Labor’s caucus system a valuable part of democracy

Labor’s caucus system a valuable part of democracy

While some may view the Labor pledge of caucus solidarity as a quaint anachronism,it remains the bedrock on which Labor has built a reputation as a stable party of reform and progress.


Payman and Palestine challenge our democratic comfort zone

Payman and Palestine challenge our democratic comfort zone

It’s time for Labor to not just allow a conscience vote to its members on issues regarding Gaza but for our society as a whole to acknowledge there is more than one worldview for our collective future. Surely we need this honest discussion more than ever?

Hero,villain,or both? Untangling Assange’s divisive legacy

Hero,villain,or both? Untangling Assange’s divisive legacy

The Herald published two opinion pieces on Julian Assange. One was objective – the other revealed a superior tone conveying mockery,derision and oversimplification.

Winning friends and influencing people in Trump 2.0’s orbit

Winning friends and influencing people in Trump 2.0’s orbit

The launch of former prime minister Scott Morrison’s book was an unlikely look at what Australia’s diplomatic efforts might look like under a return of Donald Trump.

  • byFarrah Tomazin
Trump redux a clear and present challenge to our foreign policy

Trump redux a clear and present challenge to our foreign policy

The problem facing Australia’s foreign policy under another Donald Trump presidency? Many of his utterances seem shaped by 1950s American daytime games shows.

  • The Herald's View
Why we need to look forward to an ageing population

Why we need to look forward to an ageing population

People in the 65 to 75 age bracket can be fully functioning citizens if they have maintained a healthy lifestyle,says Jenny Goldie.

Frydenberg 2.0 presents a problem for the Liberals

Frydenberg 2.0 presents a problem for the Liberals

A faction in Kooyong has started to agitate for Mr Josh Frydenberg to be the Liberal candidate in this seat. The current selected candidate,Amelia Hamer,won the right to be the candidate with a large majority vote nine weeks ago. Will we next hear that she has “generously” stepped aside for Mr Frydenberg? Being a woman,she must know what action is expected of her.

Labor inaction plays into the hands of a Trump-lite

Labor inaction plays into the hands of a Trump-lite

In Peter Hartcher’s incisive article about Donald Trump he explains why Trump is likely to win;“America no longer offers a dream to ordinary working people”. The same can probably be said for Australia. Labor has deserted its traditional base;“ordinary working people” who have borne the brunt of higher interest rates and the general cost of living.

The bad thing about the Trump verdict? That people celebrated it

The bad thing about the Trump verdict? That people celebrated it

Trump’s business model is tribalism,and the guilty verdict will further entrench it. So,for his political opponents,there is little cause for celebration.

  • byJacqueline Maley
Trump guilty verdict will test justice system

Trump guilty verdict will test justice system

While justice for rich white men of power moves at a snail’s pace in the US,with the backing of US oligarchs,the Murdoch and right-wing media,Putin’s online hackers,Elon Musk’s X,the religious hard right,and the conservative appointees on the Supreme Court,it will be interesting to see if nobody truly is above the law.

Trump convictions should be a tombstone for his career

Trump convictions should be a tombstone for his career

Donald Trump’s conviction should have been the end of his political career. But these are not normal times.

  • byThe Herald's View