Australia a'partner,not a rival',says China,as relations warm up

Beijing:China has said it wants to be Australia's partner,not its rival,in building infrastructure in the Pacific,offering"trilateral cooperation"after Australia announced its own $3 billion infrastructure fund to stand alongside China's massive Belt and Road Initiative.

A warm meeting between foreign affairs minister Marise Payne and her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in Beijing has reset the bilateral relationship,Mr Wang saying the pair had reached"an important common understanding"that China and Australia have different strengths in the Pacific.

A warm encounter between Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing.

A warm encounter between Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing.DFAT

"Australia and China are not competitors,not rivals but co-operation partners and we have agreed to combine and capitalise on our respective strengths to carry out trilateral cooperation involving Pacific island states,"he said.

Mr Wang did not mention the Belt and Road Initiative in his comments,but said the Pacific cooperation could become a new highlight in the Australia-China relationship.

The two-hour meeting ran overtime as Ms Payne,on her first official visit to Beijing and the first by an Australian foreign affairs minister in almost three years,had what she called a “full and candid discussion” with her counterpart.

She said Australia and China had agreed to work more closely on bilateral,regional and global issues and had agreed on a"respectful relationship".

Mr Wang emphasised that these were the first talks with the “new government” in Australia. He made clear that China appreciated positive public comments about China from Ms Payne and new prime minister Scott Morrison.

“We are ready to step up our strategic dialogue and deepen strategic cooperation … in particular rebuild and cement our political mutual trust,” he said in his opening remarks at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

Mr Wang noted that Ms Payne had written to him describing Australia and China as neighbours and strategic partners.

The relationship had deteriorated badly under the Turnbull government over a number of perceived slights,including the foreign interference legislation,leading to a freeze in the relationship which meant a minister had not enjoyed an official meeting with Chinese ministers in 2018.

Accompanying Ms Payne was ambassador Jan Adams and DFAT secretary and former ambassador to China Frances Adamson.

Sitting across the table from Ms Payne and her delegation,Mr Wang noted it was Ms Payne’s first visit to China but the second meeting between the pair in two months.

Mr Wang looked intently at Ms Payne as she replied to the opening comments.

She recalled her first visit to Beijing was 25 years earlier as a NSW government official accompanying a premier,and said the business delegation with her at the time “only saw opportunity” in the China relationship.

The official meeting was the first this year by an Australian minister.

The official meeting was the first this year by an Australian minister.DFAT

She referred to trade minister Simon Birmingham's"very busy"week at Chinese president Xi Jinping’s China International Import Expo,which 150 Australian companies attended with strong support from Australia.

Ms Payne said she wanted to “build the personal relationships” that underpin the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Australia and China through meetings such as the one today,and future meetings between the two nations'leaders in the coming weeks.

Ms Payne highlighted Mr Morrison’s recent speech in the Sydney suburb of Hurstville to the Australian Chinese community and said it was home to her football team.

Asked by Australian media about Australia's approach to foreign investment from China,Ms Payne said it was a fact that China and Hong Kong investment in Australia combined had experienced the largest growth in the last five years.

Ms Payne later told Australian media “there are some powerful opportunities to share our skills” in trilateral aid co-operation.

The foreign minister also met with the chairman of the Chinese International Development Operation Agency,Wang Xiaotao. The agency is a new oversight body for the Belt and Road Initiative.

Ms Payne said she made clear Australia’s expectations for aid delivery and focus on “security,stability and prosperity”.

Mr Wang Xiaotao raised the prospect of Australia working with China on education aid programs.

“We have been responsive to a very enormous infrastructure need ... but it’s much broader than that,” she said.

Ms Payne said health was another area for potential co-operation and a malaria project was already underway in PNG involving Australia and China.

“There is a lot of room to work together and use complementary skills,” she said.
Ms Payne said her meetings had been “very productive”.

China and Australia came from different political backgrounds but the two nations had agreed to handle differences respectfully,she said.

The comments come in the wake of Treasurer Josh Frydenberg blocking the $13 billion takeover of gas pipeline business the APA Group by Hong Kong's CK Group.

China's foreign minister said he welcomed Ms Payne’s reiteration that Australia welcomed Chinese investment and he said “we hope a single case won’t affect Australia’s attitude to investment”.

Ms Payne said the pair had exchanged views on the detention centres in China’s western province of Xinjiang.

At the United Nations,Australia had urged China to end the arbitrary detention of Uighurs and other Muslim ethnic groups in its vast western province,saying there had been"significant regression"in China's civil and political rights in the past five years,and calling for the immediate release of detainees.

Mr Wang told the media that China was firmly against the spread of terrorism.

Kirsty Needham is a former China Correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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