovation at her home Slam,Barty knew she may have just crafted the perfect farewell note on a brilliant career.

“Yes and no,” Barty said with a wry smile on Thursday when asked if she knew that was her likely sign-off from the sport. “It was such an incredible moment to share with so many people in the crowd.

“That crowd,the final of the Australian Open was like nothing I have I’ve ever played in front of before. There is no perfect timing but this was our perfect way.”

No firm decision had yet been made but for months,Barty had been leaning more and more towards an early retirement. On Wednesday,that’s exactly what she announced,as she departed the professional ranks aged 25 and with her No.1 ranking intact.

A home tie in the Billie Jean Cup in April could have been her official farewell but when that was postponed after Australia was given a rails run to the final after Russia’s ban,Barty was smart enough to know final bows in sport don’t come much sweeter than her Australian Open victory.

“After Wimbledon,my perspective changed a lot,” Barty said. “And there was this beautiful challenge of trying to play the Australian Open and trying to win an Australian Open,which was always another goal of mine,and to do that as a team and to do that with the people that meant so much to me was incredible.”

Barty spoke at length about her decision when she held court in a press conference in Brisbane but there was no fresh,earth-shattering news at the heart of her reasoning. She had simply had enough of the rigours of professional tennis and with three Grand Slams in her keeping,her cup was full.

“I’ve never,never been a prisoner. I think the Australian public allowed me to be myself. They allowed me to make mistakes. They allowed me to be imperfect. And it just made it so much for fun,” Barty said.

Ash Barty,with coach Craig Tyzzer in the background,speaks to the media in Brisbane on Thursday.

Ash Barty,with coach Craig Tyzzer in the background,speaks to the media in Brisbane on Thursday.Eddie Jim

“It really did make that Australian Open so much more enjoyable for all of us to be able to go you know what,this is one last crack,let’s see what we can do. It was really cool.”

Other sports,like cricket and golf,have already rolled out the red carpet for Barty and she did stop short of declaring her days as an athlete as over. But she said there were no immediate plans beyond spending time with family and friends and continue her role as a tennis coach to her budding nieces and nephews.

“I’ve seen some brilliant Photoshops as a jockey,lawn bowls,I’ve seen a little bit. I love sport. I’m a sport nut. Like a lot of Australians are,I will be glued to it. I’ve always been an athlete in a sense of trying different things. But we will see how we go,” Barty said.

In February,Barty,a proud Ngaragu woman,spent time at Uluru mentoring and coaching Indigenous youth. It was a time of deep reflection and only strengthened her resolve to use her celebrity as a means of giving back. To do that,she needed to be at home,not live a life on the road.

“I know my contribution with the Aboriginal and Indigenous side of our sport will only grow,” Barty said. “I’m really excited for that,I’m really excited to have the opportunity to give Indigenous youth,Aboriginal youth around our nation more opportunity to get into the sport.

“That’s something that we’ll work on down the track but I am excited to spend more time in that space.”

Barty has more to reveal over coming weeks and months but she urged her supporters to be patient in terms of her next move. She has a wedding to plan with partner Garry Kissick and a house to build overlooking the fairways of her beloved Brookwater golf course.

At the end of the current WTA event in Miami,Barty has asked for her name to be removed from the rankings. That will make official a decision that many tennis fans around the world are still struggling to digest.

Phil Lutton is a sports reporter.

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