Researchers talk to Siri,Alexa,Google Home by shining laser pointers

Researchers have demonstrated an ability to"hack"smart speakers and phones,including those from Google,Apple and Amazon,by sending silent commands by laser from as far as 100 metres away.

The researchers,from universities in Japan and the US,spent months developing their experiments and dub the technique"light commands". In a paper,they describe how the commands could be used from just about anywhere with line of sight to the device,even through windows.

The method exploits micro-electro-mechanical microphones,which are used in many gadgets that are designed to listen for speech. The researchers discovered that such microphones also respond to light,so they could use a laser to transmit a phrase such as"Hey Google,unlock the door",and the device would react as if the phrase was spoken nearby.

Though some media reports have indicated any attacker could do this with a cheap laser pointer,that isn't strictly true. The researchers did use ordinary laser pointers in the tests,as well as other relatively common devices including a portable audio amplifier and a telephoto lens designed for cameras. All up this gear cost the researchers $US246,or around $357.

Attackers using this technique would also need binoculars or a telescope for aiming,a PC or audio device to deliver the phrases,a geared tripod to keep the laser steady and power supplies to keep everything working.

However to actually transmit audio commands the researchers used a $500 laser diode driver;specialised equipment designed for lab work.

A very specific part of the internal microphones needs to be targeted,so attackers would need in-depth knowledge of the design of the target device.

Also limiting the potential harm of the hack is the fact that attackers would require line of sight to the device,meaning any device not laying still out in the open or located next to a window is safe. The laser-delivered command is silent,but if any people were nearby the target device they'd likely see the laser and hear the device respond to the command.

Still,the technique shows that there are unanticipated vulnerabilities in machines that are commonly used to for sensitive tasks like unlocking doors and locating other devices,or in some cases even making online purchases.

Some smart speakers require PIN numbers or voice authentication before executing sensitive tasks,but the researchers say this could be sidestepped by brute forcing (guessing all the possible PIN combinations) or with a recording of the user's voice.

The researchers have notified the manufacturers of the various vulnerable devices,but believe any device with micro-electro-mechanical microphones would be able to be attacked using this technique. They do however make some suggestions for software updates,such as having the speakers ask for a random confirmation word for sensitive commands which an attacker would not be able to hear.

Tim Biggs is a writer covering consumer technology,gadgets and video games.

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