A ‘just war’:West has a moral obligation to help defeat Russia

Military leader and strategist

Last Friday,I had the pleasure of catching up for lunch with a colleague who also happens to be an ethicist. While our lunchtime chat was broad ranging,we kept returning to the notion of good and evil and the idea of “just wars”,particularly in Ukraine.

More than 1300 civilians in Bucha and its surrounds were killed by Russian soldiers.

More than 1300 civilians in Bucha and its surrounds were killed by Russian soldiers.Kate Geraghty

At almost the same time we were discussing the ethics of war,the Organization for Security and Cooperation and Europe released itslatest report that examined Russian atrocities in Ukraine. It makes for grim reading and surpasses the OSCEearlier report delivered in April this year for the quantity of horrific acts attributed to the Russian army and its proxies in Ukraine.

The report notes that “some of the most serious violations encompass targeted killing of civilians,including journalists,human rights defenders,or local mayors;unlawful detentions,abductions and enforced disappearances of the same categories of persons;large-scale deportations of Ukrainian civilians to Russia;various forms of mistreatment,including torture,inflicted on detained civilians and prisoners of war”.

Any of these allegations is serious and would indicate institutional failures in the military force responsible. Taken together,they indicate a systemic approach to the brutalisation of the Ukrainian people and a callous disregard for international law and laws of war.

4500 homes in Barvinkove have been damaged or completely destroyed. The bulk of the town’s 8000 residents have already fled.

As someone who spent 35 years honing my professionalism in the army,these acts are indicative of a professionally corrupt and morally hollow Russian military institution. But one does not need to be a soldier to be repulsed by the actions of the Russian army.

This latest round of revelations about the Russian invasion provides more evidence about the mindset of Putin and his determination to erase the existence of Ukraine. And it should provide further impetus,and indeed a rapid escalation,in the level of Western support to help Ukraine defeat Russia. So what does Ukraine need for the next phase of this war?

First,they need mobile logistics and more artillery. This means lots of trucks and handling equipment to keep up with the supply of munitions. Artillery systems donated henceforth also need to be self-propelled rather than towed. Towed artillery just cannot move quick enough to escape the inevitable counter-battery fire of the modern battlefield.

Second,they need enhanced air and missile defences to protect their people,their soldiers,logistics hubs and high-value military equipment such as HIMARS. These will need to be integrated in a secure digital network. Related to this is electronic warfare support. This helps the Ukrainians protect their own communications and drones,breaks down Russian command and control,and provides targeting against Russian high-value targets.

Soldiers fold a Ukrainian flag on the coffin of a colleague killed by the Russian troops in Kyiv,Ukraine.

Soldiers fold a Ukrainian flag on the coffin of a colleague killed by the Russian troops in Kyiv,Ukraine.AP

The Ukrainians,if they are to conduct offensive operations to take back their territory,will also need armoured personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles. Like the Russians,they have suffered significant losses to their armoured vehicle fleet over the past five months. Donations of 14 at a time from countries such as Australia is a small help. But the reality is that the Ukrainians need hundreds,and potentially thousands,if they are to successfully eject the Russians.

Counter-autonomy systems to destroy Russian and Iranian drones will be vital. Ukraine needs more of these anti-drone systems to degrade the Russian targeting for artillery,as well as deny them use of suicide drones.

Concurrently,NATO must work on a more standardised equipment set (especially artillery and armoured vehicles). The Ukrainians have some of every type of Western artillery system — this will be an increasing trading and logistic burden. If NATO can agree on a single system,rapidly produce them (and their ammunition),that would assist greatly. It might provide a timely boost for defence industry in the West.

Finally,the West needs to stand by its commitments to support Ukraine. Backsliding on military assistance commitments,or on political support as inflation rises,may be expedient for some. But in the end,it will only assist Putin and embolden other authoritarian regimes who already doubt the commitment of democracies to defend democracy.

In the TV seriesBand of Brothers,the ninth episode was calledWhy We Fight. The centrepiece of the episode was American soldiers discovering a small Nazi concentration camp. The message was that despite the sacrifices of the Allies,it had all been worthwhile to destroy a regime capable of such behaviour. The horror of these camps,and desire to avoid the systemic way in which Germany carried out the attempted extermination of Jews and other groups,has shaped European politics since.

The war in Ukraine provides the West with the clearest example since the end of World War II of a war of good versus evil. The appalling,systemic and sickening acts of the Russian army – clearly sanctioned by a Russian government thatawarded medals to the unit accused of the atrocities in Bucha – should be a clarion call for nations in the West.

We have a moral obligation to help Ukraine win this war as quickly as possible. If we aren’t willing to do all we can to support Ukraine to defeat Russia and end these large-scale breaches of international law and human decency,what are we willing to defend?

Mick Ryan is a retired major general who served in the ADF for more than 35 years and was commander of the Australia Defence College. He is the author of War Transformed and an adjunct fellow at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington DC.

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