From the Archives:Allies invade north of France

75 years ago today,in what would come to be known as D-Day,allied troops launched an invasion on the German forces at Normandy,France. By May,the following year,the war in Europe was over.

First published in the Sydney Morning Herald on June 7,1944.

Last night and early this morning the Allied Expeditionary Force launched a huge sea and airborne invasion of the Normandy coast of northern France.

Mr Churchill told the House of Commons today that the landing of our troops on a broad front had been effective and they had penetrated,in some cases,several miles inland. Lodgements existed on a wide front.

The invasion begins ... US troops come ashore at Normandy.

The invasion begins ... US troops come ashore at Normandy.Image supplied

Airborne troops,he added,had been landed behind the enemy's lines on a scale far larger than ever before seen,with great accuracy and extremely little loss.

Fighting was going on,the Prime Minister said,in the town of Caen (10 miles inland on the Orne River).

The sea passage had been made with far less loss than they had apprehended. The resistance of enemy shore batteries had been greatly weakened by bombing,and the superior bombardment of our ships quickly reduced their power to dimensions which did not affect the problem.

Earlier,Mr Churchill had said that an immense armada of 4,000 ships and several thousand smaller craft had crossed the Channel,and that the invading forces were supported by 11,000 frontline aircraft.

There were hopes,he had added,that an actual tactical surprise had been attained.

German opposition in all quarters was less than expected,it was learnt at Supreme Headquarters,where an optimistic note was evident.

One correspondent says the Allies'first objective appears to be the capture of the major ports of Cherbourg and Le Havre,and when they were secured our forces would probably strike for Paris and then on into Germany.

The German News Agency says:"The Allied High Command apparently aims at using the river estuaries between Le Havre and Cherbourg to enable the landing of further offensive formations with heavy weapons,under the protection of firm bridge-heads.

On the homefront ... A religious service is held for the"Second Front"in The Domain the following day.

On the homefront ... A religious service is held for the "Second Front" in The Domain the following day.Beau Leonard

"Airborne attacks on Normandy are being staged rather deep inland,and are obviously designed to capture airfields in order to enable transport gliders and other large transport planes to bring in troops and heavy weapons."

The German News Agency says Allied parachute and ground troops have landed on Guernsey and Jersey Islands,supported by strong naval forces.

Less than a year later,the Allies formally accepted Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender of its armed forces. May 8,1945 became known as VE Day. The ending of hostilities in the Pacific,and thus,the end of World War II would take place on September 2,1945.

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