Boris Johnson’s future is on the line - what happens next?

London:Boris Johnson is facinga vote of no confidence in his leadership in a dramatic escalation of tension between the British prime minister and his own MPs.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his wife Carrie during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pageant in London on Sunday.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his wife Carrie during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pageant in London on Sunday.Getty

Why now?A series of scandals has severely damaged both Johnson’s personal ratings with voters and leadership standing with colleagues in the past six months,including the so-called partygate affair. Several private gatherings in Downing Street held during lockdown attracted 126 police fines over breaches - including for Johnson himself - and a highly critical report by senior civil servant Sue Gray which questioned his leadership.

His government is also in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis,facing backlash over the ethics and legality of a Rwanda refugee resettlement plan and has been plagued by “sleaze” scandals,including sex assault allegations against two MPs and another who resigned after he was caught watching porn on his phone in the House of Commons.

How much support is needed to trigger a vote of no confidence?15 per cent of Conservative MPs,or 54 MPs based on the current parliamentary numbers,are needed to lodge a letter stating they no longer have confidence in the prime minister to bring about a vote. That was reached in the past week,according to backbench 1922 Committee chairman Sir Graham Brady,and announced on Monday,the day after the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations in London ended.

How many votes to sack him?Under party rules,Johnson will have to secure a simple majority of 180 MPs in the secret ballot to continue in office. The prime minister’s allies believe he will easily surpass that total.

When and where do they vote?Between 6pm and 8pm on Monday,London time (3am to 5am AEST) at the House of Commons.

What happens between now and the vote?Johnson will spend the next hours pleading with MPs to back him.

If he holds on what happens?He cannot be challenged for 12 months,although senior Tory MPs have not excluded the possibility that the rules could be changed to allow another vote within that period.

If he loses,what are the next steps?There would be a leadership contest and Johnson would be barred from standing. Leadership candidates need the support of eight fellow Tory MPs - a proposer,a seconder and six others.

If more than two candidates stand,there will be a series of ballots where candidates must attract 5 per cent of the votes to stay in the running. In the second round,they must attract 10 per cent (36 MPs). In each subsequent round,the candidate with the least votes is eliminated.

When two MPs are left,Conservative Party members around the country will vote.

Who are the contenders?As there is not yet a formal leadership contest there are no declared candidates,however,if Johnson loses a vote it is expected several MPs would put forward their case,including Foreign Secretary Liz Truss,Health Secretary Sajid Javid,former foreign secretary and health secretary Jeremy Hunt and former defence secretary Penny Mordaunt.

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Rob Harris is Europe correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Latika Bourke is a journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based in London.

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