'We can’t just ban without a replacement':Huawei takes centre stage in Tory leadership race

London:One of the candidates vying to take over from Theresa May has called on the West to urgently challenge China's dominance in the"technology race",warning Huawei can't be banned from Britain's 5G rollout unless there is a viable alternative.

The comments by Matt Hancock,the Secretary of State for Health,echo those made by former Australian prime minister Malcolm Turnbull,who the cabinet minister recently met in London. Huawei was one of several topics the pair discussed.

The 40-year-old is the latest Tory candidate to lay out his approach to the Chinese technology giant,which is becoming a front-and-centre issue in the leadership race that has so far been dominated by Brexit.

Chinese telecoms giant Huawei is a favourite bogeyman for the Trump administration over cybersecurity fears. But Australian intelligence services were lobbying allies over the perceived threat to 5G long before it was on the Americans' agenda.

Another of the contenders,Home Secretary Sajid Javid - who opposes any Chinese involvement in the rollout in a position similar to the Australian government - on the weekend said he would not want any company that has"a high degree of control by a foreign government to have access to our very sensitive telecommunications network".

The issue split outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May's national security council,which made a preliminary decision to follow a different path to Australia and allow Huawei to supply non-core infrastructure. The decision was sensationally leaked and led to the sacking of the defence secretary Gavin Williamson,who denied handing over classified information.

Mr Hancock outlined his foreign policy vision to London-based think tank The Policy Exchange,which ischaired by former Australian foreign minister Alexander Downer.

He said Britain should lead the West's response to China’s strategy to win the fourth industrial revolution. He said last century's arms race had been replaced by a technology race,which China was so far winning.

"China has a clear and determined strategy. The West does not. And we need one fast,"Mr Hancock said.

He suggested the British government should create an environment for a home-grown communications technology sector to develop. Without one,he said the West would be reliant on Huawei amid growing concerns the Chinese company could be ordered to spy on behalf of Beijing - something the company says it would never do even though it is written in Chinese law.

"We know that Huawei technology is not the best,and we would like more assurance over our systems,"Mr Hancock said.

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull with Tory leadership contender Matt Hancock.

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull with Tory leadership contender Matt Hancock.Supplied

"But,we can’t just ban without a replacement. And we shouldn’t shirk from having that replacement - preferably British.

"The question of whether we should have Chinese equipment on our 5G networks is asking the question the wrong way round. The question should be:why don’t we have a home-grown solution?"

The comments echo those made by Mr Turnbull during an address to MPs in Londonearlier this year.

Mr Turnbull was the first leader in the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing network to ban Huawei from a 5G rollout and has lobbied US President Donald Trump about the lack of alternative Western communications equipment companies.

The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age this weekrevealed Australia has been working behind the scenes to urge the British to follow Australia's lead in blocking Huawei.

Mr Hancock is considered an outside chance to win the Tory leadership because he hails from the party's moderate wing and backed Remain in the EU referendum. Arch-Brexiteer and former London mayor Boris Johnson is considered frontrunner in the contest that will culminate in the week of July 22.

Latika Bourke is a journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based in London.

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