Spotlight on contracts as NBN ramps up

Some 20 per cent of the money has already been spent.

As the awarding of NBN contracts ramps up,scrunity is now turning onto the execution of the project rather than its merits.

In an absolute economic sense,NBN Co's $1.1 billion contract with Ericsson to build the wireless portion of the national broadband network is far too expensive. Telstra,by contrast,spent the same amount to build its Next-G mobile network,back in 2006 with a much larger footprint.


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Specifics of the new generation LTE technology explain the disparity,but such comparisons are likely to become far more common as last week's affirmative Telstra shareholder vote slided the $35.9 billion project further and further from the threat of cancellation.

The shift was evident in last week's Senate Estimates hearings,where members of the Environment and Communications Legislation Committee,currently overseeing funding,grilled CEO Mike Quigley about the nature of the tender process so far.

SA senator Simon Birmingham tried to force Quigley to make public the details of company's decision to cancel its construction tender earlier this year after it deemed the 14 responses too expensive.

NBN Co went back to the negotiating table with a revised risk-management strategy that fetched lower prices in return.

"We have subsequently executed a number of contracts with much better value for the Australian taxpayer,"Quigley said.

"It is a sensible thing for a company charged with a responsibility for spending taxpayers'money wisely to suspend the process when it believes it is not getting the right value for money."

Senator Birmingham also grilled Quigley on a report last week that suggested most contracts were going to overseas providers rather than Australian companies.

Senator Stephen Conroy dismissed them as"outrageous misrepresentations"and Quigley,labelling the report"bizarre",said NBN Co is"using local content to the maximum extent we can".

Such scrutiny is only set to increase as the construction finally starts to ramp up over the next 12 months,with 28 new sites announced last week alone. The company has already let more than $7 billion worth of contracts.

The winners of the construction tenders in South Australia and the Northern Territory are expected to be announced"in another month or so"after repeated delays,Quigley said. Those contracts will represent hundreds of millions of dollars'worth of new commitment if they follow the benchmark set by previous construction deals with Silcar - up to $1.12 billion for construction in Queensland,NSW and the ACT,and Transfield Services and Service Stream - $395 million and $484 million for WA and Victoria respectively.

Fat cheques will also be written for Corning Cable Systems to manufacture the NBN's fibre-optics from a factory in Melbourne under a five-year deal worth up to $1.2 billion. Networking equipment vendors Prysmian ($300 million),Nokia Siemens Networks ($400 million),Alcatel-Lucent ($1.5 billion),Warren and Brown Technologies ($110 million) and TE Connectivity ($400 million) will be supplying passive optical network equipment.

Fujitsu has scored a $100 million deal to roll out NBN fibre in greenfield housing estates,while Optus will receive up to $200 million and IPSTAR $100 million for interim satellite services until a more permanent solution is in place.

And then there are the operational contracts. IBM and Oracle will build a $23 million operational support system (OSS) and business software system (BSS),while Fujitsu scored a three-year deal worth $25 million to manage NBN Co's corporate desktops. Cisco Systems received a $9.5 million nod to kit out the network's data centres,Alcatel-Lucent picked up $15 million for engineering and testing services,and Emerson Network Power this month won a $100 million deal to build ten multi-function facilities across the country.

The administration of these contracts will be a constant source of inquiry and speculation,with political oversight intense and NBN Co and its subcontractors now working through the logistics of large-scale workforce and industrial relations,staff sourcing,and so on.

Rob Oakeshott,chairman of the joint parliamentary oversight committee on the NBN,has flagged workforce issues as a potential problem area when the committee meets today,along with representatives from consumer groups the ACCC and ACCAN.

While a significant amount of funding has been committed so far,there's nothing to indicate it is being misspent,says telecommunications analyst Paul Budde of BuddeComm,who has been tracking the project since its inception and regularly discusses its progress with specialist engineers working in the telecommunications sector.

"The feedback I'm continuously getting is that NBN Co are on the right track and doing the right things,"Budde said."The strategic level of engineering people I'm in contact with,are impressed with the sorts of technologies NBN Co is using and the way they're going about the design of the network."

Asked about the cost of NBN Co's wireless versus Telstra's Next-G,Budde pointed out that a fixed wireless network like NBN Co's LTE service needs to be over-engineered to provide capacity margins that ensure large numbers of customers don't bring the network to its knees.

"If you want to do it on the cheap,you can,"he said."But then you don't get the results you want."

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