'We will meet again':The Queen invokes war during historic coronavirus broadcast

London: The Queen has invoked Britain's wartime spirit to assure the public that a"painful sense of separation from their loved ones"will be temporary and stress that victory over the deadly coronavirus pandemic"will belong to every one of us".

Queen Elizabeth II has spoken to the UK and Commonwealth about the coronavirus pandemic

Shortly after the national address,it emerged that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson,who is infected with the coronavirus,had been admitted to hospital in what Downing Street described as a precautionary measure.

In her rare speech from Windsor Castle,filmed by a lone cameraman dressed in full-body protective equipment,the 93-year-old monarch encouraged the public to"take comfort that while we have more still to endure,better days will return".

"We will be with our friends again,we will be with our families again,we will meet again,"she said,in remarks that echo the lyrics of Dame Vera Lynn's famous World War II rallying anthemWe'll Meet Again.

The Queen delivers the rare address from Windsor Castle.

The Queen delivers the rare address from Windsor Castle.Buckingham Palace

"Together we are tackling this disease,and I want to assure you that if we remain united and resolute we will overcome it.

"I hope in the years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge. And those who come after us will say the Britons of this generation were as strong as any,that the attributes of self-discipline,of quiet good humour and resolve,and of fellow feeling still characterise this country.

"Pride in who we are is not part of our past,it defines our present and our future."

The Queen has recorded just three unscheduled broadcasts during a time of crisis or upheaval in her 68 years on the throne:in the wake of the death of Princess Diana,the death of the Queen Mother,and at the start of the Gulf War in 1991.

In her address to the nation on Sunday night UK time,the Queen recalled a radio address she and her late sister Princess Margaret recorded as young princesses during World War II in 1940.

"We as children spoke from here at Windsor to children who had been evacuated from their homes and sent away from their own safety,"she said.

"Today,once again,many will feel a painful sense of separation from their loved ones but now,as then,we will know deep down that it is the right thing to do."

In a separate message to Australians released by Government House in Canberra,the Queen said:"At a time when people across the Commonwealth are experiencing a profound and rapid change to their lives,the pain of lost loved ones,and an understandable concern about the future,my thoughts are with all Australians.

"Whilst it can be difficult to remain hopeful in such challenging times,especially following the summer's devastating bushfires and recent flooding,I am confident that the stoic and resilient nature of the Australian people will rise to the challenge."

Britain's coronavirus death toll reached 4934 on Sunday - a rise of 621 in the previous 24 hours. The UK now has the fifth-highest number of victims in the world,however there are doubts about the veracity of reported figures from China and Iran.

Johnson,who tested positive to the virus on March 27,had been in isolation in Downing Street with a persistent temperature. His pregnant fiancee Carrie Symonds also displayed symptoms and has spent much of the past week in bed.

The prime minister's office said in a statement he had been admitted for tests"on the advice of his doctor"and as precaution as he continued to display symptoms after 10 days. A British government source told Reuters he remained in hospital on Monday.

The UK government has designated Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to step in as acting prime minister if Johnson is temporarily unable to do the job.

Johnson remains in charge of the government and is in contact with ministerial colleagues and officials.

The Queen heaped praise on frontline workers and urged the public to adhere to strict lockdown rules.

"Although self-isolating may at times be hard,many people of all faiths and of none are discovering that it presents an opportunity to slow down,pause and reflect in prayer or meditation,"she said.

Britain had faced challenges before,she observed,but noted"this one is different".

"This time we join with all nations across the globe in a common endeavour,using the great advances of science and our instinctive compassion to heal.

"We will succeed,and that success will belong to every one of us."

The world's worst-hit country - Italy - on Sunday recorded its lowest daily death toll in more than a fortnight,while the number of people being treated in hospitals has also declined.

Careful measures were put in place to protect the Queen as she filmed a video to address the nation during the coronavirus crisis.

The 525 new fatalities was the lowest figure since March 19 and offers the hard-hit country some hope that its extreme nationwide lockdown is helping control the outbreak.

The number of people in hospital with minor symptoms and number of new admissions to intensive care also fell marginally on Sunday.

"The curve has reached a plateau and begun to descend,"said Silvio Brusaferro,the head of Italy's health body Istituto Superiore di Sanita."It is a result that we have to achieve day after day."

The virus has now killed nearly 16,000 people in Italy since the outbreak took off in February.

The number of daily deaths has also fallen in Spain,where 12,418 have died.

Bevan Shields is the Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

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