Marles warns Australia,US must step up to avoid ‘catastrophic failure’ in Indo-Pacific

Washington:Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles has used his first post-election trip to the US to warn that both countries must lift their game in the Indo-Pacific to avoid a “catastrophic failure of deterrence” in the face of growing threats.

Speaking shortly after he landed in Washington,Marles – who is also defence minister – vowed that Australia would “do its share” to bolster its military capabilities in the region,with the Albanese government determined to “take greater responsibility for its own security” compared to its predecessors.

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles,left,lays a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery during his first visit to the US since taking office.

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles,left,lays a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery during his first visit to the US since taking office.AP

While there was “no more important partner to Australia than the United States,” Marles said,both sides would have to step up in the Indo-Pacific given the challenges they faced,from climate change or coercion in the South China Sea to a military build-up from China “occurring at a rate unseen since World War II”.

“Notwithstanding our strong foundations,we can’t afford to stand still,” he said in a keynote address at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies,one of Washington’s leading think tanks.

“In the years ahead,the US-Australia alliance will not only have to operate in a much more challenging strategic environment in the Indo-Pacific;it will need to contribute to a more effective balance of military power aimed at avoiding a catastrophic failure of deterrence.”

The Defence Minister flew to Washington to meet his US counterpart,Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin,as well as other government officials,policymakers and members of Congress,where he will spend the next few days discussing the AUKUS agreement and the ties between the two countries more broadly.

Marles’ trip represents the first time he has visited the US since taking office and comes as the Albanese government decides in coming months whether to choose a US or British design for a nuclear submarine fleet promised under the AUKUS strategic pact.

He has previously said he doubts Australia would be able to build its first nuclear submarine by the former Morrison government’s deadline of 2038.

Asked by theHeraldandThe Age how the US would help Australia with that capability gap – and whether he would discuss acquiring ready-made submarines,as flagged by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton – Marles replied:“The former government had not really advanced the proposition beyond acquiring the capability in the 2040s. We want to be talking to the United Kingdom and the United States about how we can get that first submarine earlier. Our mind is very open about all the possibilities that we need to be looking at to close that capability gap.”

The trip also comes at a critical juncture for Australia’s relationship with China,with the Labor government seeking to mend ties with Beijing while many in the US remain hawkish about its ongoing rise in the Indo-Pacific.

In April,after China and the Solomon Islands sent shockwaves around the world by signing a security pact,Democrat Congressman Joe Courtney,the co-chair of Congress’ so-called “AUKUS caucus”,toldThe Age and the Herald that Beijing’s encroachment in the region was like“boiling a frog,where you turn up the temperature bit by bit”.

Marles – who met recently with Chinese Defence Minister General Wei Fenghe – did not mention China directly in his speech but,in a Q&A session with CSIS Australia chair Charles Edel,he said China “was seeking to shape the world around us in a way we’ve not seen before”.

In response to these changing dynamics,he added,Australia was acquiring new types of military capabilities such as greater missile and aerial denial capabilities,cyber enhancements and hypersonic weapons.

“In particular we worry about use of force or coercion to advance territorial claims,as is occurring in the South China Sea,and its implications for the any number of places in the Indo-Pacific where borders or sovereignty is disputed,” Marles said.

He also lashed out at Russia,whose “war against Ukraine is not just a brutal attempt to subjugate a sovereign state – it’s a calculated application of violence,intended to roll back the post-Soviet order from one founded on sovereignty and self-determination,to one governed by the rule of might and force.”

This can’t be allowed to succeed,he said. “Only by ensuring such tactics fail can we deter their future employment,in Europe,the Indo-Pacific,or elsewhere.”

And he vowed that Australia would not take its status in the Indo-Pacific for granted,noting that “the Pacific has been clear in saying that geopolitical competition is of lesser concern to them than the threat of rising sea levels,economic insecurity,and transnational crime. Australia respects and understands this position.”

“Pacific Island countries have choices about their partners. And we will work to earn their trust,” he said.

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles,at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,at Arlington National Cemetery,in Arlington

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles,at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,at Arlington National Cemetery,in ArlingtonAP

Marles began his trip on Monday morning (US time) by visiting Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia,where those who served in American military conflicts are buried,including former presidents John F Kennedy and William Taft.

The defence minister laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,before visiting the Japanese Embassy to pay his respects after the assassination of former prime minister Shinzo Abe.

Among the dignitaries in the audience for the CSIS speech was Australia’s ambassador to the US Arthur Sinodinos,former US Ambassador to Australia Arthur B Culvahouse and Defence Force chief Angus Campbell.

Later this week,Marles will address the Australian American Leadership Dialogue,which Dutton will also attend in between holidaying overseas.

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Farrah Tomazin is the North America correspondent for The Age and Sydney Morning Herald.

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