Biden gives the world permission to exhale after four chaotic years

Washington:You could feel it as President Joe Biden began delivering his inaugural address:the resting heart rate of American politics returning to something resembling normal.

For the past four years,Donald Trump kept America - and the world - in a state of constant anxiety. At any moment of the day or night,you could expect a tweet threatening war against North Korea,announcing new tariffs on Chinese goods or falsely declaring himself the winner of the presidential election.

Democrat Joe Biden was sworn in as president of the United States,vowing to end the 'uncivil war' in a deeply divided country.

For his most loyal supporters,Trump’s chaotic style was an exhilarating departure from presidential norms;for everyone else,it was simply exhausting.

Inhis first speech after being sworn in as President,Biden gave the world permission to exhale. To feel a sense of relief,of calm and of hope. It was a stirring address but one designed to lower the temperature rather than to inflame passions.

Steering largely clear of policy specifics and ideology,the central theme of Biden’s speech was unity. He pleaded with Americans to remember what they have in common despite their undeniably deep political,racial and religious differences.

"Let's begin to listen to one another again,"Biden urged."Hear one another. See one another. Show respect to one another. Politics doesn't have to be a raging fire,destroying everything in its path. Every disagreement doesn't have to be a cause for total war."

In his inaugural speech,Trump famously spoke of"American carnage",painting a dark,almost dystopian picture of economic devastation,high crime and repeated foreign policy blunders.

Four years later,the America of 2017 looks like a relative nirvana of peace and prosperity.

After the deadly riot at the Capitol just a fortnight ago,the US capital resembles a war zone. Humvees are blocking off the streets and military helicopters are circling in the sky.

The coronavirus pandemic is so out of control that the crowd size at the inauguration ceremony had to be slashed and visitors discouraged from attending.

The surging coronavirus pandemic and the threat of violence kept the audience at the inauguration small and socially distanced.

The surging coronavirus pandemic and the threat of violence kept the audience at the inauguration small and socially distanced.AP

Biden didn’t ignore the huge task ahead,saying:"Few people in our nation's history have been more challenged or found a time more challenging or difficult than the time we're in now.

"We need all our strength to persevere through this dark winter."

He spoke not just of the 400,000 Americans who have died from COVID-19 and the millions who have lost their jobs but also called out the"rise of political extremism,white supremacy,domestic terrorism".

He also demanded a return to a sense of shared reality,an end to a"culture in which facts themselves are manipulated,and even manufactured".

But he projected a sense of optimism that - with effort and sacrifice and time - better days are ahead for America.

"We can overcome the deadly virus,"he said."We can reward work and rebuild the middle class and make health care secure for all. We can deliver racial justice and we can make America once again the leading force for good in the world."

At 78,Biden is entering the White House at a more advanced age than any president in history - a veteran politician who has survived personal tragedy and political setbacks.

He may not be the most brilliant intellectual nor exciting orator to ever enter the White House. And he faces challenges that uplifting words alone cannot solve.

But as Biden stood on the steps of the Capitol,speaking to a divided and demoralised nation,he sounded like a man tailor-made for this moment.

US power and politics

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Matthew Knott is national correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald,focusing on race,culture and identity. He was previously North America correspondent for the Herald and The Age.

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