Giddy with delight,Trump stages a victory lap over shock jobs figures

Washington:Over recent weeks Donald Trump has been watching his re-election hopes crumble before his eyes.

The coronavirus pandemic has cratered the US economy,caused over 100,000 deaths and pushed tens of millions of Americans into unemployment.

President Donald Trump talks up the US employment figures in the Rose Garden of the White House on Friday.

President Donald Trump talks up the US employment figures in the Rose Garden of the White House on Friday.Bloomberg

Then camethe shocking death of George Floyd in Minneapolis,and the subsequent eruption of nationwide protests. Four separate polls this week showed most Americans disapprove of Trump's response to the protests and underlying racial issues in the US – just as they do his handling of the pandemic.

Only 31 per cent of voters now say the US is headed in the right direction,the lowest recorded in Morning Consult's polling since Trump took office in early 2017.

Democratic rival Joe Biden has opened up a net lead of 7.2 percentage points over Trump in theRealClearPoliticsaverage,up from 5.3 at the start of May. This week,for the first time,major betting markets rated Biden the favourite in November.

A Reuters poll shows presumptive Democratic candidate Joe Biden expanding his lead over Republican Donald Trump as the president faces a health crisis,an economic downturn,and rising civil unrest.

It was in this context that Trump discoveredthe latest US unemployment figures on Friday morning (Saturday AEST). The numbers for May defied all expectations:instead of climbing to 20 per cent,the official US unemployment rate fell to 13.3 per cent from 14.7 in April. The US economy added 2.5 million jobs against expectations that it would lose 8 million jobs.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average quickly jumped by 1000 points in response to the news.

For economists,the numbers were a shock. For Trump,they were a political aphrodisiac. He knows that to have a shot of victory in November,the economy will have to be growing strongly – allowing him to position himself as the leader of a remarkable national comeback.

As he watched the cable news analysts digest the figures,Trump's Twitter feed lit up with a stream of celebratory tweets."THESE NUMBERS ARE INCREDIBLE!";"Great going President Trump";"This is an AMAZING JOBS REPORT!"

And he announced he would hold a press conference in just over an hour in the White House Rose Garden.

Protesters outside the White House on Friday.

Protesters outside the White House on Friday.AP

The President who appeared was as giddy with delight as we have ever seen him,looking less like the cat that swallowed the cream than the kid who guzzled a litre of red cordial.

Upon receiving such surprisingly good figures,a more conventional president would have welcomed them while expressing empathy for the tens of millions who still out of work. And they would acknowledge there was a long way to go before the economy is back to full health. After all,an unemployment rate of 13.3 per cent is still the highest America has seen since the Great Depression.

But not Trump,who launched into a gleeful and circuitous hour-long monologue that flitted from the economy to his border wall to his trade stoush with China.

"We're opening with a bang and we've been talking about the V,this is better than a V this is a rocket ship,"Trump said,referring a speedy V-shaped economic recovery.

"Nobody’s ever done for the black community what President Trump has done,"he said later,even as the figures showed African American unemployment rose over the past month.

At one point Trump mused about buying a trailer and driving to New York in it with wife Melania. At another he noted that the coronavirus badly affects people who are"heavy",adding"so thank goodness I’m in perfect shape".

During a riff about racial equality,Trump referred to Floyd,saying:"Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying there’s a great thing happening for our country. It’s a great day for him. It’s a great day for everybody."

Biden,giving a speech on the economy,would soon label these remarks"despicable".

Trump still has a long way to go to turn around his dire poll numbers and get unemployment down below double digits. But after a torrid few months,he was not going to miss the chance for a victory lap – even at the risk of it looking premature.

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Matthew Knott is national correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald,focusing on race,culture and identity. He was previously North America correspondent for the Herald and The Age.

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