Putin is not Russia. He is a despot on borrowed time

Perhaps the most insidious myth cultivated by Vladimir Putin’s propagandists is the idea that he and Russia are the same thing. As his sycophantic deputy chief of staff,Vyacheslav Volodin,put it in 2015:“There is Putin,there is Russia. There is no Putin,there is no Russia.”

On Russian state television,this line is promoted by a chorus of pro-Putin pundits. For more than 15 years,they have celebrated Putin’s aggression as the defence of ordinary Russians against foreign enemies. They have also negated the Russian identity of Putin’s domestic opponents by smearing them as traitors.

A Twitter image of Vladimir Putin about to burst a balloon in Ukrainian colours ... but is it Putin’s own balloon that will be burst?

A Twitter image of Vladimir Putin about to burst a balloon in Ukrainian colours ... but is it Putin’s own balloon that will be burst?Twitter

A version of this narrative has also been disseminated by a vocal group of Western commentators. What is extraordinary is that today,as missiles rain down on Ukraine,some are still prepared to identify Putin’s dictatorship with the Russian people.

One of them is Gray Connolly,whose article inThe Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age this week offers a simplistic outsider’s fantasy about “the Russian mind” and a millennium of Russian history. On the basis of these ahistorical,unsubstantiated generalisations,he advances four fallacies.

The first is the assertion that the “Russian mind” accepts Putin’s aggression because Russia’s history since the 9th century is “overwhelmingly a story of war”. In fact,Russia’s history is much more than war. In the modern era,it is a history of enlightenment,scientific achievement and an incredible cultural efflorescence. It is also a history of struggles for reform,for constitutional institutions,for human rights and for coming to terms with the horrors of Stalinism. Today it is the inheritors of these struggles who are being arrested on Russian streets in anti-war protests.

The second fallacy is the claim that “there is no leader of Russians,past or present” who would dispute the duty to unite all Russians in one “motherland”,as Putin is doing today with tanks and cluster bombs. In fact,Putin’s predecessor Boris Yeltsin presided over the peaceful dissolution of the USSR,which meant that 25 million Russians became citizens of other states. Unlike Putin,Yeltsin resisted pressure from nationalists and sought peaceful coexistence with other successor states. In 1997,he signed a Treaty of Friendship with Ukraine.

The third fallacy is the notion that domestic support for Putin’s policies is a result not of manipulation but of the fact that “Putin thinks as any Russian leader must to have the confidence of the Russian people”. In fact,the Putin regime relies upon its massive apparatus of repression,propaganda and disinformation to support its aggressive foreign policy.

It exploits the political talk shows of Kremlin-aligned television,which employ illiberal intellectuals,including civilisational nationalists,ethno-imperialists,neo-Stalinists and Eurasianists,to inflate and inflame the image of the Western enemy. On the internet,the impact of this hate speech is magnified by trolling factories,by the blocking of websites,and by a war of attrition against the independent media and critical voices.

The fourth fallacy is the claim that Russia’s aggression is not “peculiarly that of Putin,when Putin’s policies serve Russian ambitions since the tsarist empire”. In fact,Putin’s attack on Ukraine is intimately bound up with his personal survival strategy as a kleptocratic dictator who is struggling to bridge the chasm between his patriotic posturing and his personal corruption.

For over a year,Putin has been haunted by the“Navalny crisis”. First,he was exposed as a ruler who had used a banned chemical weapon against Aleksei Navalny,his most popular domestic opponent. Then Navalny releasedA Palace for Putin,a devastating documentary investigation of the course of Putin’s kleptocracy,from his days in the 1990s concocting phoney contracts to legalise the theft of state resources in St Petersburg through to the gargantuan corruption schemes that made possible the “dictator kitsch” palace at Gelendzhik. Viewed more than 121 million times,Navalny’s video is the most watched Russian-language video on Youtube.

Since the Navalny Crisis,Putin’s regime has been living on borrowed time. At home,Putin maintained control by draconian legislation widening the concept of foreign agents and bya crackdown on civil society. The moral nadir of this crackdown was the outlawing last year of Memorial,Russia’s most respected human rights organisation,whose defence of Putin’s current victims is energised by its investigations into the history of Stalinist repressions.

But on the international stage,Putin had become a pariah. Joe Biden,unlike his predecessors,began his presidency not by flattering Putin but by calling him “a killer”. Putin responded by setting in motion his first massive concentration of military force around Ukraine. That display of aggression forced Biden to meet the pariah-President,but it did not solve the problem of his toxic image and his shattered legitimacy.

The carnage of Ukraine has nothing to do with a thousand years of Russian history and everything to do with the terminal crisis of Putin’s dictatorship. Just as in 2014,when he annexed Crimea and restored his ratings after the long slump that followed mass protests against fraudulent elections,Putin hoped a short,victorious war would buy him time. Instead,he has unleashed a conflagration that will surely lead to his demise.

Dr Robert Horvath,a specialist on Russian politics,is a senior lecturer at La Trobe University. His most recent book isPutin’s Fascists:Russkii Obraz and the Politics of Managed Nationalism in Russia.

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