Biden,Johnson ban Russian oil imports in a bid to thwart Putin’s war

The US and the UK will ban the importation of Russian oil amid growing pressure to stop inadvertently financing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s bloody invasion of Ukraine.

As Russia continued its attack for a 14th day,President Joe Biden said the US would boycott Russia’s oil,liquefied natural gas,and coal in a bid to thwart Putin’s “war machine” and further punish him for his unprovoked attack.

President Joe Biden announces a ban on Russian oil imports.

President Joe Biden announces a ban on Russian oil imports.AP

Soon after,Britain also announced it would phase out imports of Russian oil and oil products this year,a move Prime Minister Boris Johnson said was aimed at delivering “another economic blow to the Putin regime following their illegal invasion of Ukraine”.

The latest sanctions are designed to target a top source of income to Putin’s economy. But the move is politically dicey,partly because it could further shake global energy markets and cause petrol prices to soar at a time when many Americans are already struggling with record inflation rates and rising prices on everything from fuel and food,to rent and furniture.

Petrol prices in America hit a record high on Tuesday (Wednesday AEDT),reaching an average of $4.17 a gallon (the equivalent of about $1.52 per litre in Australia) amid the Ukraine crisis.

Speaking at the White House on Tuesday morning (Wednesday AEDT),Biden told Americans that while “freedom would come at a cost”,he would do everything he could to minimise the impact on consumers. He also urged energy companies not to use this decision as an opportunity to profiteer or price gouge.

“Americans have rallied to support the Ukrainian people and made it clear we will not be part of subsidising Putin’s war,” he said.

“Here at home Putin’s war is already hurting American families at the gas pump. Since Putin began his military buildup on Ukrainian borders … the price of gas at the pump in America has gone up 75 US cents ($1.03),and with this action is going to go up further.”

The announcement represents a departure from Biden’s foreign policy strategy:for the US to sanction Putin in complete lockstep with its NATO allies. He said the US could move forward with such a ban given it was less reliant on Russian energy compared to other European nations,but insisted the West remained united in its purpose against Putin.

“We can take this step when others cannot,” Biden said of his decision. “We’re working closely with Europe and our partners to develop a long-term strategy to reduce their dependence on Russian energy as well.”

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.Bloomberg

Britain cuts oil

America receives less than 10 per cent of its energy resources from Russia. By comparison,according to the International Energy Agency,the EU imported about 45 per cent of its gas from Russia in 2021,while the year before,Russian oil imports accounted for about 25 per cent of the bloc’s crude purchases,according to its regional data.

In Britain,business minister Kwasi Kwarteng said he was exploring options to end British imports of Russian gas,which accounts for about 4 per cent of supply in the country.

“In another economic blow to the (Vladimir) Putin regime following their illegal invasion of Ukraine,the UK will move away from dependence on Russian oil throughout this year,building on our severe package of international economic sanctions,” Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in a statement.

Residents of Irpin fleeing heavy fighting via a destroyed bridge as Russian forces enter the city on Monday.

Residents of Irpin fleeing heavy fighting via a destroyed bridge as Russian forces enter the city on Monday.Getty Images/ Chris McGrath

“Working with industry,we are confident that this can be achieved over the course of the year,providing enough time for companies to adjust and ensuring consumers are protected.”

The EU has also announced that it would seek to fully phase out its dependency on Russian energy “well before 2030” and pledged to reduce its purchases of Russian gas by two-thirds before the end of the year.

Kristine Berzina is a senior fellow and the head of the geopolitics team at the German Marshall Fund,which is a Washington-based think tank. She said the President’s announcement was “welcome from a moral standpoint” given 36 per cent of Russia’s budget revenue came from oil and gas.

“If the West broadly would like to stop Russia’s war effort,it cannot be paying for its war effort,” she toldThe Age andThe Sydney Morning Herald.

“As other forms of income are being reduced through sanctions,to have a steady stream of income through energy gives Russia something to rely on to keep making bullets,to keep making armour,and to do all the other things needed to sustain and potentially accelerate this war effort.”

While both sides of politics support the ban,Republicans have also seized on the issue to hit out at Biden for cancelling the Keystone XL,a cross-border oil pipeline project they say would have reduced the nation’s reliance on foreign oil. Biden has also been criticised for delaying decisions on new oil and gas leases and permits,and for pushing a climate change agenda that heavily pivots from fossil fuels.

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Farrah Tomazin is the North America correspondent for The Age and Sydney Morning Herald.

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