Section 230:The little law that defined how the internet works

Washington: US President Donald Trumpsigned an executive order on Thursday that could pave the way for federal regulators to punish tech companies for how they moderate content.

The draft order centres on Section 230,a law that is now more than 20 years old and that has helped define the way we all communicate on the internet. It has been the subject of off-and-on controversy and has again been brought to the forefront of lawmakers'attention by the Trump administration this year.

President Donald Trump was furious that Twitter fact-checked one of his tweets:Pictured:Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

President Donald Trump was furious that Twitter fact-checked one of his tweets:Pictured:Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.The Age

Critics says Section 230 gives tech companies too much power over what is and is not allowed on their sites. Supporters - including a wide range of internet companies,free-speech advocates and open-internet proponents - say that without the law,online communication would be stifled and social media as we know it would cease to exist.

So what is this law,anyway?

What is Section 230?

Section 230 is a provision of the 1996 Communications Decency Act. It says that companies that operate online forums - everything from the billions of posts made on Facebook to restaurant reviews on Yelp to comment sections on Twitter - cannot be considered the publisher of all those posts that others put on their sites.

And therefore the forum operators can't be held liable for what others choose to share on their sites,even if those posts could break a law. In other words,it means that Facebook can't be held legally responsible for a user putting up a post that defames their grade 6 math teacher.

The key portion of Section 230 is only 26 words long and reads,"No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider."

Why does it matter?

Section 230"gave companies the go-ahead to launch every single technical intermediary that you depend on for internet communication,"said Daphne Keller,the platform regulation director at Stanford Cyber Policy Centre.

With few exceptions,it gives companies the right to police content on their websites as they see fit.

That means companies don't have to sift through millions of posts to make sure they are not violating any laws before allowing them to appear online. It also means people can post pretty much whatever they want and companies can duck responsibility for the effects.

This is also why efforts,led by Australia,to stamp out hate speech on social media platforms have encountered such resistance from the US industry.

But Section 230 was not designed to keep online forums neutral,Keller said. In fact,she said,it was meant to encourage companies to keep an eye on the conversations on their sites.

Section 230"was very specifically crafted to get platforms to moderate content,"she said.

Why should we care now?

Section 230 allows tech companies to leave up pretty much any posts that others make. It also gives those companies broad ownership of what they decide to remove from the sites,as long as the companies follow a few rules. It's this part of the provision that has been thrust into the spotlight recently as Trump and others accuse social media sites of censoring conservative voices.

Trump has claimed the sites favour leftwing voices and are trying to"silence"conservatives,though his own massive and growing Twitter following suggests otherwise. The companies have denied those charges.

Who wants Section 230 to be changed?

Democrats and Republicans have expressed concern over the limits of 230 in recent years.

Some Democrats have pushed back on how tech companies moderate hate speech or other objectionable speech on their platforms,saying the companies don't go far enough in curbing hurtful language. But that language is generally protected by the First Amendment.

"Congress can't actually require companies to take down lawful speech,"said Emma Llansó,director of the Free Expression Project at the Centre for Democracy and Technology.

"That's one of the really big challenges happening in the US and around the world when it comes to online content regulation."

Some Republicans have pushed back on the immunity tech companies have to take down most types of content,asserting that companies are acting with bias toward conservatives.

Senator Ted Cruz questioning Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg at a hearing in 2018,suggested the law requires companies to provide"neutral"forums. But the law does not require companies be neutral. In fact,it was originally conceived to encourage them to step in and moderate.

How did the provision come to be?

Section 230 bloomed out of two lawsuits against early internet companies in the days long before social media. One court found that Prodigy Services could be held liable for speech made on its site because it tried to set standards and moderate content. Another court found that CompuServe,which took a hands-off approach,was merely a distributor and not a publisher and therefore not liable.

That seemed to suggest that companies could protect themselves by taking a hands-off approach,said Jeff Kosseff,a cybersecurity law professor at the US Naval Academy and the author of a book on Section 230,The Twenty-Six Words That Created the Internet.

Wanting to circumvent that and encourage companies to moderate their sites,Section 230 was created.

"The idea behind 230 was that the platforms were much better suited to come up with the rules of the road than the government,"Kosseff said.

The idea was that people would use whichever sites suited them and which rules they agreed with. Of course,that was years before the rise of dominant social media sites with billions of users.

Also,it was many years before the Kremlin would use social media to try to shift opinions around politics in the US and UK,including in the 2016 election which brought Trump to power.

Washington Post

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