California's Secretary of State Alex Padilla to replace Kamala Harris in Senate

Sacramento: California Governor Gavin Newsom appointed Secretary of State Alex Padilla on Tuesday,local time,as the state's next US senator to fill the seat being vacated by Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

The child of Mexican immigrants,Padilla will be California’s first Latino senator,giving a new level of representation to the demographic group that makes up nearly 40 per cent of the state's population.

“Through his tenacity,integrity,smarts and grit,California is gaining a tested fighter in their corner who will be a fierce ally in DC,lifting up our state’s values and making sure we secure the critical resources to emerge stronger from this pandemic,"Newsom said in a statement.

Alex Padilla talks during a news conference at the Capitol in Sacramento,California last year.

Alex Padilla talks during a news conference at the Capitol in Sacramento,California last year.AP

Padilla was widely expected to be Newsom's pick,as the two are longtime political allies. Newsom faced competing pressures to appoint a Latino to the seat and to appoint a black woman,as Harris was the only black woman in the chamber.

“I am honoured and humbled by the trust placed in me by Governor Newsom,and I intend to work each and every day to honour that trust and deliver for all Californians,” Padilla said in a statement.

Padilla,47,has been California’s top elections official since 2015.

In that position,he’s overseen California’s vast elections apparatus,including the rollout of a more robust vote-by-mail system. In the November election,California mailed a ballot to every single registered voter. Prior to that,he oversaw the implementation of the Voter’s Choice Act,a 2016 law that allowed counties to mail all registered voters a ballot.

US Vice President-elect Kamala Harris speaks while delivering an address to the nation in Wilmington,Delaware.

US Vice President-elect Kamala Harris speaks while delivering an address to the nation in Wilmington,Delaware.Bloomberg

He will hold the Senate seat through 2022,when he will have to run for re-election. Harris hasn’t given a date for her resignation,but she will be inaugurated as vice president on January 20.

As a Los Angeles resident,Padilla will bring geographic diversity to California’s representation in Washington.

Dianne Feinstein,California’s other senator,is from San Francisco,and politicians from Northern California have held some of the state’s highest political offices for decades. Harris built her political career in San Francisco before moving to Los Angeles.

Feinstein,whom Padilla once worked for,announced her support for his nomination in early December.

He and Newsom have a long relationship. When Newsom first ran for governor in 2009,Padilla chaired his campaign. Newsom dropped out when former Governor Jerry Brown entered the race and instead ran for lieutenant governor,a job he held for eight years.

When he ran again for governor in 2018 in a competitive primary,Padilla endorsed him over other prominent Democrats,including former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

The campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Latino Victory Fund were among the groups advocating for Newsom to select Padilla.

Still,Newsom’s selection will frustrate others. Black leaders in particular were urging him to choose a black woman,such as Representatives Karen Bass or Barbara Lee. Because Harris was the only black woman in the US Senate,some people felt Newsom should choose someone to maintain that representation.

But in choosing Padilla,Newsom gives himself yet another appointment. He will be able to select California’s next secretary of state.

He’s also weighing his choice for California’s next attorney general,as President-elect Joe Biden has named California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to head the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Padilla has been on the state’s political scene for more than two decades. He was first elected to serve on the Los Angeles City Council in 1999,at age 26.

He represented a Los Angeles-area district in the California state Senate from 2006 to 2014,where he chaired the Committee on Energy,Utilities and Communication. While in Sacramento,he authored a wide range of legislation,including a law to make restaurants list their calorie counts and another to create California’s earthquake early warning system. He has an engineering degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,and he previously served on the school’s governing board.


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