After balcony appearance,Queen’s withdrawal reminds us of bigger picture

London: The Queen beamed in powder blue. A grin of delight was painted on her face as she stared down the Mall at the hundreds of thousands of loyal subjects who had come just to see her,on this most unprecedented of royal anniversaries.

As the first British monarch to mark 70 years on the throne,she let the younger generation take the spotlight for the ceremony.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Louis of Cambridge on the balcony of Buckingham Palace during Trooping The Colour in London,England.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Louis of Cambridge on the balcony of Buckingham Palace during Trooping The Colour in London,England.Getty

Her great-grandchildren grimaced and plugged their ears as the might of the Royal Air Force roared overhead across London’s clear blue June skies.

For a moment,it was easy to forget that this 96-year-old was anything but as sprightly as she’s ever been.

Then you noticed the walking stick,which she leaned heavily on for the entire 15 or so minutes she was in full view of the public.

And,a few hours later,we learned it had taken much more of a toll than it had appeared. The Queen had greatly enjoyed her birthday parade,the palace said,but did experience some discomfort.

A constant even as she grows tired:Queen Elizabeth.

A constant even as she grows tired:Queen Elizabeth.Getty

Considering the journey down the aisle required to participate in Friday’s National Service of Thanksgiving atSt Paul’s Cathedral,the Queen with “great reluctance” concluded that she would not attend.

A critical reminder that what had been on display earlier can no longer be taken for granted.

It is at events such as royal jubilees,weddings,coronations and the sovereign’s birthday that the royal family acknowledges the fundamental rule underpinning their relationship with the people:that they have to be seen to be believed.

While four-year-old Prince Louis,sporting the same sailor suit his father,William,wore during the 1985 Trooping the Colour,stole the show with a variety of funny faces,it will be the images of the Queen smiling at him which may well close the chapter on her life in pictures on that famous balcony.

The Queen,like her great-grandchildren will do,has grown up on that balcony.

She first turned out there as a baby,and since then has appeared as a teenager,a young bride,a new queen,a mother,grandmother and great-grandmother.

She was just 14 months old when she was held up for the crowds to see when her parents,then the duke and duchess of York,returned from a six-month tour of Australia and New Zealand.

The new generations have grown up around her as the royal family has changed. The balcony is in its own way a snapshot of history.

Crowds watch the Queen and Royal Family members as monarch celebrates 70 years on the throne.

And since the last balcony photo some years ago,it is as important to recognise those absent this time as much as it is to recognise those who were there.

The Duke of Edinburgh was sadly no longer by the Queen’s side. Neither were Prince Harry and wife Meghan,who were spotted playfully engaging in a family reunion elsewhere by an eagle-eyed press.

Neither was her “favourite”,Prince Andrew,was also due to miss Friday’s service following a positive COVID-19 test. That would have come as a relief to the royal PR advisers before the Queen herself announced she would not attend.

On the balcony,the young Cambridges entertained the crowd as their father,uncle and cousins had done over the decades. Possible future king George,in a dark-blue suit,appeared to understand a little more his place in the world despite being only eight. Princess Charlotte,7,however,smiled and wound up her younger brother before their mother intervened.

Charles,the Prince of Wales,stood on the Queen’s right-hand side,chatting and smiling ahead of the flypast. The longest-serving heir to the throne has stepped up during the past 12 months to the point where the inevitable transition will appear to have been very smooth.

By midday,the crowds unable to get into The Mall or St James’s and Green Park had filled the green around Wellington Arch,with thousands more crowded into Hyde Park. .

Tributes came from prime ministers and presidents,film stars and athletes and the average person on the street.

Former United States president Barack Obama likened the Queen to his own grandmother;French President Emmanuel Macron sent a thoroughbred as a gift.

A scruffy Irish wolfhound named Seamus stole the show at Horse Guard’s Parade,knowing full well the dog-loving monarch would approve.

But despite the challenging times,it was the Queen,a beacon of constancy in an ever-changing world,who remained at the centre.

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Rob Harris is Europe correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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