Black Lives Matter's big ask:what does'defund the police'mean?

Washington:Protesters are pushing to"defund the police"over the death of George Floyd and other black Americans killed by law enforcement. Their chant has become a rallying cry - and a stick for President Donald Trump to use on Democrats as he portrays them as soft on crime.

But what does"defund the police"mean? It's not necessarily about gutting police department budgets.

Protesters march on Saturday,June 6,2020,in New York.

Protesters march on Saturday,June 6,2020,in New York.AP

What is the'defund the police'movement?

Supporters say it isn't about eliminating police departments or stripping agencies of all of their money. They say it is time for the country to address systemic problems in policing in America and spend more on what communities across the US need,such as housing and education.

State and local governments spent $US115 billion ($178 billion) on policing in 2017,according to data compiled by the Urban Institute.

"Why can't we look at how it is that we reorganise our priorities,so people don't have to be in the streets during a national pandemic?"Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza asked during an interview on NBC'sMeet the Press.

Activists acknowledge this is a gradual process.

The group MPD150,which says it is"working towards a police-free Minneapolis",argues that such action would be more about"strategically reallocating resources,funding,and responsibility away from police and toward community- based models of safety,support,and prevention".

"The people who respond to crises in our community should be the people who are best equipped to deal with those crises,"the group wrote on its website.

Hundreds of protesters took to the streets in peace as Washington DC hosted its largest rally since George Floyd’s death.

What are politicians saying?

Senator Cory Booker said he understood the sentiment behind the slogan,but it's not a slogan he would use.

The New Jersey Democrat told NBC'sMeet the Press that he shared the view of many protesters that Americans are"over-policed"and that"we are investing in police,which is not solving problems,but making them worse when we should be,in a more compassionate country,in a more loving country".

California Democrat Karen Bass,chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus,said part of the movement was really about how money is spent.

"Now,I don't believe that you should disband police departments,"she said in an interview with CNN."But I do think that,in cities,in states,we need to look at how we are spending the resources and invest more in our communities. Maybe this is an opportunity to re-envision public safety."

President Donald Trump believes the Defund the Police campaign will create a backlash that works for him.

President Donald Trump believes the Defund the Police campaign will create a backlash that works for him.AP

Trump and his campaign view the emergence of the"Defund the Police"slogan as a spark of opportunity during a trying political moment. Trump's response to the protests has sparked widespread condemnation. But now his supporters say the new mantra may make voters,who may be otherwise sympathetic to the protesters,recoil from a"radical"idea.

Trump seized on the slogan last week as he spoke at an event in Maine.

"They're saying defund the police,"he said."Defund. Think of it. When I saw it,I said,'What are you talking about?''We don't want to have any police,'they say. You don't want police?"

Trump's 2016 campaign was built on a promise of ensuring law and order - often in contrast to protests against his rhetoric that followed him across the country. As he seeks reelection,Trump is preparing to deploy the same argument again - and seems to believe the"defund the police"call has made the campaign applause line all the more real for his supporters.

Is there any push to actually defund police departments?

Yes,or at least to reduce their budgets in some major cities.

In New York City,mayor Bill de Blasio said on Sunday that the city would move funding from the NYPD to youth initiatives and social services,while keeping the city safe,but he didn't give details.

In Los Angeles,mayor Eric Garcetti vowed to cut as much as $US150 million that was part of a planned increase in the police department's budget.

Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti has committed to cutting the LAPD's budget.

Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti has committed to cutting the LAPD's budget.AP

On Saturday,Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey was booed in the street when he refused to commit to defunding the police department entirely.

But on Sunday night,nine Minneapolis councillors - enough to carry the majority - pledged to dismantle the city's police department. They stood on a hill near Powderhorn Lake before local protesters and signed a pledge to begin the process of taking apart the city's police force as it now exists. The pledge commits to create new public safety systems,to adopt the changes in budget and policy decisions in the next few weeks and to consult the community.

How have police officials and unions responded?

Generally,police and union officials have long resisted cuts to police budgets,arguing that it would make cities less safe.

The Los Angeles Police Protective League,the union for the city's rank-and-file officers,said budget cuts would be the"quickest way to make our neighbourhoods more dangerous."

"Cutting the LAPD budget means longer responses to 911 emergency calls,officers calling for back-up won't get it,and rape,murder and assault investigations won't occur or will take forever to initiate,let alone complete,"the union's board said in a statement last week.

"At this time,with violent crime increasing,a global pandemic and nearly a week's worth of violence,arson,and looting,'defunding'the LAPD is the most irresponsible thing anyone can propose."

A police officer stands guard while a police vehicle burns in Los Angeles during a protest over the death of George Floyd.

A police officer stands guard while a police vehicle burns in Los Angeles during a protest over the death of George Floyd.AP


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