Oscar Pistorius stays in prison after his parole is denied

Pretoria: Former Olympic runner Oscar Pistorius has been denied parole and will have to stay in prison for at least another year and four months after it was decided he had not served the “minimum detention period” required to be released following his murder conviction for killing girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp 10 years ago.

The parole board on Friday (South Africa time) ruled that Pistorius would only be able to apply again in August 2024,South Africa’s Department of Corrections said in a two-paragraph statement. It was released soon after a parole hearing at the Atteridgeville Correctional Centre prison where Pistorius is being held.

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius at a bail hearing several years ago.

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius at a bail hearing several years ago.AP

The board cited a new clarification on Pistorius’ sentence that was issued by the country’s Supreme Court of Appeal just three days before the hearing. Still,legal experts criticised authorities’ decision to proceed with the hearing when Pistorius was not eligible.

Steenkamp’s parents,Barry and June,were “relieved” with the decision but were not celebrating it,their lawyer said.

“They can’t celebrate because there are no winners in this situation. They lost a daughter and South Africa lost a hero,” lawyer Tania Koen said,referring to the dramatic fall from grace of Pistorius,once a world-famous and highly admired athlete.

The decision and reasoning to deny parole was a surprise but there has been legal wrangling over when Pistorius should be eligible for parole because of the series of appeals in his case. He was initially convicted of culpable homicide,a charge comparable to manslaughter,in 2014 but the case went through a number of appeals before Pistorius was finally sentenced to 13 years and five months in prison for murder in 2017.

June Steenkamp,the mother of Reeva Steenkamp arrives at the Atteridgeville Prison for the parole hearing of Oscar Pistorius.

June Steenkamp,the mother of Reeva Steenkamp arrives at the Atteridgeville Prison for the parole hearing of Oscar Pistorius.AP

Serious offenders must serve at least half their sentence to be eligible for parole in South Africa. Pistorius’ lawyers had previously gone to court to argue that he was eligible because he had served the required portion if they also counted periods served in jail from late 2014 following his culpable homicide conviction.

The lawyer handling Pistorius’ parole application did not immediately return phone calls seeking comment.

June Steenkamp attended Pistorius’ hearing inside the prison complex to oppose his parole. The parents have said they still do not believe Pistorius’ account of their daughter’s killing and wanted him to stay in jail.

Pistorius runs in one of the men’s 400-meter semifinal races during the London Olympics.

Pistorius runs in one of the men’s 400-meter semifinal races during the London Olympics.AP

Pistorius,who is now 36,has always claimed he killed Steenkamp,a 29-year-old model and law student,in the pre-dawn hours of Valentine’s Day 2013 after mistaking her for a dangerous intruder in his home. He shot four times with his licensed 9mm pistol through a closed toilet cubicle door in his bathroom,where Steenkamp was,hitting her multiple times. Pistorius claimed he didn’t realise his girlfriend had got out of bed and gone to the bathroom.

The Steenkamps say they still think he is lying and killed her intentionally after a late-night argument.

Koen had struck a more critical tone when addressing reporters outside the prison before the hearing,saying the Steenkamps believed Pistorius could not be considered to be rehabilitated “unless he comes clean” over the killing.

“He’s the killer of their daughter. For them,it’s a life sentence,” Koen said before the hearing.

June Steenkamp had sat grim-faced in the back seat of a car nearby while Koen spoke to reporters outside the prison gates ahead of the hearing. June Steenkamp and Koen were then driven into the prison in a Department of Corrections vehicle. June Steenkamp made her submission to the parole board in a separate room to Pistorius and did not come face-to-face with her daughter’s killer,Koen said.

Barry Steenkamp did not travel for the hearing because of poor health but a family friend read out a statement to the parole board on his behalf,the parents’ lawyer said.

Pistorius was once hailed as an inspirational figure for overcoming the adversity of his disability,before his murder trial and sensational downfall captivated the world.

Pistorius’s lower legs were amputated when he was a baby because of a congenital condition and he walks with prosthetics. He went on to become a double-amputee runner and multiple Paralympic champion who made history by competing against able-bodied athletes at the 2012 London Olympics,running on specially designed carbon-fibre blades.


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