Back from golf,Trump signs stimulus bill,averts federal shutdown

Washington:President Donald Trump signed a $US900 billion ($1,212 trillion) pandemic relief package Sunday,ending days of drama over his refusal to accept the bipartisan deal that will deliver long-sought cash to businesses and individuals and avert a federal government shutdown.

The massive bill includes $US1.4 trillion ($1.8 trillion) to fund government agencies through September and contains other end-of-session priorities such as money for cash-starved transit systems and an increase in food stamp benefits.

Trump announced the signing in a statement Sunday night that spoke of his frustrations with the COVID-19 relief for including only $US600 cheques to most Americans instead of the $US2000 that his fellow Republicans rejected. He also complained about what he considered unnecessary spending by the government at large.

Donald Trump heads off to play golf after the deadline passed to sign the stimulus bill.

Donald Trump heads off to play golf after the deadline passed to sign the stimulus bill.AP

But Trump’s eleventh-hour objections created turmoil because lawmakers had thought he was supportive of the bill,which had been negotiated for months with White House input.

“I will sign the Omnibus and Covid package with a strong message that makes clear to Congress that wasteful items need to be removed,” Trump said in the statement.

While the President insisted he would send Congress “a red-lined version” with items to be removed under the rescission process,those are merely suggestions to Congress. The bill,as signed,would not necessarily be changed.

Congress now has breathing room to continue debating whether the relief cheques should be as large as the president has demanded. The Democratic-led House supports the larger cheques and is set to vote on the issue Monday (Tuesday AEDT) but it's expected to be ignored by the Republican-held Senate where spending faces opposition.

Republicans and Democrats swiftly welcomed Trump's decision to sign the bill into law.

“The compromise bill is not perfect,but it will do an enormous amount of good for struggling Kentuckians and Americans across the country who need help now,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. “I thank the President for signing this relief into law."

Democrats are promising more aid to come once President-elect Joe Biden takes office,but Republicans are signalling a wait-and-see approach.

US President Donald Trump has signed the massive US$2.3 trillion coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law,averting a government shutdown.

In the face of growing economic hardship,spreading disease and a looming shutdown,politicians on Sunday had urged Trump to sign the legislation immediately,then have Congress follow up with additional aid. Aside from unemployment benefits and relief payments to families,money for vaccine distribution,businesses,cash-starved public transit systems and more is on the line. Protections against evictions also hung in the balance.

The government was set to shut down Tuesday if Trump had not signed the bill.

On Sunday night,Republican Senator Pat Toomey appeared onFox News Sunday urging the President Trump to sign the coronavirus relief bill and $US1.4 trillion government funding measurepassed by Congress or risk being"remembered for chaos and misery and erratic behaviour".

"You don't get everything you want,even if you're the President of the United States,"he said."We have two legislative bodies and Democrats control one,Republicans control the other."

The President,who golfed on Sunday and remained out of public view even as the potential government crisis loomed,had demanded that Congress change the bill to increase the size of stimulus cheques for struggling Americans to $US2,000.

It was not immediately clear why Trump changed his mind as his resistance to the massive legislative package promised a chaotic final stretch of his presidency.

White House officials have been tight-lipped about Trump's thinking but a source familiar with the situation said some advisers had urged him to relent because they did not see the point of refusing.

Trump earlier hinted that there had been a development on Sunday,when he wrote on Twitter that there was"Good news on COVID Relief Bill. Information to follow!"

After Congress passed the stimulus bill last week,Trump posted a video on Twitter announcing his objections to it,saying that stimulus benefits were too small and that foreign aid was too excessive.

House Democrats tried to move quickly to approve the measure,but they were blocked by House Republicans on Christmas Eve.

One person who interacted with Trump in Palm Beach,Florida,in recent days said the President had not discussed the economic relief bill or the looming government funding deadline. Instead,Trump has been far more focused on his failed effort to reverse the election result,lashing out at Republicans in Congress and members of his own administration for not joining him in the fight.

AP,Reuters,The Washington Post

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