Prince Harry forces BBC to ditch ‘sexist’ Megxit title

London:It might have upset Buckingham Palace,caused soul-searching at the BBC and reignited the worst of the royal brothers-at-war rumours.

But a controversial BBC documentaryThe Princes and the Press has delivered one clear victory for a member of the royal family:its name.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle,Duke and Duchess of Sussex. A new BBC documentary is causing headaches for the palace.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle,Duke and Duchess of Sussex. A new BBC documentary is causing headaches for the palace.AP

Prince Harry,the Duke of Sussex,will be able to celebrate a triumph in his mission to end the use of the term “Megxit”,with the broadcaster choosing to instead call its second episode “Sussexit”.

Harry has recently argued the more popular term “Megxit”,used regularly in the media to describe his and wife Meghan’s departure from their senior roles in the royal family and move to the United States,is sexist,having been created by an online troll to put his wife at the centre of the controversy.

“Maybe people know this and maybe they don’t,butthe term Megxit was or is a misogynistic term,and it was created by a troll,amplified by royal correspondents,and it grew and grew and grew into mainstream media,” he said.

The second episode ofThe Princes and the Press is due for broadcast on Monday night,London time,and is expected to air claims about briefing from within the palaces,a lack of support for the Sussexes,and a senior member of a royal household helping a tabloid newspaper in its court case against the duchess.

The palace,which has only been in recent contact with program makers through its lawyers,has dismissed the contents of the two-part documentary as “overblown and unfounded”,disappointed by what it perceives as failure to offer a proper right of reply.

Prince Harry and Meghan in Apple TV’s mental health series,The Me You Can’t See.

Prince Harry and Meghan in Apple TV’s mental health series,The Me You Can’t See.Apple TV

Jenny Afia,Meghan’s lawyer,will appear again in the second episode,which covers 2018 to 2021. Examining the “circumstances around the decision of the Sussexes to step down from their senior royal roles”,it details the various legal cases served by Harry and Meghan,and discusses how the relationship between Diana,the late Princess of Wales,and the press affected her two sons,Harry and William.

It is understood it will includecoverage of the Martin Bashir scandal,in which the disgraced BBC journalist was found to have used falsified documents to convince the princess to give an interview toPanorama. The program was being edited until the last minute last week to take in developments in theMeghan’s case against the Mail on Sunday,in which she apologised for failing to remember she had authorised her then-press secretary to brief her biographers.

It could include an overlooked detail in the evidence,in which theMail on Sunday’s editor Ted Verity said that last year he “had a meeting with a senior member of the royal household” with “direct knowledge” of howa letter from the Duchess to her father was drafted.

“This was not gossip or tittle-tattle:it was what I considered to be high-grade information from a serious individual in a position of authority,” he said in a witness statement.

The BBC has not confirmed which elements considered for the documentary will make the final cut.

No previews of the documentary were made available to the palace,which was asked to respond to a series of allegations in it but believes it did not have enough information to do so. One palace source said the approach amounted to little more than a “fishing expedition” aimed at getting aides to give credence to stories.

The BBC is fully standing by the program,made by Amol Rajan,with sign-off for the final episode to be broadcast going to executive level.

Meghan’s lawyer will insist she is not a bully,following a palace investigation into her treatment of staff,which is yet to deliver its findings.

A statement by Buckingham Palace,Clarence House and Kensington Palace said:“A free,responsible and open press is of vital importance to a healthy democracy. However,too often it is overblown and unfounded claims from unnamed sources that are presented as facts and it is disappointing when anyone,including the BBC,gives them credibility.”

A BBC spokesman said:“The program is about how royal journalism is done and features a range of journalists from broadcast and the newspaper industry.”

The Telegraph,London

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