Incitement and despair combine to leave Israelis and Palestinians living in fear

A spate of attacks has both Israelis and Palestinians fearing for their lives,with social media playing an increasing role in the conflict.

Beirut:Calling on Palestinians to"attack in threes and fours"and"cut them into body parts",Sheikh Muhammad Sallah delivered his Friday sermon brandishing a large knife.

At al-Abrar Mosque in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah,the sheikh sought to harness the wave of stabbing attacks perpetrated by young Palestinians against Israelis over the past two weeks,encouraging yet more bloodshed.

Muhammad Sallah brandishes a knife during a Friday sermon at al-Abrar mosque in the Gaza Strip town of Rafah on October 9.

Muhammad Sallah brandishes a knife during a Friday sermon at al-Abrar mosque in the Gaza Strip town of Rafah on October 9.YouTube

As an incitement to violence goes,it doesn't get more damning. It is messages such as this – along with the spate of knife and vehicle attacks against Israelis that have swept Jerusalem,the West Bank and Tel Aviv – that has Israelis and Palestinians alike fearing for their lives.

In the past month,eight Israelis have been killed in these attacks. A further 31 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli gunfire,14 identified by Israeli security forces as the perpetrators of attacks. On Saturday morning Australian timePalestinians set fire to a Jewish shrine,the tomb of Joseph,and an attacker disguised as a journalist stabbed an Israeli soldier. In the Gaza strip,Israeli soldiers opened fire on Palestinians approaching a border fence,killing one and wounding 27 others.

The mother of Albert Alon Govberg,who was shot dead in an attack on a bus,at his funeral in Jerusalem on Wednesday.

The mother of Albert Alon Govberg,who was shot dead in an attack on a bus,at his funeral in Jerusalem on Wednesday.Getty Images

This conflict marks"the record for using Facebook in particular to guide the violence",says Eytan Gilboa,the director of the Centre for International Communication at Bar-Ilan University in Israel.

"We see the leaders making all kinds of incitement to hatred,violence,racism and this is all being picked up by social media,"Gilboa says.

"But what we see in social media is also the glorification of those who complete the violence,and we see accusations of Israel executing those who come to kill."

The video of 13-year-old Palestinian Ahmed Manasra,lying with one leg twisted behind him and bleeding from a head wound after being hit by a car,has been a particularly controversial piece of footage.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.AP

To Israelis he is a young terrorist who,CCTV footage appears to show,stabbed a 13-year-old Israeli boy who is now in a serious condition in hospital.

To Palestinians he is a boy who was hit by a car and left to bleed in the East Jerusalem settlement of Pisgat Ze'ev as voices in Hebrew are heard shouting on the video:"Die,son of a bitch."

Israeli policemen run looking for a possible stabbing suspect in Jerusalem on Wednesday.

Israeli policemen run looking for a possible stabbing suspect in Jerusalem on Wednesday.AP

In a statement that enraged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of executing the boy.

"First of all,he's not dead – he's alive,"Netanyahu said."Second,he's not innocent – he tried to kill,murder,knife to death an innocent Israeli youngster,13 years old,riding a bicycle."

A Palestinian protester throws back a tear gas canister that was fired by Israeli troops during clashes near Ramallah,West Bank,on October Thursday.

A Palestinian protester throws back a tear gas canister that was fired by Israeli troops during clashes near Ramallah,West Bank,on October Thursday.AP

Israel will settle scores with those who are killing and those who are encouraging them … Anyone who raises their hand against us will have their hand cut off.

Benjamin Netanyahu,Israeli Prime Minister

Gilboa described the spate of stabbings as"an epidemic"fuelled in part by social media."We know that Facebook shows instructional videos about how to use a knife,how to stab people,how to avoid retaliation – it is like a manual – and it adds to all kinds of other means used to motivate them to commit these random acts of terror."

There is no doubt all sides are living in a climate of fear. Gidon,a young Israeli who did not want his family name used,says every trip on the light rail that traverses Jerusalem leaves him"with a terrible sense of foreboding".

Thirteen-year-old Ahmed Manasra,who reportedly commited a stabbing attack in Pisgat Ze'ev in Jerusalem,is seen after treatment at the Hadassah Medical Centre in Jerusalem.

Thirteen-year-old Ahmed Manasra,who reportedly commited a stabbing attack in Pisgat Ze'ev in Jerusalem,is seen after treatment at the Hadassah Medical Centre in Jerusalem.Israeli Government Press Office

"At all times,every day,we are waiting in anticipation of an attack - last year it was Arabs driving their cars into people waiting at the tram stops,now they are trying to kill us with knives,"Gidon says.

"My parents do not want me to go to university,they would rather I stay at home while the situation is so dangerous."

Israeli border policemen take positions during clashes with Palestinians at the Hawara checkpoint,near the occupied West Bank city of Nablus.

Israeli border policemen take positions during clashes with Palestinians at the Hawara checkpoint,near the occupied West Bank city of Nablus.AP

On the other side of the Green Line – drawn in 1949 after armistice talks between Israel and Jordan,which marks the divide between West and East Jerusalem – another university student,Nasser,echoes Gidon's concerns.

"My family think I am going to be killed every time I leave the house,"the young Palestinian says of his East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah.

Palestinian women mourn during the funeral of Moataz Zawahara,who was killed in clashes with Israeli troops,at the family home in the Deheisha refugee camp,near the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem.

Palestinian women mourn during the funeral of Moataz Zawahara,who was killed in clashes with Israeli troops,at the family home in the Deheisha refugee camp,near the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem.AP

"We have reached the point of praying and saying goodbye to our families before we go outside … it feels like this is a modern way for Israel to ethnically cleanse us from Jerusalem – there is no one holding back the settlers or the soldiers from attacking us."

For those taking to the streets to protest in their thousands – Palestinians who eschew violence in favour of peaceful demonstrations against Israel's near 50-year military occupation – neither the"mad rantings"of one sheikh nor statements calling for calm from Palestinian leaders are likely to hold much influence.

A masked Palestinian youth carries an axe at the funeral of 13-year-old Palestinian Ahmad Sharaka in the Jalazoun refugee camp,near the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah.

A masked Palestinian youth carries an axe at the funeral of 13-year-old Palestinian Ahmad Sharaka in the Jalazoun refugee camp,near the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah.AP

"There is no one to lead this movement,we have been left behind by the PLO[Palestine Liberation Organisation] …"Nasser says.

Palestinian politicians such as Abbas"mean nothing to us",he says."They are a joke,their words mean less every day."

The situation is sliding from a political battle into an ethnic conflict,warns Dahlia Scheindlin,a Tel Aviv-basedanalyst who specialises in peace and conflict research.

"All the conditions are in place for regular people to be joining in the hostilities,"she says.

A weak Palestinian state,combined with deep grievances over Israel's continued military occupation make up two of the key ingredients,Scheindlin says.

Add to this the sense of the symbolic injury over the perceived threats to the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and the recipe for a broader conflict is all but complete. All it needs to catch fire,she says,is incitement.

"What triggers the mass participation in hostilities can be a rumour or incitement … any of those things can set off an outbreak of violence."

All the ingredients for further violence are there on the Israeli side as well,she says.

"Right now,on the Israeli side it is still mostly the army that is carrying out the actual violence … as well as the settlers,who have been perpetrating ongoing violence against Palestinians ... with relative impunity.

"There is plenty of desire in the extremist levels of the Israeli society to participate in the violence on some level … but the difference is that the institutions are strong enough to ensure this is not out of control."

To get a sense of the bleak future facing young Palestinians you need only look at the unemployment rate.

According to a World Bank report released in September,one-quarter of the Palestinian labour force is unemployed,and in Gaza,it is as high as 60 per cent. One-quarter of Palestinians live in poverty,the report found.

"The persistence of this situation could potentially lead to political and social unrest. In short,the status quo is not sustainable and downside risks of further conflict and social unrest are high,"the World Bank warns.

Moshe Ma'oz,a professor of Islamic and Middle Eastern studies,at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem,views the issue of incitement as part of a much larger problem:Israel's military occupation of Palestinian territories.

"Yes there is incitement,but it is very hard to establish conclusions as to what impact it has … it is more a matter of despair on the part of the Palestinian youth,they are unemployed and frustrated,they see no end to the occupation."

So much of the recent unrest and violence is tied up with al-Aqsa – Islam's third holiest site – located in a compound that is also home to the Temple Mount,the holiest site in Judaism.

After suffering the desecration of several mosques and holy sites since 1948,Palestinians fear Israeli groups intend to change the status quo around al-Aqsa – where under a longstanding agreement Jews are allowed to visit but not to pray.

Netanyahu has stated on many occasions that his government has no intention of changing the status quo at the site,and recently went so far as to announce a ban on Israeli MPs visiting the al-Aqsa compound.

However senior members of his right-wing Likud Party and his cabinet have called for Jews to be allowed to worship there and his government is accused of funding hardline groups advocating a significant shift in who can pray at the sacred site.

"There is incitement over al-Aqsa,"Ma'oz says."Hamas does it,so does the leader of the[Israeli] Islamic Movement,Raed Salah … who has said for years Israel wants to destroy the mosque – but the point is whether there is some truth in it or not.

"Will Palestinians believe Israel – the occupier – when it says it wants to preserve the status quo when they see Israel at times turning a blind eye to these provocations?"

Ma'oz warned that statements from the government instructing soldiers to shoot to kill were not helpful in managing the surge in violence.

There is strong language from all sides of this conflict – politicians and religious leaders alike – that many have warned could be construed as incitement to violence.

Addressing the stabbing attacks when in the Knesset on Tuesday,the Prime Minister warned:"Israel will settle scores with those who are killing and those who are encouraging them … Anyone who raises their hand against us will have their hand cut off."

Meanwhile,Abbas,who Israeli security forces have said is not inciting his people to violence,has still used deeply offensive language in stating that Jews have no right to access the Temple Mount.

"[The Jews] have no right to desecrate it with their filthy feet,"he said last month.

Daniel Nisman,a security analyst with the Levantine Group,says social media sites such as Facebook and WhatsApp make it much easier for people from both sides of the conflict to be exposed to violent images.

"As soon as there is an attack these images are shared … but often they are an incomplete version of the story,"he says.

"When somebody has been shot dead there is often images of them smiling,before anything happened,without presenting the context of what happened that led to them being shot – which is they stabbed someone."

There is little security forces can do to intervene,Nisman says.

"There is a lot of monitoring for red flags but these red flags are everywhere,many Palestinians are posting angry messages,how do you work out which ones are gong to be the next attacker?

A Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research poll conducted last month illustrates the grim mood in the Palestinian territories.

A majority of 65 per cent say the two-state solution is no longer practical due to settlement expansion,with 81 per cent indicating they are worried they will be hurt by Israel or that their land will be confiscated or homes demolished.

Half believe Israel intends to destroy al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock and replace them with a Jewish temple.

But perhaps the most worrying find is that 42 per cent now believe armed action is the most effective way of establishing a Palestinian state (up from 36 per cent three months ago),whereas just 29 per cent say negotiations are the most effective way (down from 32 per cent).

Ahmad Jamil Azem,a professor in international studies at Birzeit University in the West Bank,says Palestinians are despairing at the lack of international engagement with the decades-long conflict.

"They are also very disappointed with the performance of the Palestinian leadership – for three or four years they said we will get statehood in the UN,we will join the international organisations,but nothing is changing on the ground,even with our flag at the UN."

At the same time,he says,Israeli settlements which are considered illegal under international law increase every day and restrictions on Palestinians'freedom to move continue,while universities and the economy are in trouble.

In many ways the disappointment with the political process and the expansion of the settlements is similar to the mood that preceded the first Palestinian intifada,or uprising,in 1987,he says,but with one key difference.

"This time,the Palestinians have no popular movement or organisation to mobilise the people,capitalise on the feeling on the street or give it political meaning in a way that is strategic and productive.

"Militarising the intifada is one danger because there is not a strong civil and peaceful leadership to move people in a different direction."

The feeling in the West Bank,he says,is that Israeli settlers are waiting to use this opportunity to stage their own uprising.

For Shlomo Sand,an author and emeritus professor of history at Tel Aviv University,the question is not why Palestinians started to revolt in recent weeks,but why it was so calm before that:"How can Israel continue to occupy a population for half a century without any political solution?"

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Ruth Pollard is a columnist.

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