The trade stand-off that could shake the world

Beijing:It is no trade secret that visiting executives of major Australian companies operating in China leave the office smartphone and laptop behind when boarding the plane for Beijing.

Such is the risk of cyber theft of intellectual property by rivals in China,the precaution is routine.

There is nothing in the findings of the US trade representativeRobert Lighthizer's investigation into Chinese intellectual property theft,and the forced transfer of US technology,that would surprise international business chambers.

US President Donald Trump is upping the ante in a looming trade war with China.

Foreign companies have long complained about being forced to form a joint venture,and hand over IP to the local partner,as the price of entry to China and its booming consumer market of 1.3 billion.

The rampant cyber theft of trade secrets and business information by Chinese hackers was the subject of a deal signed between the Australian and Chinese governments a year ago - both sides promised not to do it.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Donald Trump in Beijing in November.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Donald Trump in Beijing in November.AP

US President Donald Trump's remedy is a blunt cudgel of 25 per cent tariffs to be slapped on 1300 Chinese high-tech products,worth $US50 billion ($65 billion),which has threatened to spark a trade war for which there appears no appetite beyond Washington.

China hit back on Wednesday,outlining a retaliatory package of $US50 billion in tariffs that would hurt the Trump voter base,car plants and soybean farmers across the mid-west.

With no date for imposing the 25 per cent tariffs on 106 products,China said it was ready to return fire - if Trump fired first.

Trump's economic advisors scrambled for a second time to soothe jittery financial markets by suggesting Trump may never impose his tariffs,it could just be a negotiating tactic. But they weren't sure.

Trump sent markets falling again on Friday bythreatening another $US100 billion in tariffs "in light of China's unfair retaliation".

"In Trump's latest outburst,any pretence of using the World Trade Organisation to resolve the trade dispute has been thrown out the window,"said James Laurenceson,deputy director of the Australia-China Relations Institute at the University of Technology,Sydney.

"It's reality TV being applied to real-world economic policy with frightening implications for the Australian economy."

In Beijing two days earlier,ministers told reporters there had been no negotiation,just demands from the US."If anyone wants to fight we will be there with him. If they want to negotiate,the door is open,"commerce vice-minister Wang Shouwen said.

"Ostensibly both China and the United States don't want a trade war but the kind of game that Mr Trump has initiated is high risk,"says Peter Drysdale,economics professor and head of the East Asian Bureau of Economic Research at the Australian National University.

"There is no clear end game,or clarity about what might satisfy Trump's team. Both Trump and President Xi have skin and face in the game,and if this is not going to get out of hand,you'd want to be very clear about what would save skin and face."

Lowy Institute senior fellow Richard McGregor said:"If Trump went about it in a co-ordinated,smart fashion he might get a lot of support from other countries,but it is hard to support Trump now when you don't know what he is going to do next."

China's ambassador to Washington,Cui Tiankai,met with acting US Secretary of State John Sullivan on Thursday and demanded Lighthizer's investigation be stopped. A final decision on the tariffs will be made in about 60 days.

All eyes are next on Chinese President Xi Jinping,who will open the Boao Forum,an international business leaders meeting in China on Monday,with a speech outlining"new opening up measures"China will take.

But will it be enough to satisfy Trump? And has Trump's latest escalation reduced the likelihood the Chinese,accustomed to"win-win"diplomacy,will offer more?

Soybeans are the biggest US agricultural export to China.

Soybeans are the biggest US agricultural export to China.Bloomberg

There appears to be confusion over what Washington wants. Last month Trump demanded Beijing immediately reduce its $US375 billion trade in goods surplus by $US100 billion.

Beijing said this week it wasn't possible to artificially intervene and change the number,because a structural change in the trade relationship was required. Beijing suggested the US ease restrictions on US high-tech companies exporting to China,allowing Chinese companies to buy more of the products they want,and increase the services trade.

But that would run counter to Washington's other concern - the rapid advances Chinese technology companies are making in a realm long dominated by Silicon Valley. This week,a Chinese company,ZTE,claimed to have made the first trial 5G mobile phone call.

Lighthizer's report criticised China's Made in China 2025 industrial plan,which aims to create world-beating high-tech products.

An industrial robot demonstration in Beijing. Industrial robots are among the Chinese products targeted for tariffs.

An industrial robot demonstration in Beijing. Industrial robots are among the Chinese products targeted for tariffs.AP

Drysdale says Washington's argument that its threatened tariffs are retaliation for China's"theft"of intellectual property ignored that Japan,South Korea and the US itself"have been playing industrial catch-up in the same way for decades".

"The rules don't prevent countries from accepting foreign investment on the basis that investors will pass on technology and management know how,"he says.

The place to solve the problem should be a bilateral investment agreement,not a trade war,he says.

Lighthizer is using the same weapon of a 301 investigation - which can trigger tariffs on national security grounds under US law and bypass the WTO - that he used against Japan in the 1980s,but this was"small beer compared to what's in play with China today".

"This threat of trade war is the biggest challenge facing Asia today. That is not about the initial tit for tat between the United States and China. It's about whether the two biggest countries in the world might tear up the rule book on international trade,either through escalating trade restrictions or how they reach a settlement through managed trade,that will damage everybody else including Australia,"Drysdale says.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang had already said China would address the technology transfer issue,pledging to"fully open up the manufacturing sector,with no mandatory technology transfers allowed",before Trump announced punitive tariffs.

Li listed financial services,aged care and education as areas where restrictions on foreign investors would be lifted,and said some foreign equity caps would be lifted.

McGregor says Trump is telling the Chinese - unused to public threats - that"the old games"of a quiet deal are over and he wants something real,not promises.

"It is one of Trump's qualities that he can put people off balance,but the problem is he puts his own country off balance,"he says.

This threat of trade war is the biggest challenge facing Asia today

Professor Peter Drysdale

Xi,who has become the most powerful Chinese leader since Mao Zedong,meanwhile needs to ensure he doesn't put a foot wrong in the trade standoff with the US or it will be stored away for future use by his internal enemies,McGregor says.

China has been deft in targeting mid-west states that are important politically when selecting US products to hit with tariffs,but there was also"a massive downside to China in targeting soybeans",he says.

Soybeans are the biggest US agricultural export to China. But China consumes a third of the world's soybeans and has to import 85 per cent of its needs. The US supply is not easily replaced so tariffs,if they happen,will drive up costs for Chinese consumers.

"People shouldn't assume China can take lots of pain because of the government it has. There are real dangers for China,"McGregor says.

China's ministry of agriculture this week said it would implement soybean subsidies for farmers in four provinces.

Laurenceson believes China will manage the direct impact of the Trump tariffs.

"US tariffs bite hardest in the area of machinery,mechanical appliances and electrical equipment,and cover around $US35 billion of imported Chinese goods in these areas. But China's exports of such goods to all countries are worth $US1 trillion. And then there's domestic Chinese demand ... so US actions will have a minor impact on China's industrial base,"he says.

The indirect effects were the ones to worry about,he says. "How global economic confidence responds to the world's two biggest economies and trading nations ramping up a trade war is hard to predict,"he says."And the fact the US has chosen to largely fight this war outside the WTO is also alarming,not least of all in Canberra where defending and promoting a rules-based international order has taken centre stage in Australia's foreign policy."

Kirsty Needham is a former China Correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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