Hong Kong arrests protest leaders day after pro-Beijing candidate elected

Beijing: Nine leaders of Hong Kong's pro-democracy Umbrella Movement have turned themselves in to police following the territory's selection of a conservative,pro-Beijing politician as its next leader.

The arrests of the nine,who led months of protests in 2014,sent shock waves through the city,which has generally tolerated a level of dissent that would be unthinkable in mainland China.

From right,former student leaders Eason Chung,Tommy Cheung,activist Raphael Wong,lawmakers,Tanya Chan,Shiu Ka-chun,former legislator Lee Wing-tat,founders of the Occupy Central civil disobedience movement,Benny Tai,Chan Kin-man and Chu Yiu-ming pose for a picture before walking toward a police station in Hong Kong on Monday.

From right,former student leaders Eason Chung,Tommy Cheung,activist Raphael Wong,lawmakers,Tanya Chan,Shiu Ka-chun,former legislator Lee Wing-tat,founders of the Occupy Central civil disobedience movement,Benny Tai,Chan Kin-man and Chu Yiu-ming pose for a picture before walking toward a police station in Hong Kong on Monday.AP

Earlier on Monday,police had called the activists - students,lawmakers,professors and a minister- and notified them that they would be charged with causing a"public nuisance",which carries a maximum seven-year sentence. In the evening,all nine surrendered.

"Early this morning,nobody expected the government would do this,"said Chan Kinman,a sociology professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong who helped organise the 2014 protests and was among those charged."It's sending a very strong message to society that the government is not going to resolve the conflicts in the community."

Hong Kong's chief executive elect Carrie Lam,centre right,poses with local residents in Hong Kong on Monday.

Hong Kong's chief executive elect Carrie Lam,centre right,poses with local residents in Hong Kong on Monday.AP

"I'm not worried about myself,even though I know these are serious charges,"he said."I'm worried about the future of Hong Kong."

Since 1997,Beijing has ruled the former British colony under a"one country,two systems"framework. Beijing is meant to take care of the city's defence and foreign affairs,while the city enjoys civil liberties unavailable on the mainland,such as freedom of assembly and an unrestricted press.

Yet in 2014,many Hong Kong residents believed that the"two systems"part of the arrangement had begun to fray. Many openly worried that Hong Kong would become"just another Chinese city,"with with strict censorship regulations,mandated"patriotic"school curriculums,and Communist Party-controlled courts. Protesters demanded that Beijing allow them to choose their own leader in 2017,a hedge against creeping authoritarianism.

But Beijing made no significant concessions,condemning the protests. On Sunday,Carrie Lam - a pro-Beijing bureaucrat,and the city's second-in-command during the demonstrations - was elected to the chief executive post by an elite,1194-member electoral college stacked with Beijing loyalists.

From left:Hong Kong actress Deanie Yip and singer Anthony Wong join student leaders Joshua Wong,Benny Tai,Alex Chow,and Tommy Cheung in October 2014.

From left:Hong Kong actress Deanie Yip and singer Anthony Wong join student leaders Joshua Wong,Benny Tai,Alex Chow,and Tommy Cheung in October 2014.AP

Former Finance Secretary John Tsang,a clear favourite in pre-election polls,came in second.

At a news conference marking her victory,Lam,59,promised to"unite our society to move forward."Yet even the election was marked by conflict. In the official seating area,some pro-democracy supporters yelled slogans and held up yellow umbrellas - a symbol of the 2014 protests.

The previous night,hundreds of young protesters walked through the eastern part of the city. They held up signs that read,"Scam Election"and"Lies,Coercion,Whitewash."

Shun Tsi Wai,an accounting student,walked with them."Now,the will of Hong Kong will be more controlled,"he said."Carrie Lam cares more about the Chinese communists and interests of China."

Lam said at a news conference on Monday that she had no prior knowledge of the decision to make the arrests.

"This is the action of the current administration,"she said,according to theSouth China Morning Post newspaper."Prosecution actions are undertaken independently by the Department of Justice under the Basic Law."

Activists remain convinced that the charges were politically motivated. Amnesty International called them the"latest blow to (the) right to peaceful protest"in the city.

Joshua Wong,an Umbrella Movement organizer and leader of the political party Demosisto,called them"political prosecution.""We expect the suppression to continue,and the scale to increase,"he said. Wong was not among those arrested.

The timing of the arrests"is troubling because it sends two messages,"said Jason Y. Ng,Hong Kong-based author ofUmbrellas in Bloom,a book about the movement in 2014.

"First,Lam operates and will continue to operate,at the behest of some higher power,even at the expense of the city's best interests. Second,that higher power has no qualms about further polarising Hong Kong society and plunging it into more political crises."

"Our leaders are frankly powerless against who put them in power in the first place,"he said."Until and unless our leaders are democratically elected,this will always be the case."

Activists say they have not been cowed. The Demosisto party has called for a"large civil disobedience protest"when Lam is sworn in July 1,an event timed to coincide with the 20th of Hong Kong's return to China from British control.

On Monday evening,scores of democracy advocates gathered in front of Hong Kong's police headquarters to protest the charges.

"I'm still passionate,"said Wong,the Demosisto head."This is not an easy time for us. We still face suppression. ... But we'll still continue the fight."

LA Times

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