‘Wild West’:China’s trade hopes in Afghanistan now hostage to nation’s security

China Town in central Kabul is not your average Chinatown. It is a set of 10-storey buildings populated by steel traders,deal makers and textile merchants. You won’t find rows of noodle houses here,but you will find Chinese solar panels on the roof to help keep the power on.

Before theTaliban swept through the Afghan countryside to take Kabul,China Town had made a deal with the Afghan government to build a small 300-megawatt coal-fired power plant to put an end to rolling blackouts.

China Town in Kabul.

China Town in Kabul.Supplied

That deal,like many of the others negotiated by a small determined group of investors,is now caught in limbo between a deserting Afghan government and the new Taliban regime. But while the rest of the world’s diplomats and militaries pack up and leave the Afghanistan capital,many of China Town’s inhabitants are staying put.

“We don’t want to give local people the impression that us Chinese are unreliable and will escape at the first sight of trouble,” China Town’s founder Yu Minghui said on Chinese messaging service WeChat. “We have plans and contracts with our Afghan partners. Now we can only take one step at a time.”

So far,the Taliban is eager to talk. “When they heard about business hurdles in China Town,they would send higher-level officials,asking about the difficulty and how they could help,” Yu said. “They say that Chinese people are friends,and should not be afraid to ask if they run into any trouble.”

A US Marine assists during an evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul.

A US Marine assists during an evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul.Reuters

Traders like Yu now have rare access to a country that most of the world’s business dealers have abandoned.

“Beijing can offer what Kabul needs most:political impartiality and economic investment,” Zhou Bo,a colonel in the People’s Liberation Army wrote for theNew York Timeson August 20. “Afghanistan,in turn,has what China most prizes:opportunities in infrastructure and industry building.”

Taliban co-founder Abdul Ghani Baradar,left,and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Tianjin,China,on July 28.

Taliban co-founder Abdul Ghani Baradar,left,and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Tianjin,China,on July 28.AP

But behind the optimism is the cold reality of markets,risk and instability. China Town’s fate rests largely on the long-term security situation in Afghanistan. The country is estimated to hold up to $1.4 trillion in rare earth and other mineral resources,but few have been able to access them without mines collapsing under pressure from insurgents,huge upfront capital costs and political volatility.

Central Asia’s largest copper mine Mes Aynak has yet to produce any copper because landmines are still being cleared 14 years after the China Metallurgical Group won the rights to explore it for $4.2 billion. China’s National Petroleum Corporation has had access to the Amu Darya oilfield since 2011,but it has not exported any oil. There is an iron ore reserve in Hajigak,130 kilometres west of Kabul,but to melt the ore a 400-megawatt power plant will need to be built,along with railways that can transport it through war-ravaged tribal areas to ships to export overseas.

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While some ambitious private investors like Yu and others in China Town who deal in smaller export markets like textiles and scrap metal see opportunity,larger impediments are likely to bedevil the Chinese government’s Belt and Road projects and any attempt to link the $85 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor through road and rail to the top of Central Asia.

In July,nine Chinese employees were killed in a suicide bomb on a motorcade in Pakistan. Another attack targeted Chinese engineers working on a highway last week.

Andrew Small,who specialises in Sino relations with Pakistan and Afghanistan for the German Marshall Fund’s Asia Program,said in the short-to-medium term China’s main focus would be on containing threats.

“I think China’s still sees Afghanistan as kind of a wild west environment,” he said. “It is not one that I think they want to see as some kind of fabulously interconnected hub for the entire region.”

Beijing’s risk calculus has also changed for Belt and Road projects. China’s lenders have tightened their books after stumbles in Venezuela,Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Chinese overseas development finance fell by more than 90 per cent in 2019 compared to 2016 according to research by Boston University.

In its current state,the Afghan economy can’t produce enough fuel or food to feed or power its citizens let alone begin to pay off any debt. Its exports largely made up of fruit and nuts,are worth $1 billion,its imports almost $9 billion,an imbalance that cannot be sustained without foreign aid.

Rather than plunging billions into infrastructure that may never see a return,Beijing is more likely to maximise its messaging that it will be a “different kind of leader” to the US,said Small,one that is sympathetic,has open lines of dialogue with Pakistan to the new Taliban government and will consider small-scale investments and aid.

ISIS-K suicide bomber carrying explosives killed in US drone strike.

In return,for the possibility of longer-term economic commitments,China wants Afghanistan to stay out of its affairs in neighbouring Xinjiang,where up to one million Muslim Uighurs have been detained.

“And it’s understood,if you do take China on,then you’re gonna find yourself in a substantially more difficult position,” Small said.

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Eryk Bagshaw is an investigative reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. He was previously North Asia correspondent.

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