Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump takes another twist thanks to Anthony Weiner

Washington:It seems wholly appropriate that this depressing election could be undone by a man drummed out of Congress years ago for his habit of sending dick-pics to women he met online.

If you don't like this sort of language please don't read on. It's hard to write about the current campaign without it.

The only time the race has veered out of the gutter is when it has buried itself in someone's pants or up someone's skirt.

Way back in the relatively innocent days of the primary,Donald Trump was first moved to talk about his penis."Look at those hands,are they small hands?"the then front-runner said mid-debate,raising his paws for all to see.

Disgraced:Anthony Weiner.

Disgraced:Anthony Weiner.AP

Back then Trump's anti-campaign was knocking the political veterans in the competition down like skittles and Marco Rubio had decided to try taking on the bully with a touch of his own medicine,suggesting there was a size correlation between Trump's hands and his penis.

"He referred to my hands,"Trump grumbled at the debate."If they're small,something else must be small. I guarantee you there's no problem. I guarantee."

In August,he accused the journalist Megyn Kelly of having"blood coming out of her wherever"after she dared challenge just the few of the foul things he has said about women over the years.

By then Rubio had collapsed in a heap but Trump sailed on. He was closing in on Hillary Clinton when his campaign was knocked sideways by the publication of the recording of him boasting that he liked tograb women by the pussy."When you're a star they let you do it,"he explained.

Donald Trump.

Donald Trump.AP

That was just locker room talk,all men talk like that,he said. We don't.

Since then a parade of women have come forward to say that this is just how Trump likes to behave. If he wasn't actually groping them he was busy seeking to humiliate them.

Hillary Clinton speaks with Huma Abedin aboard the campaign plane to Iowa on Friday.

Hillary Clinton speaks with Huma Abedin aboard the campaign plane to Iowa on Friday.AP

I've lost count over the last couple of days but I think we are up to 13,if you take into account new claims by the former Finnish Miss Universe,Ninni Laaksonen.New video has surfaced of Trump lewdly mocking Jennifer Hawkins too. But who's counting?

And how did the Trump campaign respond when it began to seriously lag in the polls? It eschewed voter outreach and went the other way,right back down into the gutter. Its strategy is not reach more of its own voters but to depress turnout for Hillary Clinton by reminding the world of Bill Clinton's grubby sexual history.

It could be that the Pussy Grabber will become the president because Anthony Weiner kept on sending photos of his penis to women

It was always an odd,ugly argument. Trump was not responsible for his own behaviour,but Hillary was for her husband's.

It didn't work,and the polls in key states looked dire for Trump. Then the analyst Nate Silver revealed data that showed Trump faced defeat due to overwhelming opposition from women. Rather than consider what that might be saying about his campaign,his furious fans churned out another dumb internet meme,#repealthe19th.

That is,they wanted the 19th Amendment to the constitution revoked. You know,the one that gave women the vote.

Then this life line.

A closed investigation into whetherClinton's use of a personal email server while secretary of state was reopened due to new evidence born of an unrelated investigation.

And what was that?It was an investigation into the relentless,puerile habit of Anthony Weiner sending photos of his crotch to women online. Weiner was busted time and again at this,losing his job,his reputation and finally his wife,Clinton's aide and confidante Huma Abedin.

The FBI got tangled up when he started sexting with a 15-year-old girl.

It appears the FBI seized the couple's computer,and on it found state department documents that must now be analysed.


It could be that the Pussy Grabber will become the president because Anthony Weiner kept on sending photos of his penis to women. For years.

I don't know what it all means yet. Perhaps we have been overtaken by technology and our social norms cannot hold together when our grubby personal habits and thoughts are so easily captured and shared with the world.

Or perhaps men should just recuse themselves from the political system for a while and let the grown-ups handle it.

Nick O'Malley is National Environment and Climate Editor for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. He is also a senior writer and a former US correspondent.

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