If push comes to shove with China,Biden meeting may be marked as the moment Tokyo chose sides

Political and international editor

It took nearly three months for the new US President to hold his first summit with another nation’s leader in person. But when he finally found time and overcame the COVID constraints,which leader did he choose to host in the White House?Japan’s Prime Minister,Yoshihide Suga,who visited Washington at the weekend,Australian time. Why Japan? Because Japan is on the front line of the US confrontation with China,America’s greatest struggle of the 21st century.

Driving home the point,the relationship with Tokyo is “our most important alliance” in the words of a background briefing that a White House official gave the American press corps before the summit. Other capitals will have their noses out of joint,but the truth is that Biden cannot succeed in meeting China’s challenge without solid Japanese support.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and Joe Biden met face-to-face at the White House.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and Joe Biden met face-to-face at the White House.AP

Did he get it? The declaration issued by Biden and Suga on the weekend “could be the decisive act on Japan’s part to change from the path of improvement-oriented relations with China to competition-focused or even confrontation,depending on how China reacts”,says a leading Japanese analyst,Yoichi Kato.Because Biden asked Japan to step up its commitment to help defend Taiwan,the self-governing territory that China considers a “red line” priority,against any Chinese aggression. And Japan did.

The world is on alert over China’s moves against Taiwan. Beijing relentlessly has been increasing its military pressure on Taiwan’s airspace and maritime zones in recent months. Just last week Beijing flew 25 warplanes into Taiwan’s air defence identification zone,the biggest number since Taiwan started disclosing such reports last September. Taiwan scrambled its own air force to deter them.

China considers Taiwan a renegade province with which it has pledged to “reunify” by 2049,by any means necessary. It doesn’t recognise Taiwan’s air defence identification zone. There is much speculation that China’s President Xi Jinping could attempt to take the island and its 25 million people by force in the next few years.

For the first time since 1969,Tokyo committed itself to “the importance of the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait” in conjunction with the US,in Suga’s words. It’s the first time since Japan officially recognised Beijing as the legitimate government of China that it has dared express such a view at this level. “Japan’s relations with China have been on a slow,steady course of improvement over the last few years,especially after US-China relations deteriorated,” says Kato,currently a visiting research fellow at the Institute for National Defence and Security Research in Taiwan.

“Japan is fully aware that China was keen to drive a wedge between Tokyo and Washington,” Kato tells me. But by stepping into the super-sensitive Taiwan question,Suga risks putting that in reverse.

Illustration:Andrew Dyson

Illustration:Andrew Dyson

In fact,if push comes to shove and China and the US go to war over Taiwan,historians may mark the weekend’s summit as the moment when Tokyo chose sides – to stand with the US in defending Taiwan. The joint commitment to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait “could trigger an unintended escalation of tension”,says Kato. “If the situation actually made such a turn towards serious deterioration and even to military conflict,this Biden-Suga summit could be looked back on as the point of no return.”

Kato says Japan’s Prime Minister is out in front of Japanese public opinion:“It boils down to this question – is Japan ready to die for Taiwan’s democracy? There’s a general public sentiment in Japan in favour of Taiwan and people are buying a lot of pineapples from Taiwan to support them” in the face of a Beijing political trade ban. “But will Japanese people go beyond pineapples and shed blood when Taiwan is under military attack?“

So why would Japan take such a risk,potentially going into a war between America and China in defence of Taiwan? Because Japan is deeply worried about its own defences against China.

Just as Beijing has been pressing Taiwan with near-daily military encroachments on its territory,so it has been doing to the islands that Japan currently administers,the Senkakus. Beijing claims the islands as its own under the name of Diaoyu.

Tokyo fears a scenario like this one:“If China sends hundreds of its fishing boats – which are really maritime militia disguised as fishing boats – as they have against the Philippines,and try to land the crews on one of the islands,Japan can’t stop them because we don’t have enough coastguard cutters,” says Kato,who’s also affiliated with the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. This sort of “grey zone” operation could turn into a fait accompli by Beijing,and it would be “very messy” for Japan’s military. Tokyo wants the assurance of US help,and Biden gave it on the weekend. He specified that the US-Japan security treaty would extend to the Senkaku,or Diaoyu,islands in the event of hostilities. Kato calls this a tremendous reassurance for Tokyo.

This is the defensive thinking behind the Biden-Suga summit,but Japan’s ambassador to Australia,Shingo Yamagami,puts a much more constructive cast on it. “It was a very good summit because the US and Japan sent a strong message to the international community that they are more than ready to work hard for a free and open Indopacific,” he tells me.

Beijing responded to the summit with “firm opposition” to the leaders’ declaration and added:“Though it is designed to undermine others,it will only end up hurting themselves.”

But Ambassador Yamagami points out that the pledged “free and open” Indo-Pacific “is an international public good – it will serve the interests of every member of the Indo-Pacific region. China could be a beneficiary through free trade,free navigation,freedom of overflight”.

And even as the region’s powers position for 19th century-style contests of national interest,there are,nevertheless,openings for 21st-century style international co-operation.

While Suga was in Washington meeting Biden,Biden’s climate envoy,John Kerry,was in Beijing. As a result,the US and China promised to work towards more ambitious climate change outcomes at the video-linked climate summit that Biden will host later this week for some 40 national leaders.

The world struggles to leave behind the 19th century even as it struggles to enter the 21st.

Peter Hartcher is international editor.

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Peter Hartcher is political editor and international editor of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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